Quiplash fun

Let's play Quiplash, fags
www.twitch dot tv/SantiDC4
>Room code is VTJE

someone get in here, I'm bored as shit

Sounds like kino

We need 3 more people and some audience members I guess

mixer or bust, senpai

Could always get going and hope more come or whatever.

Yeah we'll start now

We maturity in here

Did some people quit halfway?

seems that way

New game will start in a bit, hopefully more people will join.

thats the hope and part of why I'm helping keep the thread alive

New room code is YUVC

Thanks user, I have no one else to play with

1 more to go

Start it soon


A lot of these are good, god damn

that one with the Black and White answers earlier was awesome

was gunna join but the stream keeps buffering on my end so will give it a pass

Looks good on my end, sorry user

Damn, Pro in the lead

tried messing with any settings? been smooth the whole ride for me

Every question was 10/10 until that president one

Code is still the same, also in the stream

probably should of let one of those new guys join in rather then rematch

Will do senpai

shots fired

People get 2200 points cuz of ppl not giving answers

what should my name be?

We'll make a new match for people to join after this

is there a new game starting yet?

last round ending soon, be ready!

New code is ZMPP

damn took too long thinking of a silly name, guess I'm audience this time

Maybe next round user

fug i am audience

too many deadly things

They know whats up ;)


solid answers

We're getting a lot of good ones so far

for this last lash I probably would of just put "He's dead Jim"

New room fags, TKUU

lets get it hot in here

Annnndd Hitler's in the game

Sonnygers and nintenbabbies BTFO

This needs to happen more often here

always the anals with this one

Where do you think you are?

dat jinx tho

>video games

I tried to turn it down from 720p to 260p but 720p was the only option

Thanks for hosting op

Hitler is winning this round as expected

should have a like a weekly night thing with some sort of catchy Sup Forums theme'd name

Sorry user, I didn't think that's the only option the ps4 would give on stream.
No problem senpai

bump because this is lowkey fucking amazing


Will do man, shit is fun

"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth sir!"


The dankest meats bobby



Fuck took too long trying to find whatever MJ did was called

Those shoes are horrible


OP here, new room code is MGDF

really the right one is a hobby apart of the main job

society today...

I'd join if my 2Mbps connection could handle the stream

can someone tell me what killing bites is all about again?

Sorry senpai, idk how to help there

Kemono friends without the friends.
Oh and tits.

Thanks to Rayman and pro for sticking by. Code now is EOIT.

oh I've been here since the beginning, I just keep changing my name for the fucks of it

>my wifes son can hit better than that

Nice. I'll try to do this shit regularly, outside of Twitch preferably.

yeah man, mixer the way to go with that sub-second latency. Its awesome

good shit

I'm not much of a PC bro and I have a decent toaster, but I'll try it user.

Every time I see the videojuegos guy I think of pic related


Last game now, code for the new room will be in the stream

good games yall

Yeah, it was a fun night. I'll be making another stream tonight, maybe using mixer if my shit PC isn't being annoying.

Good times, thanks anons.

And thanks OP for hosting.

Got my third win denied by 100 points , feelsbadman

literally tuned in just as the game ends. amazing

Goodnight anons, and gg.
maybe next time bud