Haswell tier IPC

>haswell tier IPC
>nehalem tier clocks
>moar coars
Pushing more than 4 cores 8 threads to the mainstream is nice, but otherwise Ryzen is pretty meh desu.
Why is everyone fellating AMD over technology from 2013 again?

Other urls found in this thread:


They're not. AMD's a terrible company and that's reflected in its many years of financial losses.

Sup Forums is right down the block

>buy intel
>forced microcode update means your cpu now only runs 70% as fast as it did before
Loving every laugh desu, serves you right for buying from a bunch of israelis

Good goy, keep fighting those anti semitic anti feminist frequency evil people.

You do realize it's more like 5% at most for consumer workloads right?
The whole 30% figure is straight from /r/AMD

i just bought a r5 1600 on new years and i couldn't be happier
i feel like its mega future proof cause nothing i do pushed it over 20% yet
except waterefox for some reason with html video in some pages, i dont know what the fuck is up with that

1600 is the best cpu 2017 stay mad linus

My brother bought one and while he's happy coming from a 8320 I'm pretty disappointed.
>RAM compatibility still awful
>single core perf worse than the 4670k I had in 2013
>doesn't OC over 3.8
Pretty bad honestly.

>haswell tier IPC
So nearly on par with coffee lake?

About 15% lower.

I prefer actual performance over workstation benchmarks

Would be surprised if it's that high. Intel has been getting less than 1% increases in ipc that last few years.

>RAM compatibility still awful
i just bought whatever cheapesr 3000ddr4 ram i could, worked fine
why would i need to oc when it has boost, and also there is nothing to use even half of its potential on currently?

>less than 1%
About 3 - 10% each architecture revision, bigger redesigns are closer to the latter, node shrinks with minor changes to the former.
You shouldn't believe everything AMDfags tell you.

Increase is performance comes almost entirely from higher clock speeds. Put them at the same clock speed and they are nearly identical.

>nearly identical
Citation needed

>i just bought whatever cheapesr 3000ddr4 ram i could, worked fine
Lucky you.
>why would i need to oc when it has boost, and also there is nothing to use even half of its potential on currently?
Multicore boost is 3.4, which is really low.
Don't kid youself about muh potential either, it's minimum 25% slower compared to similarly wide Intel chips, even at 4.0Ghz (which most can't reach anyway).


Well duh, Kaby Lake i a refresh.
You need to look at scaling over Sandy -> Haswell -> Broadwell -> Skylake.

You are the worst intel shill I’ve seen in a while

This has the difference between broadwell and skylake averaging about 2.7%.

>AMD never refreshes the lineup

Nigga, I'm still using an AMD Processor FROM 2013. Still runs AAA titles at 120 FPS in 1080p, because I upgraded my GPU before the Cryptomeme fucked everything.
Waterfox is retarded, as it actually runs worse on 64 bit systems than regular firefox. Don't be dumb and ditch that shit for IceWeasel.

Because a $99 raven ridge apu has better graphics performance than any intel igpu to date.

>it's minimum 25% slower compared to similarly wide Intel chips
why would i care for that? its not even using a quarter of its potential for anything right now.
cost-efficiency is a thing you know
also i would never buy intel cause you cant even install w7 on the new ones

from a technological standpoint ryzen is pretty impressive.
its real power only comes out in heavily multithreaded scenarious. which games are most certainly not. most games have maybe three threads running at any given time on one core. one for logic, one for graphics/commuicating with the gpu and one for sound. thus overall single core clock speeds are much more important for games.

And I'm sure they will be called out if there is a less than 1% increase in ipc.

The next ryzen, last I saw, was rumored to have a 10% increase but that seemed kind of questionable. For comparison haswell to skylake was about a 6% increase.

You could have saved everyone some time and abridged your post to "I'm fucking retarded"


>stable release 6 months ago
it doesnt even have spectre patched


but its only going to get better down the line when engines start support better multithreading

Repeat the AMD mantra
>It will get better eventually

of course. but it doesnt look like its happening any time soon. some games may split logic into more threads for example collision deteciton in one thread and ai in another. but thats really as far as it goes for now. there are engines and games that take advantage of many cores but most often then not they are really unoptimized and rely on raw clock speeds to pick up the slack. ryzen is a good idea if you want future proofing. the software just isnt there yet and likely will not fore some time.