Is there a vidya game series that has been destroyed due to corporate greed harder than this one?

Is there a vidya game series that has been destroyed due to corporate greed harder than this one?

Other urls found in this thread:

Dead Space
Mass Effect

dungeon keeper

Anything that EA became involved with.

I just bought a used copy today because I believe the rumors that the game will get pulled.

FFXIV but SE fans are drones and defend them endlessly.

Harder? No, but I'm really hoping eventually people stop giving EA money for Star Wars shit. I would kill for a new, good Star Wars game but it's all multiplayer, cash grab shite



how so?


incompetency, more like

greed might just kill street fighter though


>Capcom kills ANOTHER series because they're cheap fucks that rushed out a shit game and thought people would just buy it
>If anyone asks about Marvel in the future, they'll just say "Well, people didn't support it so we can't make anymore"

People can blame disney for it all they want but I honestly think they're the least guilty of the 2. Capcom could've said no to the game entirely and focused on a different game or fixing sfv. Capcom could've made the presentation way more appealing. They might not have had say over marvels side but they had control of theres and they still picked disappointing characters. They were in charge of costumes and story and both are extremely lackluster at best. They arranged the esports scene and fucked up its only major tournament as well as its chances at more tournaments.

Almost every major decision was on capcoms hands and they blew it. Not like disney helped or is a positive to anything usually but capcom really should've pressed them more for cash and choices or just handed most of the work off to them to avoid backlash.

Dead Space
Dungeon Keeper
Final Fantasy
Deus Ex
Star Wars

At least Infinite is fucking fun, despite all the bullshit Capcom pulled.


As a fan of the game: Go fuck yourself
As someone who isn't a retard: No, no there isn't.
The problem is the game is fun, I actually enjoyed it. Every single other aspect of it was shit though, the netcode, the roster, the balance, the story, the graphics. If they just put any amount of effort into that shit than we wouldn't have had this problem. Oh well, maybe they'll realize their mistake if they ever make another and we can have a proper MvC game.

Good points. I agree with your opinion.

Regarding the money Marvel is not going to put any money up. I imagine companies have to pay both upfront and in royalties to acquire the license to use Marvel's IPs

Battlefield isn't destroyed

You don't pay real money for the xenoblade chronicles 2 gacha moron

>Steam user
Give his post of his heroes shutdown date or he's making shit up

are you blind? that's xenosaga which was fucked up hard by namco despite episode 1 being received well and selling well over a million

they are partially right tho

people intentionally bandwagoned boycotting this game. The fact that even a very high budget and strongly marketed mvc like 3 barely sold 2 million copies and only had an okay-ish reception with the masses just shows that this franchise isn't that popular, but people just like to call themselves huge fans of it bexause it's basically "nerd fantasy, the game" . Then they make an SNK tier budget game and even those people not support it anymore.

MvC is only popular because of memes and hype tournament scene, but not many people actually ever bought these games.

>mvci netcode
are you fucking kidding? you haven't played many fighting games seems like. mvci has by far the best netclode from this generation of fighting games

It was a tag-team shitting by both Marvel for limiting what characters they could use, and Capcom for making it look like ass.

reminder that marvel never financially supported MvC. It was never a commissioned project but something Capcom had to pay for them to buy the rights.

the most likely thing that happened is that they ran out of money during development because of other games (something Capcom actually often does), but they still desperately tried to push the game out early because of the timed contract.

The X-Men not being involved was most definitely a Marvel choice. Perlmutter's an idiot.



The sad thing is that the gameplay was actually good, but it got obershadowed by everything around it.

Knights of the Old Republic

That's a bold statement user now you have to prove it.