Let's have a Borderlands 1 thread

Let's have a Borderlands 1 thread

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Why do that when we could talk about the far superior game? Pic related.

lmao do you guys remember just how hard this game got shilled here? fuck that takes me back

Haha yes, I am also an oldfag!

I just did the general knoxx dlc. I thought I heard that you can re-loot the armory if you don't turn in the quest that lets you get in there but I couldn't re-loot it after beating it

did you fall through the floor glitch to do it properly

Aw shit, no, I didn't know you had to do a glitch. I just went right back to the armory again and when I found I was still blocked off from going inside again I just turned the quest in. Oh well, I got a legendary level 40 sniper rifle at least from the chests I was able to open, which is great for me since I'm Mordecai and I like sniping


>all of the classes' action skills are passive buffs and their skill trees rely on stacks too much
>most of the characters have been pre established so you already know what's going to happen to them and don't give a shit
>huge, empty, boring moonscapes that you have to run across
>moon gravity exaggerates Borderlands' already floaty physics
>same weapon generation and most legendaries were ported from 2, Scav is literally just Bandit repainted grey
>the raid boss is just the final boss with inflated numbers
>no replay value since there's no end game and the story is a slog to play through
>bland and forgettable music, TPS doesn't have it's own thing like Welcome to Fyrestone or Three Horns Ambient
Ther's being a contrarian and then there's just being wrong.

fuck off with this cancerous shit

>that fucking intro
Can someone write it out? I don't want to listen to 20 minutes of this loud faggot.


I liked all of the games. Sue me, Great times that I had with my friends with the only issue on Pre-sequel is that the low gravity got annoying when traveling places.

That and the DLC kept crashing on last boss so me and my friends never beat it.

>tfw still excited for Borderlands 3


based pre sequel poster

presequel is worth playing just to laugh at the guy who chose the voice actors

I mean they are funny, intentionally and unintentionally, but I get the impression that they didn't realize how....regional those voice actors sounded

They're supposed to be that way in the lore. It's a running gag.

>stacks everywhere
>everything is slow as fuck
>story is meh
>no background or interesting places
>actually nothing new except frost that SLOWS everything even more

> Step 1
Complete main questline of DLC, loot armoury and let it blow up
> Step 2
Markus now has a side mission, which will let you re-loot armoury again (same time limit). Complete this quest.
> Step 3
Markus has another quest culminating in a third and final timed run through the armoury. Complete this quest up until the point where you enter armoury and start detonation countdown. Instead of pressing button you crouch and turn on a certain spot of floor, and you'll fall through into the armoury free to loot it without a time constraint.
> Step 5
Save and Quit when you are done, then just drive back to armour and repeat infinite times

The quality of loot goes up for each looting mission, which is why you just do first two asap, but never complete the third.

My go-to farming strategy in Bl1 was to drive to Crawmerax, kill him over and over until it was hard to tell which loot pile was which. Then drive to Ajax and kill him in hope of an Ajax Ogre (it never dropped), then enter Armoury. There's also another ~5 Crimson Lance chests along the way.

Playing through this with my roommate trying to achievement hunt. Is there any way to quickly boost levels? We finished Playthrough 1 and did Zombie Island, Fort Knoxx and Most of Claptrap. We're missing Crawmeraxx and the collection quest for Claptraps DLC.

We made the mistake of starting Playthrough 2 before hitting Moxxis arena. Going back to playthrough 1 yields no experience and playing it on playthrough 2 is way too number-inflated

did we fuck up?

stupid fuck

In terms of actual headhunting/merc atmosphere 1> TPS> powergap size of Ellie Hodunk> 2

remember the buzz

mashers best guns

I haven't done a run through of this in awhile, I think I'll start one soon. BL1 takes a good while to really begin, but that atmosphere of desert ambience in the early game is 10/10 shit, almost reminds me of the SC1 Terrans.


You were your own person in 1. End game revealed that you were secretly following the directives of some outside power, but in the main game it felt like your character was making their own decisions, getting in the way of the corporate assholes because they were trying to take your treasure. That sensation is lost in 2 and TPS, where you're a plucky underdog hero fighting an evil corporation to prevent them from being evil, under the orders of a bunch of generic freedom fighters. You never again feel like a selfish lone wolf adventurer.

I love Mad Moxxi so much bros..

worst girl


lileth is bae

w o r s t e s t g i r l

Why is Borderlands 2 so terribly optimized? I can’t even get a consistent 60 FPS with a gtX 1060. I have nvidia phsyx turned off too.

