>Your daughter makes the nico nico ni for other man infront of you
>She makes them hard
What do you do?
Your daughter makes the nico nico ni for other man infront of you
Nico nico nuuueeee
Cuck that guy by fucking her rough in front of him while she does that pose with her eyes rolled back
You fuck your own daughter? What a hero
me too
And me.
Shut up son, I'm not fucking you until you put that dress on
This meme needs to stop? Its a meme
You will never have the balls to do that irl
Wanna bet?
>getting hard from nico nico ni
What a fucking pleb.
Who wouldn't?
I love my wife!
Josef Fritzl is that you???
If I have a daughter, that means I've successfully copulated with a female. I can already die happy and don't care about anything, anymore.
Why do you get arrested for fucking your 18 yo daughter? Maked no sense to me. Is that ilegal in burgerland or what?
thats level 1
next step is to have a daughter with your daughters daughter(also your daughter).
>successfully copulated with a female
Is that the user dream?
So why did they got arrested?
Sounds like rhey just wanted 2 million Dollar from them. Trash burgerland
Because incest is illegal in most of America besides some northern states
>incest should be legal
t. eastern european
Dumb fatmurrican
If it is free buyable yes it should be legal
if you really love her, it's better taking her virginity yourself before someone else does it
>upset incest is illegal
You should be cremated alive
2 consenting adults should be able to do what they want in the privacy of their home.
Kys dumb fat subhuman scum
Why do they look native american but are white-skinned?
Not it it results in the literal degeneration of the fucking human race.
miscegenation is worse than incest
bruhh wypipo be embreaded af numsayin... dose crackas aint even heard of high breed vigor
You are a result of human race degeneragtion you degenerate
It's their problem if they have a retarded baby - if you don't want your genes contaminated, educate your own progeny on the possible dangers.
That's fine and all but having a child is a bit too much
>majority of commenters actively defend incest and are asshurt those two scums are behind bars
Basically this. Doesn't really matter anymore.
I have visual evidence that I fucked the woman that birthed her into this world, sitting right there in front of me.
>not watching her do this and worse in secret.
it was a good game
Because they're american.
Kys uneducated scum
You believe everything your teacher told you right? Even that you never find a job and under the bridge
Nothing is wrong with incest. People act like if you fuck your sister/cousin/mother/daughter, you'll have a retard baby. You wouldn't. That's after like 3 generations of inbreeding for that to happen.
>incest apologist desperatly tries to project
Fuck off you imbred scum
> impregnating your cute hapa daughteru
I’m not jealous... nope
>uneducated scum
And yet you can't even type a coherent sentence, Cletus
It's a meme. Inbreeding depression is only an issue after many generations. Other wise t's only like a 25-40% increase over the average rate of complications. so 2% chance becomes like 2.5%
Inbreeding is wrong because it distorts family roles.
>A literal slippery slope
>Nothing wrong with it
Ms. Goldsteinburg would never lie to me
Is that what its called now? Fucking satinists hand sumbols.. i would take her home and beat the demons out of her.
>distorts family roles
Not really, all women of the household should be subordinate to the man of the house
Can i masterbate to your wife pls?
>Actually defending incest
The absolute state of Sup Forums and non-Americans
That’s why we’re 98% white, coon
Finally someone with know how
Thanks prof!
Yellow fever white men will go to any lengths to get young Asian pussy, even if it's their own daughter.
Do you think she called her Daddy during sex?
That's why you're fucking retarded too you fucking Neanderthal. Go get run over by a fucking truck.
give her some nico nicotine and shove a cigarette in her bumpipe
Don't talk shit about my fetish!
>She believes her ex-husband brainwashed and manipulated Katie
How do I brainwash a woman to love me?
>I have no arguments: the post
If your child has downs or the like, what do you do? You detect it early and abort the child.
If your incestbaby has downs or the like, what do you do? You detect it early and abort the child.
With early detection and abortion, or even embryo preselection as that drops in price (Thanks China and your goal to breed a race of superhumans) it doesn't really matter at this point.
Let a few people do it, yeah they will have to be really careful with their preselection if they do it for generations or they may even be barred from it and have to raise the child as an animal since they have to keep it a secret from the state, but that's their prerogative.
> ooh ooh ooh aah aah aah aah EEEEEEEE EEEEEEEE
what did the sape mean by this?
No you're 40% German, 30% Greek, 10% French and 10% Portugese or some other innumerable blend of arbitrarily defined 'white' races.
They probably roleplayed as mother and son
> muttjecting this hard
Prove to me you aren't.
Nah man, bro x sis is top tier.
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
and yet we don't outlaw a lot of things that are quite a bit more prolific and harmful
The fuck is wrong with you guys?
>Let me fuck my daughter I swear it won't be a slippery slope
Gas yourself
That's rich coming from you Nigel. Also this thread isn't video games.
>ywn fug your daughter
Why live?
Is idolmaster worth watching for Nico?
This is true.
Although they are both 50% baseline, there is variance between brother/sister. You can theoretically share anywhere from 0 to 100% with your full sibling. However iirc the standard deviation is around the 2.5% range.
Damn, I never thought of it like that. Just another reason women are scum
>subs covering belly button
Fuck you.
>Slippery slope fallacy
Please, construct an actual argument.
pasta or not I kinda want to have a girl just so I can teach her to not be a spineless cumdumpster that eventually lets some sociopath force her into long-term abusive relationship.
Just raise her to be a proper Muslimah. Sure it will take some beatings but who spares the rod... you know
The mind of a cuckold...
good fucking god you guys are sick
A belly button isn't that high up
Just imagine all this, but you get a gay son instead.
I don't plan on having kids.
La creación mezclada...
fools... this isn't even my final form
this little piece of shit is ugly what the fuck
What can we do against it?
Is incest the only answer senpai??
>This thread is still up
Why not make poor people having children illegal? That's far more harmful to a child than this.
You'll trigger the mods.
Only if you're horny enough, Lord knows I am.
Just like all mutts
It's funny, because neanderthals were white.
Congratulate said man for his excellent taste.