ITT: Biggest traitors in vidya

ITT: Biggest traitors in vidya.

weiss you dumbass

Sh-She'll voice Catherine again right?

English VA are overall the most insecure little bitches i ever seen.
That little Xander rant on Twitter over people prefering Jap dub was one of the most pathetic things i saw.

Why is she a traitor?

Those lips are made for sucking

Just another English VA that pretended to care and like video games and anime only to betray the crowd at the first opportunity she had and now she thinks she's above gaming and only does things of american origin.
The most "vidya" thing she will do is to act in Naughty Dog game which is basically a movie.
Not to mention she's now doing that shit Critical Role aka:
>Oh and don't forget that any moment it will be more profitable for us we will jump on the SJW bandwagon and call you sexist creeps that hate women and that gamers are dead.

Don't know anything about this woman but you sound like an incredibly bitter faggot who thinks she owes you something.

>she owes you something
Most of the celebrities in gaming actually DO owe something to the gamers.
Felicia Day got big only thanks to the gamers support she received and would never make it without that.
But then she said in an interview that she crosses the street every time she sees someone a with a gaming shirt because they are 100% a creep.

That's not Troy Baker.
Or Peter Molyneux.
Or all of Bethesda/Zenimax media.
Or all of Konami.
Or all of Capcom.
Or all of EA.
Or whoever axed Republic Commando's sequel.
Or whoever axed Battlefront 3.
Or whoever axed Visceral's Star Wars project and shut them down.

ITT biggest betas in the market

Voice acting is just a job. They do it for money. Laura is pretty good (though not as good as fanboys think) so of course better and higher paying roles would come her way. Would you refuse a raise/promotion at your job?

Grow up. Though I do think reprising roles is something actors should do. But there is no reason for her or even that annoying faggot Baker to take less pay to please you.


He's right though

I will never understand the period where she appeared in anything "nerd culture".

>wearing a gaming shirt
>not being 100% a creep

Except she has voiced Jaina Proudmore in WoW for 10+ years and is continuing to do so in the upcoming expansion.

The only thing anyone who made Felicia Day famous deserves is a bullet to the brain

So from mid 80s with MSST3k to the end of The Guild during the glory days of WoW?

>American Origin
Not to mention voicing at Blizzard probably gives you more than voicing at anything else.
And it's the most normie tier shit you can do (Overwatch etc.) so you get promoted to the wider audience.


you meant late 90s right?

Your waifu is a stupid slut.

>mid 80s with MSST3k
What? She's in the new series that came out a year ago, not the original.
Unless she had some kind of bit part as a teenager or something that no one gives a shit about.

An user brought up a good point in one of those threads:

>Japanese voice actor schools have roots in Noh
>Most American voice actors just walk in and to auditions with no real training

No you see, you are just a stupid creepy sexist weeb who hates English VA for no reason. Can't you see how hard they are trying to work there and you just diss them?
BTW do you have any sources or articles on differences between English acting and Jap acting. I'd like to use them in arguments.

>perfect voice for my waifu at last
>this thread
Son of a bitch. Is she actually all FUCK THE NERDS LMAO or is this Sup Forums being a shit

>BTW do you have any sources or articles on differences between English acting and Jap acting. I'd like to use them in arguments.
None on me, but but Japan voice actors seem to go to voice acting schools that are highly competitive.


>Can't you see how hard they are trying to work there and you just diss them?
I hate this argument so much:
>Back when the P5 dual audio wasn't confirmed
>Old PR manager told people to stop being mean and to respect English VAs because they're nice people that work hard

>perfect voice for Nemissa
Nah. She was actually a good Rise, but all her other roles were meh.

well she's right

I miss tony jay

But most gamers are manchildren and creepy. She's not wrong. Plus they all lust after her and white knight the fuck or of her. Any woman is going to be turned off by that.

>or is this Sup Forums being a shit
It's this.

She's been getting higher profile gigs than low budget anime/jrpg dubs and couldn't do Rise in DAN because she was already on a contract working for another project when Atlus USA finally started to localise it. That's all. She's not bad on CR either.

People just badly want to pretend every popular dubber will be the next Troy Baker.

Please go back to NeoGAF.
Since when wearing a musical band, movie, book, literally anything shirt is fine but once you wear a gaming shirt you are a creep?

