ITT: ports better than the original

ITT: ports better than the original

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I remember watching a video where some dudes were saying P3P was bad because it didn't have the Answer and that the FeMC wasn't relatable
As if you could relate to the guy who was surrounded by attractive girl and could easily speak to said girls



>As if you could relate to the guy who was surrounded by attractive girl and could easily speak to said girls

the character is your self-intrest. his suppose to be you. i personally dont like self-intrest charecters but it is what it is.

I played FF5 Advance. How is the Mobile port better?

My point is that you shouldn't complain about a character being unrelatable when the alternative isn't relatable in the slightest, even if he is a self insert it doesn't mean he's relatable to you

i just hate the fans who think FEMC is a better choice to the MC and have the audacity to not only think thier supirior to everyone else, but wont even play the FES version of the game or play as the MC.

those kind of people really need to shut the fuck up.

I played both and FeMC is a better choice.

FeMC is an interesting point but MC is the true choice

Still though, a pretty cool additon to an already solid port, with reworked social links

FeMC is just waifu and makes absolutely no sense from the narrative and themes of the game.

FES doesn't really offer much though, the answer is awful and anything that was added in the Journey isn't even canon besides the stuff involving Elizabeth, and even then those are available in P3P

>even if he is a self insert it doesn't mean he's relatable to you

exactly why i hate these "self-intrest" charecters. rather than making thier own charecters with thier own thought and feelings, they make half-ass charecters with lame responsis to please your average waifufags.

atleast in personas case, they have anime and Movies that can flesh out these MCs a bit.

i dont agree with you on that but atleast you played as the mc. thats more than some of these other cunts will ever do.

But they do have their own ingame personalities, the "third answer" usually reflects that, P3MC is a downer asshole, Ren is smug, and Yu has no idea what is going on but is happy to be there

I think those reasons are stupid to hate on P3P, but
>can't freely walk around
>removes cutscenes
Fuck that. I'll replay FES anyday

All the SEES S.Links are bad. The only good links in P3 at all are President Tanaka, Drunk A and Drunk B.

>the answer is awful

do you mean awful as in gameplay or story?

Story, I liked it better when door-kun's death was implied rather than giving us a contrived reason as to why it happened

No Compendium so fusing is a bit fucked. Some people hate the story.

>All the SEES S.Links are bad

i agree. i liked how 3 handled the SEES charecter arcs making them part of the main story and letting charecters have thier own development. not like in 5 where it feels your team mates feel like two completly different people at times.



MC is cuter.

MC is an emo fag. FeMC is a bundle of joy who keeps Shinjiro alive.

Imagine updated P3 on the P5 engine

>You'd gain the ability to switch weapons in the middle of battle later on
>Thanatos and Messiah would actually have some good skills
>You can choose what skills to inherit, which is always a plus
>Have Fuuka call in a standby character, and after a turn or two they'll jump in. Like Mitsuru would ride in on her motorcycle, Junpei would slide in and go "SAFE", Akihiko would punch through the wall, etc.

FES can now be played with party control, so even while I prefer FeMC's soundtrack, I have to disagree.

b-but user! Shinjiro being alive ruins the entire plot and theme of P3!

>can control your party members
Objectively superior.

>You'd gain the ability to switch weapons in the middle of battle later on
We'll likely never see this again, the Japanese HATE making choices, even with something as simple as weapons

its the emo persona that makes the story and theme better.

Will we get a proper remake with P3D models?

i would not mind a remake.

Canon be damned, I just want Junpei to have his autistic gothloli wife.
Also FemC a shit. A grat one.

So does Chidori surviving, but that doesn't stop people treating FES like the second coming of christ.

P3 has enough versions already.

either way it's stupid to argue about since both aren't canon, although Chidori being confirmed dead is pretty stupid when you consider the fact that her revival scene was an addition to FES and then it was retconned in The answer

Hashini left the Persona team so I highly doubt it. What would a remake even fix? The atmosphere would be botched for sure.

FemC thread?

That's even worse. Why add something only to go lmao not canon? Then they add something even more retarded like the answer and make it canon.

You can add all the superfluous shit you want but it won't stop Tartarus from being a shitty grind.


So is there any reason to play as female mc besides waifu pleasurement?

>263 tiny ass hand crafted dungeons
Gross. Maybe divide each block into a huge dungeon?

New and improved Social Links. Theo (although you have an option to go lez with Liz). Shinji not being dead.

sees become friends instead of just colleagues.

saving best boy


roleplaying as a huge slut

If they wanted, they could make proper dungeons out of Tartarus.
Purse Owner fags will literally buy anything Fatlus shits out, and there are a lot of newfags to the series from 5 that would shell out cash for a remade 3 as well.
One dungeon per block is perfectly acceptable. The areas are all distinct looking anyway. Sectors 5 and 6 are abstract trippy shit anyway, there's nothing stopping the blocks from being re-imagined as proper dungeons. Kamoshida's palace shows that Fatlus can create a dungeon with a great sense of verticality through progression and scale. In fact, most of the dungeons had a great sense of verticality/scale that would match the looming nature of Tartarus (Space, Casino, Bank [reverse]).


