He killed quadrillions...
He killed quadrillions
If you like undertale you need to go back to tumblr
of sperm cells.
>tfw he will never fucking kill you
He didnt kill that many people in fact he resurect them all at the expense of living with a soul.
Impressive, hating undertale, you must be hardcore lad
Fucking neck yourself you pathetic late 90s faggot
t. 14 year old sjw gaymer
this, i fapped to asriel porn too much since the game release.
I already fapped.
t. alt right memelord
praise kek xD
what the fuck is this meme
Pig disgusting
im talking about the "killed millions" shit
>tfw played undertale on release before it gained a fanbase
>was an amazing experience, like a 999 or ace attorney game
>now half of Sup Forums will never get to experience it because they've been convinced it's shit
I'm sorry for you poor saps
> he will never make an asriel comic
feels bad man
Nigger, it had a fanbase long before release
chara did nothing wrong
Oroch1 is shit anyway
only two other furfags who could do an asriel comic right and gunmouth takes forever and tokifuji hasnt finished ponebutt part 3.
I guess peritian too but twincest cats come first
Post thighs
I don't appreciate your tastes.
who would you pick?
Does she just not have nipples?
anime girls never have them
Milk me dry, goatboi
Okay see the difference here is that in this one the bra is actually covering where her nipples should be
The other one should be showing 3/4 nipple considering her tit size and the clothing she's wearing
this game is for gay kids
That 4th pic has literally no excuse
Where the fuck does the artist think the nipple is anyway?
i think they're just not there. i have had it described as boobie magic before, or tape, but who knows.
>Post a character
>S/he killed (positive value)
There you go
It really isn't that great. It's main draw isn't even it's gameplay because then it's just a sub par shoot-em up. The main draw is it's story and characters which even then aren't anything special either.
It's literally a tumblr meme game like Five Yiffs at Furfags
he did nothing wrong though
why though?