What am I in for?
What am I in for?
Average Weebshit
modern jprg
Wife material
a midcore tales game with a pretty neat story and charecters.
shitty combat, shitty maps, shitty exploration, shitty history, average characters
Generic tales of combat that is somehow slightly worse than the one before.
Elevator music.
Poor character design.
You know, the usual.
A berserk rip-off
So I started playing this a few days ao. Am I supposed to have a balanced loadout of arts, or do I just check weaknesses and spam super effective moves?
I miss Symphonia's combat
It's ok and what you would expect of modern Tales games. I really think they should try to make one with a 2D battle system again. Legendia and Eternia are the best games in the series although Graces had the best battle system of the 3D games.
just spam what the enemy is weak too. dont bother making cool combos.
I've put about 50 hours into it and I'm not sure why.
Because you were having fun. Or your life sucks maybe
>Or your life sucks maybe
Yup. Not gonna argue that one.
Serviceable combat
Average music (for a tales game)
Great cast
Great story
Awful level design
This. Cast is unironically one of best in genre.
It's a bad game, the combat is dull button mashing and you spend most of your time backtracking
And yet if you can get past that, the cast of characters are charming and the story is interesting enough albeit generic JPRG plot #26
It's a good game
You might get tired of the combat depending on what difficulty you play
And you might also get bored from going from place to place.
But once you're on rails it's really really good at what it does.
The characters and story will be enough to compensate the bad points and give you enough attention span to finish this game
Trash overhyped by weeb for some reason
>slightly worse than the one
Nothing is worse than zestiria
A bad game with good writing
I love both
>dat magilou
>good writing
The most based shota in all of weebland
Post best girl
Average game that seems to be much better than it really is coming after Zestiria.
the meme is real
to be fair you can probably count on one hand how many genuinely well written jrpgs there are
how bad is zestiria on a scale of 1 to 10
Amazing characters and attention grabbing story sprinkled with shitty fucking dungeons.
I love the game but I just can't forgive the dungeon designs.
But it doesn't even have good writing for a jrpg, it's your typical garbage people eat up because muh waifu
Cute Berubetto
Why do birds fly?
A mediocre game experience
Give me back my games, Jamal.
like a 5/10, its more how much of a ball it drops that gives it the bad rep than it being actually awful. If you want a truly bad rpg go play something like white knight chronicles
I want to see Velvet get violated by werewolves while Artorius forces himself on Eleanor for betraying the Abbey which is all watched by Laphicet who is chained and forced to watch his girls getting annihilated, God I wish I could be Laphicet.
I beat Zestiria and am playing Berseria and I agree. Velvet is so OP that o don’t even look at the screen during combat anymore. Zestiria was more challenging and fun
I'm 10 hours into it. Is there any way to make the combat more than just mashing?
God I want Magilou to step on my dick.
I just fucking love Velvet, I wish she was real, kill me.
Well, yeah. But that's Tales for you. Series was never on top of anything.
Welcome to tales off enjoy your stay.
The writing is just as good if not better than other jrpg.
You're easy to summon
Velvet choking Phi was good fap material
hallway simulator
A solid B+.
>The dub is actually decent.
>The combat is easy to break.
>Story is intriguing enough to keep you playing, albeit somewhat predictable
>Actual honest to god /ss/ with the shota actually being the one to push it further
i deliberated between this set or the pirate set but in the end i figured the pirate costumes would make more sense
velvet's pirate gear looks fantastic on her, although to be fair she looks good in basically anything.
>The dub is actually decent.
It is. Trust me I am the first one to drop a dub hard if it doesn't measure up. But I think the main cast do a solid job. Tales games to me have always had very consistent dubs.
No it's just not, it's shit and even if it were "ok" it's be literal light years away from the Japanese dub
I'm tired of the Zestiria/Berseria universe. I do like the full torso skits, which is the new norm since Zestiria. Don't like the gameplay nor the equipment/upgrade system, kinda convoluted. Liked gameplay in Vesperia and Graces f more. Can't wait for the next one.
jesus what died and crawled up your ass today? i shot on bad dubs all the time but berseria's is seriously not that bad at all.
i played a solid chunk of JP dub and it was pretty much the same, Velvet's voice was a little different, but Eng Velvet grew on me pretty fast.
It's not like this is Persona 5 where you have literal whos versus an all star celeb studded cast.
the only character who tempted me to go back to JP was Bienfu, but eventually i got used to him as well
Post again without reddit spacing and I may consider reading what you have to say
you buzzword spitting faggot.
come up with your own fucking thoughts and feelings before pissing into this pool
Make a webm of you beating EX dungeon enemies on the highest difficulty without looking at the screen. Bull fucking shit.
Berseria on the highest difficulties scales enemies up to your level. I had a party in the 90s get randomly wiped out by weasels stunlocking everyone to death. it's not braindead unless you play on Normal, shitter
Completely agree.
Why is it that the newer games have worse combat?
Graces F was probably the last fun one.
Game better than the last game, but not as good as the good games in the series.
Its like the game released in the recovery period after Baba fucked off and quit, so at least the game is free of his shit.
Threadly reminder that Velvet is a filthy pedophile
And thats bad?
No, YOU are a filthy, degenerate projecting pedophile.
A good cast and not much else. Rest of it ranges from mediocre to bad.
It wouldn't have been as praised as it was if the previous game wasn't a complete disaster.
The Japanese voices are awful
a fantastic cast
>Zenteria isnt braindead
>do the transformation
>proceed to mash one button like in a mobile game with autocombos
>beat enemies AND bosses
Yeah okay. And i would know since i pirated both of them.
the dub is good
lmao what a faggot
Reported to the fbi
This 100%. The Tales team is trying to undo all the bullshit Baba did
The only Tales Pedo is Tear.
I tried to get back into the Tales series with this game. Haven't not played anything in it since Symphonia, and I heard decent things about it.
In short, you made a mistake OP. The gameplay is better but this game series certainly hasn't evolved enough to be interesting.
Only Japan could like something as generic as this shit.
Story has too many plot points that are never explained since it's assumed you know them from the previous games in the series.
Characters are the definition of generic and boring edg3l0rd memes
One of the most empty open world game that never feels like it's worth exploring and never gives you good reasons to do so.
Combat is brainless buttonmashing (I played only normal)
One of the very few games where the music actually annoyed me.
While most characters are terrible and get no interesting development about 5-7 of them get actually interesting when you are about 80% of the game done.
The worst Tales of game together with Zesty and Tempest.
Wrong, Tear is a canon furry.
Also, hello ace.
Nigga what part of “I’m playing” don’t you get? I’m ten hours in and my complaints are based on that experience. In Zestiria you at least had to pick the best element for the job before you spammed attack.
Hello user
>complaining when he hasn't even reached the postgame content which is literally where every jrpg keeps its challenging content
fuck off
if you don't like it, turn the difficulty up. enjoy getting fucked in the ass because you don't actually know how to play.
>has 10% of the artes
>is still fighting brown pigs
>complains about combat
fuck off faggot
I recall some random encounters presenting difficulty in Zestiria, mainly caster heavy ones
>Games should only be fun for the end game
How the fuck is 10 hours of mindlessly easy combat not a valid complaint?
They’re gold pigs now
Is Velvet a virgin forever?
are you playing on the highest difficulty
No, but the highest I’ve unlocked