Best girl Saori.

I did it because I wanted to social link the male party members

10/10 bait because it works everytime

I hope it's bait because you have to be retarded to think p3p is better

Chidori isn't canon dead. That's just something autists took out of context from The Answer and autists like you spread

>improved gameplay
>amazing FeMC route with better S. Links and great music
>no answer
FES fags are the mustard race of the Persona fanbase who are constantly crying about graphics.

Okay, asshole, if it wasn't already apparently from that image you're retarded. You've played FF5 on the advance, you can clearly see the difference.

I think P3P is fucking awful because at the time you were literally paying to look at pictures of FES

Uh what the Answer is full on canon they talk about it in Arena

>Arena not canon
Arena is mentioned in the Epilogue of P4:G which is the canon end

How is it implies he died. What? It straight out says he died and the ending song confirms it

Uh.... these?

Fuck off, Mariefags.

With Shinji being alive it makes no sense why Akihiko gets Caesar and Ken gets whatever. If Shinji isn't killed they would get completely different Personas. Also Ryoji wouldn't be a dude

People are retarded.

I've heard this was a bad port because it lacked of 3d exploration if not in the dungeons

How is it?

Chidori surviving is different because Junpei's second awakening is actually a fusion so he wouldn't have a different persona if she was alive. Also when she survives she has no idea who he is and Ultimax reveals that Junpei left her

It's the better game. FES was a pain in the butt with its awful gameplay decisions.

You can be a cute grill


Not really no. Some people would argue improved combat but there's now a FES hack to have full party control but even then only shitters complained about FES combat

This user is right. Nothing in the Answer implies she's dead or alive just that Junpei would not change what happened

It lets you control your party members unlike FES.

One thing that pissed me off in Persona 5 is how first world problem everything else.

Instead of focusing on literal kidnappers, terrorists and murderers then are like Ooooh Nooooo this old man stole my painting! Booo hooooo.

Fucking entitled punks.

Obsolete argument. See

Golden is canon you complete dumbass
Essentially all gameplay outside of Tartarus was replaced with pictures of P3FES. All cutscenes (fuck off they were food when they needed to be) were replaced with barely descriptive text boxes while also again, using pictures of FES' cutscenes.

People will say the combat is better but there was nothing wrong with FES' combat if you weren't a complete retard and P3P still uses FES' AI so hallway in the difficulty just breaks

Tartarus is the only time you actually get to play the game which is everyone's least favorite part and they added more.

FeMC's new's make the story make no sense

wtf they even removed the anime cutscenes?

>outside of Tartarus

Junpei explicitly states that Chidori is dead in the Answer

It's pretty much guaranteed. Maybe after Catherine

Emulated hacks are hardly qualifiable as ports.

She survives because of magic flowers, user. If that's not retarded I don't know what is.


Being able to walk into a shop to see the menu instead of just clicking on a shop makes the game 10000000 times better!!!!!1

Hashino leaving is exactly why a remake is possible, it's low effort and would be good practice for making persona 6.

Show us where he says that then faggot because I'm positive you're taking things out of context

That's right. We can be fair and say it has its pros, but FES does as well. I personally don't mind the lack of controllable party members, so FES seems superior in every way to me. You can't play as FeMC and see new dialogue and slinks, but whatever.

>Being able to
More like "having to".

Wow that sucked. You can't just cut all the charm and key elements of the original game away. It was just an empty husk with the "Persona3" name in it's title.

Persona 3: Fes the eternal king

The over world is replaced with a touchscreen layout on a system without a touchscreen

I'm way too tired to look for the specific time in a video but in the one of the cutscenes, Junpei says something like, "ever since Chidori died" and there is literally no way you could take that any other way

Maybe you should just stick to all text-based games

why the fuck did anybody think this was an acceptable thing?

Hey it gets you immersed in the game fuck off

to be honest I want to rush it and finish it as fast as possible only because I got hooked to the persona lore after playing 5 and 4, and I want to know the story and the characters for the upcoming dancing games. So, the easier it is, the better

Are you retarded, user. Chidori did die either way. Then she came back to life. Did you play the game?

His exact words are "I wouldn't change what happened to Chidori" which depending on how you played he is referring to her dying, or being revived with no memory of him

Those flowers are the flowers you see her putting her life force in throughout the game

Probably PSP file sizes and stuff

Here it is

And how did the flowers gain magic powers to give her life force back? Chidori didn't have a Persona anymore.
Oh, and she lost her memkries(but not completely) because shit is sad.