Fall for politicized video game meme

>fall for politicized video game meme
>go bankrupt


this. the only politics i want in games are pro-freedom stuff. no SJW

>fall for politicised game meme
>go bankru-
Mafia 3 peaked at 49k and the daily peak is now below 1k, fyi

So is this a /biz/ tactic cause I know you crossposters love shitposting on Sup Forums, but do you guys seriously post statistics like it means anything?

Cant you post the updated chart shitposter?

Don't tell me pandering to niggers and nigger-lovers doesn't actually work because they don't buy video games? Who would have thought?

>le racist meme

nothing politicised in kc:d as far as I can see

What's wrong with his statistics? What's wrong with stats?

It means everything and furthers OPs argument you retard.

have you bought mafia 3 to fight racism?

Actually this is the first time I've ever posted this. Deliverance hit 82k peak though, so that needs updating.
It falls under the same category as the rest where the devs have very prominent political opinions.

Its political because the lead dev is a literal Hitler that refused to add people of colour to medieval Europe.

Fuck off, retard.

well it wasn't really the fact that the game was overly political, you also have to consider the fact that overall the fact that game was just shit
sure, politics suck dick, but the game was lackluster and repetitive

it is irrelevant what devs think, only thing that matters is the content of the game, which in case of kc:d is pretty much devoid of political message

>historical accuracy is now racist

I'm amazed I haven't seen people whining about this yet, there's a quest related to getting refugees from your town jobs. One of them is a woman trying to get hired as a water carrier, i.e. walking to the nearest water source to fill up a container and then walking back, and one of the options is basically "why the hell would I hire a woman for manual labour".

Umm.. Have you seen BBC documents? They show that there were native PoC in europe and there were balck clergly and nobles and some even served directly under the kings as advisors?


Americans have become a tad schizoid, being a mutt nation constantly exposed to niggers roaming in the wild.

Also, forgot to add, you can assign her to clean out latrines instead.

There's nothing political about that quest. It is natural for women to be physically weaker than men

maybe it's cause most people that care about that sort of politics haven't played it that far or consider it too complicated
maybe that's the strategy, make the first half of the game to pander to reviewers, then the second half do whatever the fuck you want, they're not gonna play it that far

Better than average bait

I'm aware, but I expected some reviewers to take it as such. It's on the main path and it's pretty early on so I can't imagine they missed it.

why is it ok to say "people of color" but not "colored people"?

>BBC documents
>historical accuracy
HAHAHAHA get a load of this guy

why do you care what mentally ill sorry excuses for journalists think?

Did you consider that putting resources toward shoving retarded politics into the game instead of focusing on making the game good is why it turned out shit?

There seems to be a virulent, shitty meme in the industry that making your game political will A) make the game sell well and B) cover up major flaws in the game that make it shit.

Blackwashing of history is a thing everywhere right now.


good point, I was just pointing out that even if the game had 0 political messages but still had the same exact gameplay, chances are it would still do as shit

woah it's almost like straight white/asian males are the number one buyers of videogames and dont want nigger/jewish/feminist/commie propaganda forced into their video games

>appeal to a small niche of people that dont play videogames
>Lose your job.
>appeal to your disgruntled customers fed up with all this bullshit the niche and supporters of said niche is causing.
>make fucking bank.

Money talks bullshit walks. I hope gamedevs finally realize that.

>Read the comments
>People are sad and saying they enjoyed Mafia 3
I don't get normalfags. I actually downloaded the game and played it for a few hours. It was meh at best.

The difference in the political opinion of the "new" Mafia game devs is that they set out to be about progressive politics.

Vavra's politics are caused by those same types of people coming after him and making threats about how he should do the same.

>I hope gamedevs finally realize that.
Not gonna happen and you can bet your ass the devs and media are gonna find a scapegoat or just call the boogeyman. You can see an example in comics with marvel.

This always triggered me. "washing" implies the removal of something, so it makes sense to call it "Whitewashing" as it removes any color and just leaves white (which is technically also a color but you get my drift).
This should be called Blackpainting or Blackstaining.

Your error is assuming they want profit and not just force a narrative.
Besides, some feminists are gonna enter the RH of those devs and start hiring trannies and it will become completely shit. Always happens on tech companys.


If you put black and white clothes together into a washing machine you wont get white out of it.

I'm convinced that game companies do that not out of ideological interest but as a hail Mary desperation move. Any time you see a game get politicized you know the devs must be getting desperate.

Yeah, both get fucked.
So, you know, don't mix your whites with your blacks.

To be fair it would have been a mediocre even without politics.

when you're so obsessed you start seeing Britbongs as Americans





I dont think is desperation in any way. They just take the, let's say traditional audience, by granted and then they try to reach a new market (driven by videogame journalism that makes them believe that there is that other market).

what are we dividing?



the story was the only thing good thing about this game. the gameplay and its overall sandbox just screams"we paid some tech monkeys from san fran to make a game because we fired the original devs".Kinda like modern warfare 3 development but with more assfuckery

>companies are now at the mercy of alt-right manchildren who hate anyone that isn't a straight white male
Does nobody else find this fucked up? How can you assholes be proud of this?

It's like cutting a log of shit in half with an electric turkey carver at this point

As opposed to radical-left (wo)manchildren who hate anyone that is a straight white male?
Does nobody else find this fucked up? How can you assholes be proud of this?

