If you play gacha games, you are actually just a fucking moron. You have brain problems. You are the lowest common denominator.
If you play gacha games, you are actually just a fucking moron. You have brain problems...
What if I play them and don't spend any money?
Same here man, I have all the SSRs in the game without spending a single buck. f2p btw.
Is the KnK event actually going on for 5 more days or so? I might actually clear out an event shop for once.
i really don’t, what are they?
>I spend my leisure time playing a virtual slot machine to earn .png files of anime girls
>buy's lootboxes/crates for skins that do absolutely nothing
>b-but other thing
this gacha game is actually good, though
its Final Fantasy Tactics but with 100+ classes and multiplayer
>I spend my leisure time plucking some metal strings on a board to make noises
>I spend my leisure time jumping into some water and making motions with my arms and legs to propel me from one side of the water to the other
>I spend my leisure time posting hundreds of variations of a bald white man on a Cantonese craft forum in order to incite others like me to respond with other images of the same bald white man
Those burgers look tasty
Those designs are pretty good; who's the artist?
>stop liking this thing i dont like
And whales are the most fucking retarded out of them all.
>this thread again
Games where the main appeal is to collect characters, but you get characters through random rolls like a capsule machine.
So you want Bigtits, so you roll and you get Fuckface instead, so you keep rolling until you get Bigtits.
But rolling usually is very limited if you don't pay, so the likelihood of getting a rare character for free is low. So you pay more for extra rolls, and this ends with you paying $20+ until you finally get Bigtits.
This is controversial because the most desirable characters are usually very low chance to get, so someone might pay hundreds of dollars and still not get the one they want. It essentially is a trap because once someone has put in a significant amount of money into getting a character, they'll feel like their money is wasted unless they keep putting in money till they get the character they wanted.
These types of games rely on "whales" who spend ridiculous amounts of money to offset the amount of players who play completely for free.
I know LE REDDIT but this is the type of fucker that makes these games so successful:
This. I think they're pretty cancer but I don't support them by spending money. I just start them up here and there to get my free stuff when I'm using my phone.
Android + iOS have entire categories for paid games.
No our fault if you dont know.
Why do gacha fags get to asshurt when you point out the fact that gacha is one of the most scummiest cashgrabbing mechanics out there?
I have literally never seen anyone defend the games outside of "well I know it's a scam but it's free and I only pay a few bucks here and there"
I actually couldnt care less. I have more money than sense anyways. And its a coping mechanism against loss
i play king's raid for the cute boys
>tfw I'm a luckshitter and 5*s / SSRs practically drop on command for me
That said, gacha is shit because it fucking sucks the weak-willed in and sucks them dry for all of their money.
The fucking horror stories of Granblue whales so dedicated to guild wars esports prestige that they fucking buy elixers to spam ougi outside of their strike time is mindboggliing
this game gives so much free shit
yeah i havent spent a dime on it and ive gotten 4 really good heroes and costumes for all of them in about a month or so, they just gave away a shitload of free stuff for the anniversary and i got unique weapons for my DPS heroes
doesnt really feel like a gacha game, it's still not super substantial but it's really nice. plus all the skins are really cute and i like the 3d models
accuse me of shilling if you like i'd love to get paid to shill this game
So does, unironically, the Bleach game
additional cute boy included
really makes you think
Opera Omnia is like that, pulling on a character banner is a 5* guaranteed
oh and they are apparently literally making changes in the next patch to give you even MORE free shit, i dont know of very many gacha games that do that, or that let you grind premium currency and star rankings on characters
i'm sitting on a few thousand free rubies (a hero costs 6k and a skin is about 3k for reference) in the form of those dumb potions, and i have gotten literally tens of thousands in free gems in just a month or so, it's kind of insane how much you get for free. when i start my new job i am 100% buying the 30 day ruby packages
I play fate go constantly. I have never spent a dollar on any gacha game. Through some divine luck the only 5 star servant i got thus far is considered the best. However I can easily say fate go has one of the worst gachas I have ever seen. Craft essence is basically just a way to keep high ranking servants from people. A 10 roll has a guaranteed 3 star servant in it despite the fact that the saint quartz gacha has 3 star servants as a minimum. Its all set up so actually getting a rare servant almost never happens. I play tons of gacha games but I know how fucking terrible they are.
Granblue fantasy actually gives away free units every 2 weeks and most units are viable to the story.
>none of which involve pissing away large amounts of money with terrible return
Don't overlook Craft Essences. I consider it a successful 10x roll if I just get a 5* even if its a CE.
Too bad it's a grindfest with jew-tier gacha rates.
>so someone might pay hundreds of dollars and still not get the one they want.
Or someone could pay nothing and get what they want, like it happens to me, in multiple games, multiple times and i never spend one single cent in them. But i'm glad idiots, like that dude, are around to keep the game alive.
>10% 5* rate is "jew-tier"
you haven't played many gacha games, have you?
gacha more like gotcha money amirite
I'd play for the waifus but Dokkan Battle already has its claws in me.
No, quite the opposite. They have too much spare money and no means to spend it in their current lifestyle, they have no guilt since they're not losing anything.
Skullgirls Mobile has to be my favorite gacha game out there. Especially since there's no limited time gacha stuff so I feel like I got jewed out of not getting a character because I didn't pay when a specific banner is out.
