>Japs still stream Divinity on the ps4
>But don't care about superior rpg at all
What went so wrong, my obsidian bros?
Japs still stream Divinity on the ps4
I'm surprised they like even that. Japs are notorious for having shit taste in games
Well they are playing divinity, so shit taste confirmed.
But Divinity OS is the best crpg in the last decade
>buy PoE at launch
>play it for a bit
>npcs have insanely cringey fanfic tier writing
>constantly reading and hardly ever get to do any combat
>get to the player base and then take a break
>come back and they nerfed my class into uselessness.
>What went so wrong, my obsidian bros?
Absolutely nothing. It is a very well known fact that nipnogs have universally shit taste in everything and vidya is no exception.
What actually happened:
>buy PoE
>try playing on normal
>get btfo by the very first group of ghosts in temple of Eothas in the very first town
>come on Sup Forums and bitch about how bad the writing is
As opposed to based western players, I know right. Dumb shameless shitposter.
I want to love PoE. I've played Icewind, Arcanum, and I know I'd just love it. I just find it hard to set aside time for it. I can't half-ass games like this. I want to see every detail, read every line of dialogue, and fully immerse myself into the story. I just can't for whatever reason, no matter how many times I try.
this game was trash
Maybe the second one. The first one isn't great.
Nice thumbnail
crpgs are more popular in japan than in the west
Was either of those games even released in Japanese, because Pillars of Eternity sure as hell wasn't.
>But Divinity OS is the best crpg in the last decade
Hard to be a "best """C"""RPG" when you're a shallow hack&slash game.
It seems to me like they tried too much. Baldurs Gate was more spontaneous. They just made a fun game and, while the writing was okay most of the time, PoE has better writing on a technical level. Yet PoE feels way more boring and the combat feels more like a chore.
Are you on drugs.
>tfw dos2 has one of the worst opening chapters ever conceived in a game
fucking kills all replayability for me.
>PoE is the game with insanely cringey fanfic tier writing
I was thinking of making a new character to import to PoE2. I've completed the game already, and just want to breeze through the game with the new one. Does easy spawn less enemies and therefore give me less xp?
>the combat feels more like a chore.
That's because the combat is actually challenging and brainlets like you hate challenge. They want to have a "fun" combat system, that can be abused to hell and back, and win encounters by facerolling over the keyboard. PoE doesn't allow that, it requires actual tactical thought and any attempts at facerolling over the keyboard will lead to a party wipe. This is the reason why most vtards hate the combat: they're just shitters who want a game that plays itself and makes it impossible to lose like BG2.
Just use Story Mode. You will steamroll everything without worry.
Yeah, I'm on "I've actually played the game and know what I'm talking about" drugs. Kiddinbity has zero roleplaying depth and zero challenge, it's a shitty h&s game that has nothing to do with RPGs. A random encounter with some literally who bumfuck druids or the classic ghosts in PoE has more challenge and tactical depth than the entirety of Kiddinity franchise.
No, it's because the combat is fucking boring and annoying. Get angry with me and assume I had problems getting through it that makes you mom give more big boy points. It won't change the truth.
There is literally nothing hack-and-slash about Divinity. Do you know what that term means?
>it's because the combat is fucking boring and annoying
Your opinion would have mattered had it stemmed from actual non-shitter experience with the combat system supported by objective argumentation on why "the combat is annoying." Yet it actually stems from you being a shitter and getting BTFO on story mode, so your dogshit opinion is irrelevant.
One more year, obsidiot. One more year fkr the ruin of your company.
>Do you know what that term means?
I know perfectly what the term means, do you? H&s is a term that was defined before you were even born, child.
2/10 troll
>cautious attack deflection bonus doesn't stack with spell and potion buffs
the fuck is this gay shit
sawyer you motherfucker
Is there much difference?
My brain will start registering your posts as something more than just verbal diarrhea when you prove you've even played Kiddinity at all, let alone PoE.
>how bad the writing is
Gods aren't real, amirite?
but they are real
the plot of the second game even revolves around a god going rogue
>One more year fkr the ruin of your company.
I sure hope so, we'll never get any good games like alpha protocol, motb, kotor2 or new vegas anymore.
>alpha protocol
>Gods aren't real, amirite?
