How bothered are you that Kingdom Come Doesn't have pole-arms?

Other urls found in this thread:

kingdomcomedeliverance.wiki.fextralife.com/Polearms and Spears


nice samefag, maybe you should have waited more than 20 seconds before posting le epic soyboy response wojak if you wanted to sell it though

It says there are 3 posters though


>>Sup Forumse

truly no mastermind would ever think to use a vpn or post from their phone

OP here, why do people dislike polearms?
It's especially weird that a game that is all about realism doesn't have the weapon type with the record for highest kill count by leaps and bounds in it

You do understand that there is a 1-minute cooldown inbetween posting (assuming no pass)

what game?

because they're actually not that very good

especially in a duel

the hastae is the weaponry of the white Aryan man


eh, i'd rather have a spear and you can think all day that you'll be able to
*teleports behind you*
But you won't
You'll just get a huge fucking spear head through your lungs a solid 4 feet away before you could even hope to reach me

vermintide 2

kingdomcomedeliverance.wiki.fextralife.com/Polearms and Spears

>because they're actually not that very good
Stop watching movies sword fag

They're not good on 1v1 combat, especially if a guy has a shield. More so than that, it's seen as a lesser weapon to a knight, where a sword is seen as honorable to fight with, a mace, axe, or spear is considered a commoner's weapon

Speartards on this site somehow manage to be even worse than katana fanboys

Except it does, you memelord.

Vermintide 2 will have spears AND halberds