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Nintentoddlers on suicide watch

>first yuzu
>now this


*blocks your path*

thanks doc

*dodges your cease and desist*
nothing personnel kid

>played BOTW 1080p/60fps via Cemu
>So there's still that Mario title I should take someday with the console
>another emulator is coming

>Bloodborne is the only exclusive I enjoyed on PS4
>Persona 5 was available on PS3

>every other multiplat I play on PC

>Xbone is literrally non-existent at this point

Really, shouldn't consoles die once and for all ?

No,because PC games are a fucking joke.

>a game is available on both PC and PS4
>"Play it on PC, it's more powerful and has better graphics"
>a game is available on PS4 and PS3
>"lol who cares about power and graphics, just play it on PS3"
Sup Forums - Video Games

Not when retards like you cannot fuvkig help yourself from buying everyone of them no.

HOLY FUCK. so fucking fast?? HOWWWWWW

dead on arrival



Genesis Sonic games had Blast processing

t. sonybro

There is less and less exclusives titles that worth buying a console.
PC and consoles almost have the same libraries now, it's getting ridiculous, console-war is soon to be over.

danke doktor

>this is what PCfats believe

Most good games remain on consoles as it always was,just because you are getting more badly made ports doesn't mean shit.

Yeah. Shitpost more when it's actually playable. The fact that you can boot up games and maybe if you're lucky get into a menu doesn't really mean much. It's still years before anithing will be playable.


I can do the same on PC, stop hyping up shit for nothing.
Wait for Switchax or fuck off

>t. PC fat

See how that’s NOT AN ARGUMENT but just you saying “n-nobody look this way!!”

>shitposting without checking the video first


>no you

Are you retarded? People buy multiplats on console, not PC. Not everyone does as you do user. There is no reason to buy a PC for any of these if you have a console and no reason to buy a console for them if you have a good PC, its that simple. People will always buy one or the other and not everyone wants a PC.

But it literally is you. Make an argument against what was said or fuck off.

>buying modern Resident Evil games

>Most good games remain on consoles as it always was
which ones?

>do i fit in yet guys?
>id rather play 500 hours of a game i don’t actually like so long as Sup Forums won’t think im a shitter!

REv2 is better than REv1
Demon’s souls is overrated trash
Asuka Kazama is best girl
I enjoyed LiS
Fuck you


Argument against what?
You were totally missing his point in your first post.

And notice how i said sonybro and not sonyfag or soy.

Not him but Yakuza.

>Argument against what?

>those posts
I sense buyer's remorse





*blocks your path*

i mean this, sry

>Demon’s souls is overrated trash
Replace DeS with Bloodborne and I'd agree with your post 100%

>not an actual switch game
>even then it's running faster than it should run

Falseflaggers pls go.

But it’s the opposite. Bloodborne is genuinly one of the beat games this gen.

Um wow user, that’s really... something. So you read moon huh?

>Demon’s souls is overrated trash
>I enjoyed LiS
well no wonder you dont like demon souls you have shit taste and you're probably a fat dyke tranny lmao.

>Resident Evil 6: Giraffe Blowjob
Every time.

>waitfags missing out on all the fun that is Splatoon 2

Welp, this kills one only reason to get a Vita

I love bloodborne though. It’s just Demon’s Souls is... eh.

Good - we have more FPSes than soyboys can imagine

The Tegra X1 is very current and beefy chip.
Even if The emulator does get off the ground, which who knows how long that might take, wouldn't you need an even more beefy PC? It wouldn't be portable either, and a good portion of the popular games are online multiplayer.
It doesn't sound cost effective to me at all, especially with PC hardware becoming more expensive.

Roger mama is best girl.

>nintendo fags missing out on all the fun that is monster hunter world

>it's about others
are you still following that soy diet user? you should take a break from it

>sonic cd on switch
I’m sweating. Is there a guide on /hbg/??

As long as the vast majority of people prefer plug and play systems for their vidya, consoles will never die

If it's not the Taxman remake why bother?

>insert disc
>install game
>download the patch bigger than the game itself
>install patch
>play the game 10 hours later

yeah, so plug and play

>plug and play
"plug and play" as opposed to what? Just "play" like on pc?

