Learn japanese

Learn japanese.
Play Japan-only games.

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Learning a language takes too long and none of those games interest me.



>old man speech
>old fashioned speech
>kanji 'variants' because the author felt like it
>tiny fonts
>intentionally fucking up common sayings to be 'cute'


I don't have the dedication for it.


Try harder

I want to but I'm lazy



As someone who has been studying Japanese for multiple years now, I would never play any of this kusoge.

wow fluked it


Your mom is a kusoge but i still fucked her anyway


I dekinait do it

>tfw tae kim already seems like an overwhelming entry point to me
I'm fucked from the outset man

actually I can knock it out of the park better than OP can
twice the memes


learn korean
they're the asians of the future

South Koreans never made a single decent videogame and their country is like Japan but worse in every way.


Learn japanese.
Don't get raped on game prices if you insist on buying them.

>they're the asians of the future
what does that make them in the present..

To the people who can understand Japanese, what are some things you wish you knew or took more seriously before/while studying it?

I wish i'd know kanji are just an orthography and words are more important

Korean is a pretty cool language honestly, seems some people don't like the sound of it though.

Those are the prices for gaijin scum

>dude learn Japanese so you can play Pantsu Quest XIIII

>I wish i'd know kanji are just an orthography and words are more important
I'm the other way around. I know a lot of words, but I can't remember their respective kanji for the life of me. Makes listening/speaking easy, but makes reading nigh impossible.


abugidas are cool but kanji is just too aesthetic

I can read just fine, I just focused too hard on individual kanji at the start, but they appear far more often in compounds and with 送り仮名 as words to bother with that

>Learn the language of fucc-boi/plastic surgery land
No thanks




is yotsuba a good manga to learn nippon

Sure is
but you must understand the difference between simple, and easy
all japanese media for a raw beginner will be hard as fucking shit if you start from english
yotsubato is simple, by japanese standards


Next year. Perhaps.

Meanwhile Moon: Remix RPG Adventure is still in translation. By the time they actually release it I will learn damn language properly.

Ive been learning for a while but I havnt really played anything yet, what are some good noob friendly games that I should look for?


Already own a copy of pokemon green that I bought when I went to Japan but I feel its kinda boring ):

Being able to play Baldr Sky and Utawarerumono 2-3 was worth it alone. I know Uta was localized since, but it sucks compared to the original.

youkai watch?

These look like horrible video games user. I'd rather play Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and BioHazard 2 in Japanese.

Sure, I'd love to pour 2000+ hours on something so useless.

I wish I spent less time with textbooks and more time with reading things I enjoy. Learn the basics and jump into it.

Also by far the most effective way of studying for me was picking a localized VN and running it in two windows, one in Japanese, one in English. Then advancing the text line by line, trying to translate it on my own first and then checking it against the English version of the game. You get feedback immediately if you get it wrong, and also you are having fun since you're guaranteed to understand the story, as opposed to missing half of it if you try to read the Japanese version alone without a crutch.

>he says as he plays video games and shitposts on Sup Forums for 2000+ hours

learning japanese is impossible.
people said 'start with the kanji' so i learned 500 of those fuckers - the meaning, on and kun readings and all. learned about 1,200 vocab words in the process. could i read shit? NO! the grammar is so fucked that I just can't get my head around it, and when it comes to listening the amount of homophones and the utterly alien SOV structure mean my brain can't process which of the words I'm hearing or what the grammar is. there has to be some ceiling after which you 'break through' and can start hearing some japanese but i've been at this for months and no dice.
maybe i'm retarded. that said many people do say it's the single hardest language for english speakers to learn

>people said 'start with the kanji' so i learned 500 of those fuckers - the meaning, on and kun readings and all.

2000 hours of fun isn't useless user.

>trying to memorize the on and kun readings by rote
Your first mistake. You learn those through vocab, not the meaningless syllables on their own. You could have learned the 2000 jouyou kanji in that time if you ignored the readings.

>when it comes to listening
The other mistake. Reading is always much easier for a beginner, since you have time to think and you cannot mishear things. Once you get good through reading, you will be able to understand Japanese fast enough to process it through listening.

on the bright side i was watching some vr porn of riley reid and it was interesting being able to identify the kanji on her back while she rode the viewpoint reverse cowgirl
so it wasn't a total waste of my time

>learn nip for 2 1/2 years
>play idolm@ster
>auto advancing text
>dialog options that pop up for only 5 seconds
They went all out to keep gaijins from playing these games didn't they?

eh, to be fair I have pretty much been doing it as you say. i haven't tried listening yet *other than* the games I've been playing in Japanese that I'd be playing either way.
and I have been learning the readings through vocab in most cases - I learn the kanji and it's on reading, i back that reading up with vocab, then I learn a verb or other vocab that uses the kun reading.
i'm not sure what good knowing all the joyo kanji but not knowing their readings would be. honestly grammar is my problem. i can barely make it through the first five chapters of genki or tae kim before my head hurts

>actually learning kanji by memorization
Holy shit you fell for the Anki meme?

>trivia questions about Japanese geography, prefectures and city names

is that console only? i probably would have found some cheat engine freeze
or just played something else until I was good enough to play with auto advancing text/ high pressure choice
there is no lack of options

>Try to play Snatcher in Japanese
>No subtitles during voice acted parts (i.e. important parts) and music drowns out the voices

grammar is not your problem, you don't understand what kanji is for
you're wasting your time with the readings dude, just listen to what is saying

Tae Kim I would understand since it's basically just a summary/reference, but how can you struggle with Genki? It goes super slow and gives you so many examples and practice.