POC means that they were born that way
people that were born coloured

colored people means that they were people that decided to colour themselves

What exactly is wrong with being inclusive? It doesn't mean you can't have any straight white males in your game, it just means you'll have less of them for a more diverse cast (which is good).

you are retard
colored meant mulattoes and is 19th century legal term

Trying this hard. Stay cucked and don't worry, your favorite canadian company is still making games... for now.

if colored means mulattoes why didn't they name it mullatoes?


>You can see an example in comics with marvel
care to explain?

I never said I was against it you fucking mongoloid
My point is that both sides are acting like retards

Also diversity doesn't mean something is ''good'' it's just a state of being
Something good can be diverse or not, it make's no diffrence(besides taste)

Much like the alt-right male, the radically left female just needs to get laid.

Y'all are way to invested in social politics lol

>video games focusing on black people sell like shit
>video games focusing on white people sell good
Gafugees, tumblrinas and general faggot commies on Sup Forums can't take this.

And the radically left male just wants to get laid but can't lol

That's just capitalism baby.
If you don't like it, go and play state sponsored propaganda in China, you cuck.

>the alt-right male, the radically left female
how about we all take them and stick them in cells in pairs until theyre stuck to each other so hard you need a crowbar to pry them apart?

proud of not buying a shit game?

Oh you mean those comics that did incredibly bad ? I'am pretty sure they've shitcanned most of em.

It's to make a point in favour of no politics. The Devs were very adamant about ignoring the demands sjws made during development.

If the narrative isn't making any money why continue with it ? If I remember companies dont like losing money.

it went so bad actually that marvel had to make a public statement that they wouldnt pander to that particular "demographic" anymore.
it got so fucking bad that one particular series didnt even beak 10k sales over 2 issues.

Not only am I proud, I love how roasties and bitchniggas cry over it. Nigger games sales genocide is the best thing ever.

Good and with the America and Europe losing complete control over the games industry its now left to the people who originally reinvigorated the industry. Call me a weeb I dont give a shit but I would much rather have the Japanese incontrol of the games industry.

They can turn garbage into fucking gold and I hope that Capcom with their recent Monster Hunter success they can turn the shit idea of the current Battle Royale / Survival games on their fucking heads with Resident Evil.

>Any time you see a game get politicized you know the devs must be getting desperate.

I'm rather pleased by this news. The sooner that nu-Squirrel Girl and friends leave, the sooner we can get back to character designs like pic related.

>Battle Royale / Survival games on their fucking heads with Resident Evil.
You might be onto something there...

>who originally reinvigorated the industry.
So westerners?

Because it's easy to post a comment saying that you liked something which aligns with your political views. It costs you nothing. It doesn't mean they actually bought the game, because even they know that it was complete trash.

>Drakengard 3, slut MC, game sells like shit
>Nier Automata, pure waifu MC, game sells millions
best timeline

As a Britbong, that 'born in Birmingham' character shouldn't be black. She should be middle-eastern.
Thank christ I live in south west England, it's white as fuck down here.

When the marvel sales manager or something dared to imply that the diversity strategy didn't reflect in good sales the comic media was fast as shit to shift the blame and start blaming every other factor (events, relaunch, etc) excusing the forced diversity every time and even blaming marvel for not trying hard enough. If a dev makes a similar comment kotaku and polygon will do the same type of damage control. And some devs will buy that kind of excuse, like beamdog with siege of dragonspear, blaming conspiracies and other games launch but never the cancer writing.

>Dragon's Dogma, Lost Planet, games designed to trick white people into liking monster hunter
>sell like shit
>Sell them a proper Monster Hunter
>sells like hotcakes
Purity and truth seem to be the way.

do you guys think the whole reason games get all political and sjw is because devs and journalists are getting too chummy?

gamedevs don't choose what they make, they're paid to make the product by the people with the real money

It's not that they're getting too chummy, it's because the (((media))) is pushing this bullshit so hard that devs and publishers assume that it is the actual mainstream culture. Just like how nearly every early 2000's game was kind of edgy.

Drakengard 3 was better though.

>It falls under the same category as the rest where the devs have very prominent political opinions.
wanting historical accuracy isn't a political opinion

I have a masterful plan.
>Make average f2p MMO
>Buy cheap servers in south america
>Give microtransactions that are OP, but very cheap
>Make fucking bank

>"Hey devs, you know what? there are a lot of people wanting to play your game but you need to appeal them!"

>Lost Planet
I would put blame more on GFWL than anything else

>bought an infowars shirt

Might also have to do with game being kinda bad.
Also, Mafia was never fuckhuge series, but for some reason people gave the new instalment the budget of one, and holy shit what do you know, it really didn't sell significantly better than previous games!
This has fuck all to do with politicizing.

Too bad it's actually what is happening if you try to race-bait with your shitty game. Turning Mafia into Niggfia without any real mafia doesn't really appeal to people. If you want to make a nigger game, go full nigger and be at least self aware. GTA:SA is still one of the very best GTA games not solely for this reason, but it definitely contributed.

People would rule that shit as P2W instantly and no one would be playing it a week after relase. You're not the first one to think about that.

You were implying that his political opinions had anything to do with the game, and they don't, he can actually believe that Hitler was right and that the jews should be gassed but his game won't be politicized unless he made it to reflect those opinions

Racist here, San Andreas was a great game.

>abandon any roots the game had outside of open world meme
>sell bad

Any sells it managed to have was from the millions drowned in marketing