They aren't, and it was an interesting take on fantasy cosmology that completely destroyed the retards shouting "HURR PoE is just not-D&D DURR".
>You can bullshit or sneak your way out of just about every encounter in the game
>Lmao it's a hack and slash game guys Sawyer told me so
You're a fucking idiot.
>You can bullshit or sneak your way out of just about every encounter in the game
>Lmao it's a hack and slash game
No, it's not just a h&s game, it's a shitty h&s game with no challenge that is an insult to the h&s genre itself. The reason why kiddinity has nothing to do with RPGs is not really related to encounter design, it's related to the fact that character building choices in kiddinity have no consequences past the tutorial isle, where they barely exist in the first place. The story characters also provide barely any roleplaying depth: all they add is a single shitty quest that has literay ZERO mechanical consequences on the game, especially in Ifan's or Beast's case. Only Lohse's quest actually proides some roleplaying depth, but it's just one quest out of all the story character quests.
>stems from you being a shitter and getting BTFO on story mode
You are a retard. Profoundly stupid, in fact. The combat is annoying because:
1) it's not difficult. Oh, you managed to beat it? Have a gold star, special kid. You are one of the very few! hahahahahah yes, yes, I'm serious, almost nobody managed to beat the game, they all cheated!
2) it's slow and boring while no providing a worthy challenge
You know a good system? Temple of Elemental Evil. It has all the autism you like and it is actually fun.
Now kindly fuck off to the shortbus, dickwad.
>it's not difficult
Again, I'll star registering your dogshit opinion as something more than just verbal diarrhea when you provide proof you've actually played PoE. Until then, you're beneath my notice when it comes to actual argumentation, all you deserve is getting shat on.
>hahahahahah yes, yes, I'm serious, almost nobody managed to beat the game
Not him but I mean, the sarcastic tone is not really necessary. It is a fairly rare thing.
So you are basically admitting that you are just a raving buttdevasted poe fanboy.
You must be 14. There is no way someone over 18 is this stupid. That would explain why you find the combat difficult.
Oh, it's the nu-obisdianfag again.
I've noticed that it's always Obsidian fans who start up shit. If they're not fucking with Larian, they're fucking with someone else.
Huh, did I just hear someone speak? Nah, that sounded more like ass cheeks slapping together while pushing a high pressure stream of diarrhea.
It's just karmic backlash for larianfags shitting up PoE threads at release honestly, both sides are equally at fault but OSfags started it.
>lalala i cant hear you
Yeah, but why go after other devs who make RPGs?
>ur just bad at the game GIT GUD lol
Are you retarded? It's not a hard game. That user was clearly too much of a brainlet to read, though I agree the writing isn't good.
>Only Lohse's quest actually provides some role playing depth
>What is the entirety of RP's quest from the caravan ambush onwards
He's the only origin I've played so I can't speak for the others but still, you don't sound like you know what you're talking about.
>low level D&D with an actual cheating AI
no, Temple of elemental evil was not fun
>larianfags shitting up PoE threads at release honestly
Never happened.
Most people just had high expectations of Obsidian, because PoE is their own game without any publisher meddling and the people realized it's not that publishers are at fault but Obsidian is.
>the game with insanely cringey fanfic tier writing
Why do you feel there can only be one? Majority of video games have "insanely cringey fanfic tier writing".
Oh, so you're just trolling.
>paladin +25 deflection buff doesn't stack with displaced image pots
Because you only hear the vocal minority autistic enough to bitch about it. POE is a fairly popular game and most people that enjoyed it do not partake in that kind of behavior, but here you are assuming because of one autist that all POE fans are the same. If they were, you would never be able to discuss anything else on this board, just saying.
It's exactly like the few assholes that spammed POE threads back then about how they found it boring because of parroted reasons from that one rpgcodex review, without having ever played it, and that still do it to these days when two expansions later most of those issues have been ironed out. It's exactly the same as trying to discuss any game on Sup Forums : it only takes one asshole to ruin a thread, but it takes an entire group of idiots to generalize that behavior to an entire group of people.
triggered weebcuck
I can hear the shitting sounds coming from your ass-mouth perfectly. I wish I couldn't though.
>It's not a hard game.
Why do you think I care about an opinion of someone who has never played the game?