I wonder why she dropped Lucina though

p sure ninty's not hurting for cash

>American VA only works on American titles
HOLY SHIT what a true patriot

Wow. who gives a shit.

Is he /ourguy/?

Weren't Ninty hit by the strike?

>Voice acting is just a job. They do it for money
and this is why Jap seiyus will always be superior

>overrated dub worker
Give me more Grey DeLise in my vidya



>Critical Role
Travis and Sam are genuinely fun to watch though

>or is this Sup Forums being a shit

When are they not

why did he have to be a fraud :(

>those blowjob jokes between her and her husband on critical role
I know what being cucked feels like and I don’t like it

Don't care. Voiced Rayne. Fuck you.

>Cute Voice
>Cute IRL
How can seiyu even compete?

Worst part is that it enables Ashly Burch even further.

>she crosses the street every time she sees someone a with a gaming shirt because they are 100% a creep.
she's 100% correct though

since forever

creep detected

NeoGAF flood ruined this board.

Man of a taste.

>Burch now voices Rise

Fuck it hurts bros


I guess we really were video gamers after all....

you people obsess over the dumbest shit

I wouldn't even know who Felicia Day Anita and Brianna Wu were if you faggots weren't bringing them up daily.



>not knowing who are the people who caused the biggest internet drama in history before Trump and changed how society and media look at gamers forever
it's time to leave your basement

When they're right. Broken clocks and whatnot.

>video game shirts are creepy
>not the 70 year old boyfriend she got pregnant by

>literal nobodies with youtube channels and shitty indie games until Sup Forums and reddit collectively spilled their bile ducts and made them royally famous

i live on the 3rd floor btw

What this one did? I can only keep up with vidya celebs if they have memes, like Todd or the cuck from borderlands.

Sup Forums is the new buzzword for "anything i don't like"

I've been out of the loop. Is that bad?

>not knowing people who dont affect your life in any way shape or form ever

Its time to get off the fuckin internet for a while sperglord

it's neutral

>look it up
>it's real
jesus christ this ugly 70 year old faggot is banging super hot 35 year olds and basically, you are fucking stupid

It's synonymous with being an irrational faggot at this point.

>super hot

Hold on, she's straight?

Yes. Bad VA, bad personality and only in the industry because bad nepotism.

if you want a synonym for irrational faggot there are a million better terms than the extremely broad and nebulous "Sup Forums"

Hollywood in general
Its all fake to gain attention.
When you actually do stand for something they dont find popular they ignore you. Its all fake that refuses to realize they are fake as fuck.

Im out of the loop. What did Laura do?

I want to kiss her

Lucina sounds like 100% of all generic white female voice actors so there literally wouldn't be any difference.

she didnt do anything. its just a v autist sperging.
Other VA have done cringey stuff lately, but nothing involving Laura specifically.

>play PoE
>pick the edgy voice
>have eder and aloth in the party
Fucking obsidian

I accused Sup Forums of it because called her a SJW and made it about feminism.


>hurrr, people vomiting up goobergabber conspiracies aren't Sup Forums
>even though Sup Forums started it and brought in the influx of redditors that now plague this board through it

they do in japan

Nepotism with who? Her brother hates her now.
If you mean their web show, isn't that just getting hired because someone liked your previous work?

Anthony wrote Borderlands 2. He got Ashly into the project as a VA for Tiny Tina.

That's how the entire industry works.

I work at a company almost everyone there is there because they know someone from there.

Of course that means they are incapable of making a good game and will probably go bankrupt.

American vidya actually pays well, doing dub work for Jap games pays peanuts

You say that as if Japan is good in anyway

She's great

At least I'm not Anthony Burch.

This pretty much, it's really obvious no one actually gave a shit about voice acting for FE beyond getting some big names in Japan

Her and her husband, Travis Willingham, are still huge into their nerd shit, which is made more amazing since Travis seems like a huge dudebro.
He also gets noticeably happy when Laura's character does kinky shit and its amazing.

Okay, I can understand giving up niche weebshit like Persona, but why did she stop voicing Lucina and fucking Trunks?

>That's how the entire industry works.
Yeah, but it wasn't so public before the age of social media. Now we know who some of these hacks are.

name 5 (five)

I think Lucina was some strike, either the va one or some other one and I think Kid Trunks just fucks up her voice now

>He also gets noticeably happy when Laura's character does kinky shit and its amazing.
imagine being so cucked you'd say something like this