>Why is Borderlands 2 so terribly optimized?
because you expect too much in life

Hey Randy, how’s the wife and autistic son?

you seem confused

Have a gtx 1060 and I just booted the game and got a solid 60 FPS. Maybe your computer is as shitty as your taste

ooooh wow, big tough guy, huh?

I honestly thinking playing through bl1 with my 3 highschool buds when it first came out is my most cherishes gaming memories. We had so much damn fun. Dueling each other and sharing loot laughing at the dumb jokes. Being a kid was too great. I hope you stupid kids that are ruining this board are enjoying your best years.

Probably the most repetitive game I've ever played. I couldn't even finish it, it was so fucking boring.

you sound autistic tbqhwy

wow great argument!

Remake when?
There's so much stuff they could fix.

Some guy made a custom class finally after all these years but kind of half-assed it with a shitty character model and didnt' really fix up skill trees.

It's pretty fun to play though

you didn't really present anything to argue, you just said it was repetitive and boring, but didn't say why you felt those things



Fuck you.

I saw a couple of threads about it so I made a bot that spammed it here as a joke. Now Sup Forums screams shills at every turn. I did my work and am damn proud of it.

Oh Lord (oh Lord)

There ain't no heaven


you get to loot the armory like 3 times? But you need to have a quest each time, and you get all the quests from the fat vendor dude in the main hub of the DLC.

>get perk where having more money makes you stronger
>one shot everything because i never buy anything

Its fucking broken on pc
Literally crashes when you go into character select, and its been like this for years apparently, without a solution

>tfw going to Zombie Island for the first time underleveled with your friends
That was a magical experience.

i've never found a pearlescent 250 hours

Why do that when we could talk about the far superior game? Pic related

>le copy and paste the other user's reply xD
nu-Sup Forums was a fucking mistake

Do people still play it?

*raises paw*

>Full auto rocket launchers that cobstantly regen ammo and are usually ohk
>hunky meathead with Elvis belt
Tell me again how bicep daddy isn't the beat character all around?

I doubt anyone play the online anymore.

He's by far my favorite in the game. In fact I don't even care to play the other characters. To me Borderlands was him. He should be playable in all the other games.

>do all quests
>overleveled to shit and everything is easy
good game!

Hellfire > all
>mfw BL2 Hellfire is just a recolored SMG with above average fire damage

sounds like every game ever

legendaries proc effect sure is different in BL1 and BL2

uhhhhhm, English please.


have a read at this and take a look...

Never crashed on my toaster.

Recently end Borderlands 2. Now go for the DLC's
Fucking fun game

no, it's boring and repetitive

Why come to comment to a thread of a game you don't like?

Cool, my kinda thread. BL1 is the best of the bunch.

Also, don't mind me; best gun in the entire fuckin' game coming through.

to say I don't like it. are you retarded?

Best revolver.
Shame they removed revolvers in the sequels though.



Does anybody know if there's a permanent fix for the FOV on pc? I messed with it a few years ago but lost interest.


>not a volcano
pleb taste

It's a shame the weapon leveling is so fucked in BL2

Finally, someone else understands.

But it's a BL1 thread

Not really. There are however some ways to tweak it borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Borderlands_PC_Tweaks#Camera_tweaks


Thanks I'll take a look, it really was way too narrow.

1 is the only bl game i liked, 2 and pre sequel are absulute shit. I have no hope for 3.

>2 and pre sequel are absulute shit

Yes they are. Post as many maymays as you want, that won't change anything.

Bump. I fucking love BL.

The three are good games, user.
One more fun than others

reddit game
borderlands 3 will flop harder than randy's son in sports

A what game?

what were your setups?
>commando mod
>dahl bulldog
>mercenary mod
>double anarchy
>ss thanatos
usually have a maliwan crux, hellfire and good purple shock weapon on swap.
weirdest builds?
>jakobs striker mordecai

>try to snipe an unaware bandit
>rifle isn't accurate enough to guarantee a headshot
>go for it anyway
>bandit reacts to your gunshot the moment you click
>he's already in cover by the time the bullet reaches his previous spot

Best boy

Why did BL1 have better gun design and humour?

First played Borderlands 2... should I play 1 and PS?

>better gun design
They're just guns that shoot bullets. Every manufacturer gimmick was noticeable, functionable, and but not shoved in your face.
Mikey NNeumann knew how to be subtle (again, not shoving everything in your face) and had better taste in pop culture.

Compare and contrast

yes, although BL1 is missing a few QoL shit so that might be offputting, but overall, I'd say it's worth it to play if you enjoyed BL2