Are you looking forward to this game?
no, the writing is shit, in a recent video you can see a letter from a distant father to his two kids and it's just terrible on every level
if it had better writing, no fixed protag, good art direction and a more interesting setting I'd consider it
It would be a copy of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines then.
Personally I think that the Art Direction is one of most successful thing in the game right now, the setting may not be so original but it's still good and the writing could be better in the final release on 5th June.
the writing won't become better, you don't write drivel into a game just to make it better in the future, you write it good the first time
just the faggot protagonist alone deters me from playing
Can you sex lewd vampire girls in it?
So you can since it's not really a thing in VtMB?
I don't think that modding will be a part of the game desu
So you can't since you are talking about modding? Why the fuck can't you just say yes or no, it was not a difficult question you mongoloid.
There you have it. Gosh, you can't even understand some basic phrases, you need someone to literally put tut things in your mouth like a fucking toddler.
Quit this site and pick a book.
I was asking about having it in the game by default, who the actual fuck asked about modding you braindead tumblr retard?
>write it good
Glad you're not in charge of writing, user.
*upvotes you*
well spotted, m'lord, and a good day to you sir
No, there won't be sexy vampire girls. Again, this is not VtMB
Nope. The only thing it had going for it was the graphics and you can clearly see how the devs downgraded them. The combat is uninspired and the premise is dumb.
I'm hoping against my better self that it will be good, despite the lineage and all the signs pointing at the contrary.
But I'm not waiting for by this point.
The premise was the only thing the game had to offer as far as I'm concerned.
Vampire doctor in a plague-ridden enclosed space, need to feed on people to survive, want to try and save as many as you can... moral choices ahoy... that was a fucking cool setting for a vampire game.
Trouble is the more they show of the game the more it appears this will only be skin-deep.
No, everything was shitty form the last gameplay video.
>Personally I think that the Art Direction is one of most successful thing in the game right now
Dontnod in a nutshell so far. Great art, barely mediocre game.
>flu virus causes people to become insane/zombies/vampires/whatevers
It reflects total lack of imagination and creativity on the dev's part.
Unless I missed something, the two are totally separate. There's an epidemic AND you're a vampire. No causation of one to the other.
Unless there's a vampire are disease carriers aspect I didn't notice.