You can try the video course called "Let's Learn Japanese Basic". Make sure it comes with the textbook where you can practice. It's even slower and since you have a teacher talk to you in video format it might be easier to understand if you're the visual type.

okay, i literally don't get what the other way to do it is, so explain. how the fuck are you supposed to do anything in japanese WITHOUT knowing the kanji? what's the starting point, then?

kanji are important, but not all important
words are a language, grammar ties them together
words most commonly come in compounds of two or more kanji, or with 送り仮名
you learn the words reading, definition and thats it
learning individual kanji readings is a giant waste of time

pic attached is how many words you need given a particular media

Don't let it confuse you, some people just passionately hate people trying to learn the kanji on their own, as opposed to learning them as words. It's a common debate topic in Japanese threads.
It's only really a debate about efficiency and time taken, but you cannot really go wrong either way. Just do whatever fits you.

>people said 'start with the kanji'
Which idiots told you that load of garbo



Listening comprehension is more important than reading comprehension

Radio stations are 100x better learning tools than Anki will ever be

The >actually good jap learning apps are on the 3rd page of the app store and beyond

If youre learning jap to watch jap tv (non anime), stop, its shit

Write more than you read

And such

>Radio stations are 100x better learning tools than Anki will ever be

i still don't get it. i AM learning words (i know over 1,200), but you need to learn the kanji to do that. how the fuck are you supposed to learn or remember the word for place 場所 if you don't learn that both kanji mean place and what their readings are? from your image, how can you learn 読む without knowing the 'read' kanji? it's just squiggles to an english reader otherwise.
literally don't fucking get it.

Are you giving bad information on purpose?
Writing is useless unless you want to handwrite. Input is far more important than output, you should read more than you write. The only thing you will achieve with starting to write early is picking up bad habits.

Reading comes before listening unless you actually go to Japan to live there.


You have zero understanding of what kanji is. The kanji without the kana is not important.

I've never seen anyone fall so hard for the kanji only approach god damm
you poor bastard

I wish there was a game that was interesting enough for me to want to play but also made for kids so the language wasn't too harsh.

Echo Night 2 has a fan translation famalam.

There's nothing wrong with plastic surgery.

try something horror, thats aimed at adults but not going to have much besides screaming
which is what you're going to be doing later anyway you lil bitch

Anyway, one thing that both sides usually agree on is that you should not learn the on/kun readings with single kanji, but learn those with vocab.

When people talk about learning the kanji first, they usually talk about the Heisig method (first book only, skip second), where you learn a kanji through radicals and learn an arbitrary meaning attached to it, so that you can IDENTIFY that kanji through the meaning. So when you look at the word, you see two kanji you are familiar with.
Note that you only learn a meaning or keyword, not the readings. You learn the readings through vocab.

The other method is skipping this, learning radicals and jumping into learning complete words at start. You will still eventually pick up individual kanji when you learn similar words, but will have a harder time identifying them at first. You also have a bigger chance to mix up similar kanji like 減 and 滅, which is a big downside. The advantage is that you save a few months learning individual kanji.

When you write, the words will stick with you more and you will better retain the information on how you use those words in a sentence. I never said you have to use a fucking pen and paper. Id love to see someone who only reads and doesnt write try to communicate in jap.

>reading comes before listening
No. Vocab and grammar comes before listening. It doesnt matter if you read 1000 childrens books and 500 news articles you will need to listen to a native speaker eventually and learn how to understand enunciation and understand sentences without the crutch of being able to go back and reread the same line. Once you can do that, reading becomes a breeze.

I did, a long time ago. Everything gets translated these days and worldwide simultaneous releases are becoming more common. It's a really sad state of affairs for ultra-weebs like me. At least I can relish being able to play stuff like persona 5 or sen no kiseki 3 months in advance of all the plebs, but localization turnaround times are getting shorter and shorter. It's hard to recommend anyone learn japanese just for games these days. If you're also interested in other japanese media like vns, books, or comics, it's still definitely worth learning.

china is the future
if you learn japanese then you are halfway to knowing chinese already

user we just want to play untranslated eroge

1000 cards into Anki
They started to look the same and I keep mistaking new words
Fuck me, does writing them down make it easier?

>Id love to see someone who only reads and doesnt write try to communicate in jap.
> you will need to listen to a native speaker eventually
Most people don't care about this. Understand that most people on Sup Forums learn the language in order to play games or read VNs or LNs. For these people the fastest way is through reading.

I can understand stupid overdone honorifics being used when talking to the Emperor and stereotypical Kansai dialect when reading it, but I don't even come close to understanding natural speech in TV variety shows. It's all about priorities.

if you keep mistaking 2 kanji for eachother, try looking at them side by side
it's a lot easier to remember which is which if you do that

Writing them down a bunch of times each helped me, but Anki itself siphons all the joy out of the learning for me. Even if I can recognise a few handfuls of kanji.

I want to start reading already but I have no idea what I should read


You can create disambiguation cards.
For example, front of the card: tree, book
Back of the card: 木, 本
Then you see both next to each other and have to recall both at the same time. Of course you should only do this if you keep mixing up two kanji for months and it doesn't get better.

Dragon Ball


Read your favorite doujins but raw

Listening is still a priority. Its a much better experience being able to play a voiced game without spending time reading the subtitles, and like i said, listening comprehension improves your reading comprehension passively

A lot of people recommend manga or LN, but I found VNs much, much easier. Mainly because you have two huge crutches. First is text hooking, which will let you look up words in a single second instead of painstakingly doing radical or hand drawing lookups from a manga. This alone will drastically improve your reading speed, which equals more efficiency, more fun and less pain.
The other crutch is the voice acting, which gives you a reinforcement for words that you know, and can jog your memory about words that you started to forget and might not recognize it from reading it alone, but can remember when you hear it spoken.