>sonygro starts a thread to shitpost about nintendo
>discussion slowly changes to multiplats and just PC being superior
>sonygros start backpedaling, hoping to salvage the discussion but still support consolefaggotry

You can't make this shit up.

Indeed PCs are dying : No one will be able to buy a new rig thanks to miners.



We really need to step up the law and get rid of that useless bill of rights already, all it does is let criminals get off Scot free. Nintendo should be allowed to send swat teams in to kill the people working on this. Thieves are vermin. By working on this they no longer count as humans, but as rats that need to be killed to protect Nintendos food source.

more like
>insert disc, which only contains a small install file to download from the internet
>download game, hope you dont live in a student dorm or poor area fagget
>install game
>download day1 the patch bigger than the game itself
>install patch
>play the game 3 days later

>uh-oh! your 500gb hard drive already had 4 games on it and is full! which one will you delete?

No.....this can't be wasn't supposed to be like's over my nintenbros...

>>download game, hope you dont live in a student dorm or poor area fagget
>>install game
>>download day1 the patch bigger than the game itself
You are aware that you always download the most recent version of the game, right? If you wanted to use day1 patches as PC con then you fucked up m8.

Yuzu will finally kill nintendo

this isn't even yuzu, it's ANOTHER emulator

You can emulate Sega CD even on a mid end phone.

>ITT pcbrotiess gettinf btfo
Loving it lmao

Nintendo won't stop making games. It won't make the console disappear. 3rd party titles will still come to other consoles or the PC, and if you're an adult you can have more than one console.

If you want to support the industry, buy your games. If you don't care and just want Nintendo to die but want to play their games, pirate. You just have no right to bitch when things go into the shitter if you pirate.


hivemind, they don't mean it

>Idort with disposable income
>Play everything I want on release
>Can judge everything fairly because I actually play games
Fight for me, monkeys. Fight for my amusement.

This. Pirates don't exist in sales feedback so their opinions don't matter, when they whine and cry about horrible business practices and shitty AAA games becoming more prevalent, it's because they didn't help support and grow the market for good games they like.

>actually buying the razor laptop.

You deserve everything you get.

Why do people come here and pretend to be retarded corporate dick sucking drones? What do you get out of it?
Replies? The thread will 404 eventually and then what? What was accomplished?

I own a Switch but this is neat. People who complain about emulation have probably emulated games before anyway, they're hypocrites.

i'm just farming for easy (You)s.

thanks btw

*WHIRRRRRRRRRRRR* The switch is mine now boiz AHAHAHAHA

You have been able to emulate that on a low end phone for nearly 10 years.

>razor laptop
>buying a switch for a wii u game


I don't emulate, fuck poor fags.

I am not stupid enough to leak this but for all DMC fans 14 June and 21 september 2018 you will be rewarded.



lmaooo xD

The validation of getting replies releases enough dopamine for these retards nowadays than being praised for making a post that contributes, is entertaining, etc. That's the old Sup Forums. We're in New Chan where half the traffic at any given time is people posting ultra basic shit that they can type onehanded on their phone, which is usually terminally unfunny trash like wojaks and long strings of letters ("ohnononono", "inhales", "ahahahahahah", etc)

i can smell you soy hamburger through my screen

thanks for your intelligent contribution friend

vote has been submitted to archive this epic thread!


>As long as the emulators reverse code (and don't outright copy-paste) the console's BIOS, the whole thing should fall under fair use. Also, the company must have proof that emulation is unhealthy for their business if they want to justify their lawsuit.

oh yes, lets bitch some more about emulators because they damage us so much but never allow fangames to be released ever, sell a glorified raspberry pi as a console for 300buckeroos and somehow manage to fuck up mother 4.

in short, fuck em.

>the company must have proof that emulation is unhealthy for their business if they want to justify their lawsuit.
To be honest if a perfect Switch emulator came out today Nintendo would have enough proofs as soon the sales drop

>C# emulator already hundreds of times faster than Yuzu

What went so wrong?

movie industry proves loss of sales is horseshit.

>and somehow manage to fuck up mother 4.
Mother 4 is nothing but autism in the first place. Mother is finished, let it rest, 3 was already perfect.

>yfw somebody paid full price for all of those games