>What is the entirety of RP's quest from the caravan ambush onwards
Meaningless nonsense with zero roleplaying depth. Kiddinity 2 is a game where cahracter building choices are completely void of consequences, as the game offers unlimited free respecs past the tutorial island. Rolled a character in a certain way and reached a quest that requires a different type of character build to complete? No worries, just go back to the ship and respec in under 30 seconds to complete that quest in any way you want regardless of your previous character building choices.
>you would never be able to discuss anything else on this board, just saying.
You mean we are able to discuss video games on this board?
at least that makes some sort of sense because it's a spell-like ability, but a modal ? Jesus.
If difficulty alone equates fun to you play dwarf fortress. If you want to play a boring ass game with a subpar story and feel better because normalfags can't beat it, although anyone who spends more than 4 weekly hours on video games can, suit yourself. You are such an strategist, user! Big boy, mom is proud!
ToEE was anti-fun. Shitty encounter design and broken mechanics galore.
This is what pissed me off so much about that ending - it makes no fucking sense. The gods obviously ARE real because they have a tangible effect on the world. Even if it's some Neil Gaiman shit where 'they are only real because we believe in them' then they are STILL FUCKING REAL.
It makes no fucking sense. The rest of the game was good but the ending was gay as shit twist asspull.
>on the PS4
here's your answer
Fucking idiot. So this is the kind of people that likes PoE. Braindead enough, it checks out.
Well, no, but I mean that it's not the sole fact of POE fanboys, it's just that the shitposters have won because people keep replying to them. Everyone is at fault.
>kill Raedric agaib
>26000 XP
Too bad the armor reward is pure shit
>gives whatever once your endurance drops to almost dead
How the FUCK has balance man yet to realize items like these are shit?
Also, bounties are pure comfy
>all dat xp
welp, this niggah is bad. Carry many scars is solid.
How does that relate to anything I said ?
The reason why low level d&d isn't fun is because of the high mortality rate induced by the low hp pool and relatively high crit chance of ennemies early on. It only takes a natural 20 from someone with a d10 damage to kill 80% of classes in one hit, and you can't build around that. There's no fun there. It's precisely why most new rpgs give a larger fraction of your overall survivability during the early levels, to avoid this situation.
Besides, ToEE has an offensively shitty story.
Fuck, I'm gonna miss having Durance in my party in Deadfire.
>It makes no fucking sense.
It actually makes perfect sense. When the Engwithans discovered that there are no actual, "natural" gods, they chimped out in their own civilized way and destroyed most of their civilization with their own hands. Why do you think other civilizations would not find out the truth eventually? Why do you think they would not chimp out and do something on a world-shattering level? The entire point of Thaos' operation was not supporting Woedica per se, he just used her as a tool and thought of her as an ideal which he respects - something unbending and uncompromising. Thaos did what he did, because he believed that the public is too retarded and savage to know the truth, that they would so something far, far worse than the "atrocities" he did.
>Meaningless nonsense with zero roleplaying depth.
>Reject Sadha for being a fucking idiot vs. Staying with her
>Be a vengeful asshole and killing Shadow Prince for trying to assassinate you vs. Sparing him
>Working with Shadow Prince vs. Telling him to fuck off
>Reintroducing red dragon's into the world vs. Letting them stay dead
Etc etc. I feel like you never actually played an origin character. Also,
>Le unlimited respec meme
Fucking nobody does that because you don't get to transfer any skills over. Unless you cheese the game with thievery changing your class every other level is simply impossible.
Nice argument shitstain. Kiddinity is a dogshit title with zero consequences to anything, none of your character building choices matter in the end, because any momentary choices made can be respecced without consequences at the drop of a hat in under 30 seconds. This is why kiddinity is truly deserving of its h&s trash mantle.
>tfw too casual for PoE
There's just too much reading for me. Even fights have so many stats to think about for every attack. Leveling up there's so many skills to choose from, I don't want to spend 30 minutes reading half of the skills and figure out which are good and which a bad.
Not saying the game is bad, but man is it not for me.
>I don't know what a h&s is
reminder that PoE doesn't qualify as a CRPG either.
But the gods in the game are 'godlike' in every sense of the word. Just because there was no 'creator' god (or gods) doesn't mean that the modern gods don't exist or that they are a lie. It was dumb and I was pretty mad at it when I first played through.
DR is mostly useless outside of the very beginning of the game when you have low endurance.