>spending money on a guitar, amp, lessons
>spending money on a very expensive pool or a membership (monthly charge as opposed to gacha where I can choose to pay OR not pay and still access the game)
>spending money on internet, hard drive to store images, monitor to view website, electricity to power computer (more mandatory monthly charges)
You're kidding yourself if you don't think each of these will cost you thousands under the guise of being "free"
This Lunime guy is the biggest gacha faggot around. I know him through one of my friends and he's absolutely fucking scum for plaguing the play store with more shovelware. (betchu he's making bank tho)
I played plenty of gacha games that give generous rolls after a certain amount of pulls. Stop playing meme gacha games like FGO and you'll see new things past the horizon.
Name one game with 5* rates higher than 10%. If you can't then you're full of shit.
I've been playing omni opera and spent way too many of the early, free and limited crystals recklessly. I have a very limited amount but I don't even give a fuck at this point. I'll just know that I'll not 100% the game, which is the real bait.
How do I convince my girlfriend to stop playing fate go? I thought she would get bored but its been months and she still plays daily.
dissidia omni opera has 5* 90% roll on the weekly packs
well since i know you mean yourself, just have some self-discipline and uninstall the game.
>final fantajii
This. I play this shit for free and will never spend a dime. You literally have mental problems if you support this shit.
I don't see how anyone can play FGO for more than 2 weeks. After you beat the story mode, there's nothing much to do.
you got btfo son
I don't mean myself and to uninstall something on someone else's phone is very controlling. You may not believe me but this is a huge problem and I really don't know what to do.
How does it feel missing out on Fujino?
Theyve been dropping story events pretty regular since halloween
shit nigga play in co op and finish the summon dungeons
She's always doing events and she says she needs to do them as they are limited time only but these events seem to never end.
>The LR Android grind
>LR Vegito is available now
There's not much more I can take but I really want those free Dragonstones.
>tfw skinny manlet
>gf has kintoki grailed to 100
Is she trying to tell me something
She wishes for you to be Golden, user
Just let her play the fucking game you faggot.
We will never get that gacha Valkyrie Profile game
you do not have a GF user, if you actually do then this is not the place to get help for your "GF's" crippling addiction problem. get actual help you retard
What? Why is it a problem?
If it's because she's spending money on the game I can understand, but what's wrong with letting her just play and enjoy it if she is?
Is this actually any fun for f2p?
>user is literally assblasted because her GF pays more attention to a phone game than to him
I want to be Gudako's girlfriend!
Only if you play the Japanese version. The English version has severely nerfed gem acquisition rate (the premium currency)
In the Jap version ive been playing for 2 weeks as f2p and have about 30 5* units
I play gacha games, this is pretty true. I just don't care anymore though.
That games problem is the fucking 7 different "Level up" systems and waiting days on end for specific dailies to show up so you can make progress on just one fucker out of the hundreds you get. The equipment shit is one of the most obnoxious grinds ever conceived next to just basic grind in shit like Onmyoji. Either the game is generous with characters, or the grind is stacked behind retarded equipment and skill leveling.
Stop calling it "knk" it's called "garden of sinners "!!!
>you are actually just a fucking moron
I wish, I just have a love for gambling. At least I'm smart enough to never spend a dime on this kind of shit.
Why do you keep shilling this game?
Did you finish her event Sup Forums?
5 days left!
I'm trying to, but people in my family keep dying and its VERY distracting
because its the best mobile game. go play it right now.
I mean my mom likes slot machines, I dont get them either but w.e. Let people like what they like. Not like it effects you.
A jpeg is more than you get from slots and the money lasts longer too
I purchased everything I wanted from the store a day ago. This event was awful aside from the free ascension mats and 1.5k prisms
So why do people hate this game again?
>Fun strategy game that isn't too easy nor too hard just like a mobile game should be like
>Anyone can become a 5*
>No shitty evolution material or material dailies
>Leveling up doesnt take like 2 fucking weeks to max out
It's mainly western gamers that bitch about this and muh lootboxes. People simply can't have fun anymore with their hard earned money.
>auto battle the game
that's it, if you pull a 5* unit you NEED MORE units just to feed the 5* one. Is literal shit, I grew bored of it
Hey, at least the Charity Servant is one of the better overall available. Especially if youre a poorfag that didnt roll Jack
So which gacha game has the best girls?
>Auto Battle
I believe you got that confused with Brave Frontier.
>the event was awful
I wonder what you thought of all the other events if you think this one is awful. But hey, you cleared everything when there's still plenty of time left so it's no wonder. You should've kept those apples for the Da Vinci lottery.
I've played almost all the mainline FE games and FEH just isn't that fun in the gameplay department. I think the generous rates are the only thing that keep it going. Also, it really should tone down the powercreep.
I like Granblue for their sexy and mature ladies
fgo has more sluts
GO but GBF is close thanks to Draph girls.
What do you mean specific dailies? Does global version not have plate and star up quests open up at all times in co-op?
I only used 6 apples and I still have around 60 left. I didn't really use them during the previous events except for farming hearts.
eruns >>> draphs
Fair enough then. I still think it's not worth it to rush an event unless you know you won't have enough time afterward for whatever reason. Personally it burns me out, and when I'm not I actually have fun playing this game despite being a shitty mobage.
It's just a matter of time. You'll see.