If your fucking tank is dropping to less than 25% endurance on POTD it's because you were dumb enough to let it happen, deflection is king and past a few early levels you are mostly never going to be hit again, yes, even on POTD barring shit like dragon breath
Not entirely true, Thaos wanted to destroy the status quo because he lost faith in the other gods and had a boner for Woedica. If he just saw Woedica as a tool going to these lengths to make her all-powerfull would make no sense.
T. Menu based talk to autistic girls waifu simulatorfag
They want better game, this is pretty obvious.
if you're going to stack deflection with a large shield, might as well put some heavy armor on top of that because your damage is going down the shitter anyway
>Why do you think I care about an opinion of someone who has never played the game?
Eh? Are you saying that me stating that the game is not hard is an indication me not having played it?
>There's just too much reading for me.
If they had a competent writer, he/she would've reduced the dialoge by 80% and still make sense.
Yes, but might as well put a good heavy armor instead of "double DR when literally almost dead"
Wait, a western rpg is popular in Japan? How come?
Reject Sadha for being a fucking idiot vs. Staying with her
>Be a vengeful asshole and killing Shadow Prince for trying to assassinate you vs. Sparing him
>Working with Shadow Prince vs. Telling him to fuck off
>Reintroducing red dragon's into the world vs. Letting them stay dead
The fact that you think any of the things you've mentioned have to do with roleplaying only shows how shallow your understand of the genre.
Roleplaying means solving problems in ways, that befit the character you've defined through character generation and advancement systems, best. When a game presents you with general dialogue decisions that in no way depend on your character generation and advancement choices, i.e. on the choices you've made while defining your role, it's not roleplaying, it's just that - general choices and consequences that have nothing to do with roleplaying. If general C&C could be considered roleplaying, then visual novels would be the best RPGs ever made, as they usually present the player with a superior number of actually meaningful C&C, compared to most actual computer RPGs, but that's not the case. Visual novels are not RPGs, because there is no roleplaying system involved that would allow the player to define his role himself, the player character is pre-defined and all the choices you make simply contribute to the general C&C.
You try to appear smart by presenting examples, which elevates above most of the mongoloids ITT, which is the reason why I'm even talking to you like a sentient being, but in the end you know nothing of the genre.
>If I don't like it I'll just call it a "meme" lmao
Truly, the face of larianiggers.
It has a niche in a high constitution build, but it's clear that the designers vastly overestimated the importance of DR and realized it way too late in development. Probably why they were so quick to say that they wanted to overhaul it in Deadfire.
Have you, by any chance, been reading the story of every NPC with the "peer into his soul" option? If so that explains it because those fuckers are literal fanfiction NPCs.
Wouldn't be the first time.
>DR is mostly useless outside of the very beginning of the game when you have low endurance.
Wrong. There are classes that can solo the game on PotD that rely on DR as their primary defensive mechanism, because they simply cannot physically get their deflection high enough to be truly "untouchable". Barbarian is a very good example of this and already destroy your argument.
Imagine being this new
Nigger Japan has had a boner for D&D facsimiles all they way back since the days of Wizardry. They love that shit, the old JRPGs are basically them trying to rip off Wizardry without completely cloning it.
>Roleplaying means solving problems in ways, that befit the character you've defined
>through character generation and advancement systems
This. They are only good for killing and looting. One of the few things I really think Obsidian should have left out of the game.
The point is that they're not actual gods. They're man-made creations created for the sole purpose of keeping the world from chimping out due to conflicts of local faith. What do you think people will think if you tell them
>ayy your gods aren't really gods, they're actually man made, everyone can become gods!
you'll be back to local cult conflicts and shit.
No, I'm saying that your statement is wieghtless unless you make alongside proof that you've finished the game on potD. And if/when you do, I want you to name a harder party based RPG, because difficulty and level of challenge is not something that can be evaluated in absolute measures, only in relative ones, so it makes sense to compare PoE to other games in the genre when it comes to the level of challenge. Truth is, not even BG2+Tactics+Ascension is harder than PoE on PotD, which makes PoE pretty much the hardest party based RPG of all time, though some early stages in Darklands come really close.
playing PoE on ps4 right now, really fun game. Considering thry've already announced PoE 2 is coming to consoles later in 2018, I think it sold at least ok-ish outside of PCs.