This game is near fucking perfect
It's almost everything I wanted from Skyrim and Oblivion, but without Bethesdas casual pandering
This game is near fucking perfect
It's almost everything I wanted from Skyrim and Oblivion, but without Bethesdas casual pandering
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not casual enough for me to enjoy
Perfect? The combat is fucking broken.
When buying a horse how the fuck do you know which is which?
Only problem is replayability could be shit thanks to having to go through long as tutorials on combat to even be decent at fighting, and loading screens when talking to shops. Other than that, yes it's good.
works fine on my machine
Im 5 hours in and just reached the third town. Finding it quite boring. All that's happened till now is 1 hour of cutscenes and 3 hours of running to the next cutscene. Does it get better?
Saving without potions mod is practically mandatory. Unless you enjoy making the potions that much.
>Shitty slip-and-slide floaty-ass melee.
Fail. How can he drink from that cup if the entire bottom is glitched open?
The combat in this game is one of the more retarded systems I've seen in a while.
>Cant play as a trans dyke negress
Um no sweetie.
How long is the game if you skip the cutscenes?
>""""""""realistic"""""""" combat
I don't buy games that sell themselves on controversy. I don't care how "based" he may be, Vavra is a jackass for selling out to Sup Forumstards
it's fine. you cant just mash left click to win.
>Vavra is a jackass for selling out to Sup Forumstards
all he did was act like a normal sane person and Sup Forums thing that makes him an alt-right neo nazi supporter
If this game had M&B or Chivalry combat it would be GOTY but that kind of programming was probably too hard for the slav kikestarters.
>i..its only is about controversy which totally exists outside of 4chins!!!
Sure thing, bucko.
>M&B combat
What's so good about it, outside of mounted combat?
There's nothing controversial about history you fucking retard
bladed combat
Had literally zero problems with the combat from the very start. Was able to swing how I wanted and combo how I wanted. Passed the training in minutes. Killed the first bandits I ran into effortlessly. I can’t believe people are having problems with the system. Git gud.
Combat where you have more control is more fun though.
You retards can believe what you want. I'm not spending a cent to Sword Postal
We get it user, you are angry, very angry. Now go use that anger for something productive.
Its ok sweetie. Rest of us will have fun you go sit in a corner and screech "Sup Forums!"
Everyone who comments this got stuck on the first drunkard fist fight like a retard, I guarantee it
Nope. I get worse when you start fighting real bandits. Multiple at a time is retarded because of the way the combat is designed like a rock paper scissors thing. Try fucking rock paper scissoring 3 people at the same time.
The training is impossible to even start
Lefty/pol/ btfo
This fucking pisses me off. When are we going to get a game that actually tries to make melee combat realistic. If I cut a guys arm and he's wearing nothing but a shitty cloth shirt. His arm should come off. If you get stabbed in the gut you should bleed out and die. If someone swings a hammer at your face you should have your face crushed and field of view cutoff/blinded. Is there any game that even does this?
How long is the game exactly?
The whole idea of this game was that you wouldnt be able to do totally unrealistic shit like fight 3v1. I would be pissed if one guy didnt get behind you and stab you in the back every time.
>Rock paper scissors
What? Just do a bunch of feints and perfect parries. That's not rock paper scissors at all.
you can also just disengage from combat and wildly swing your sword near people. The AI can't deal with it and every fight becomes trivial. I wouldn't recommend it.
>The whole idea of this game was that you wouldnt be able to do totally unrealistic shit like fight 3v1.
>3v1 unrealistic
Every webm like this is a bug where you have a sword out when the game thinks youre using your fists. In the actual game like one hit with the sword on unarmored flesh does a disabling injury at least and people almost always surrender or run when you pull a sword in a fist fight.
Are you retarded?
you haven't played the game.
Probably because RL combat is boring and shitty, you need to have some amount of "unrealism" to make it entertaining
We share a board with people like this.
>Pull sword on an unarmed peasant
>Expecting them to try to punch you out
You're an idiot. You can still kill them if they surrender though.
Honestly, I'm enjoying the enemies surrendering when they think they'll lose. It's a nice touch that more games need.
I'm not a native english speaker and I couldn't think of a more appropriate word
>I share a board with pedantic faggots like these
>Real-life combat is boring
Watch out, lads. UltraChad ITT.
>If I cut a guys arm and he's wearing nothing but a shitty cloth shirt. His arm should come off
Not it shouldn't. You wouldn't even reach bone probably unless your edge alignment was perfec. Sure, it would be a deep cut and he'd instinctively clutch the wound almost immediately and drop onto the ground wailing in pain or stagger, bleeding profusely, but people aren't fucking jelly beans. Unless you're galloping on horseback full speed you won't just lop an arm off that easily.
Post three examples of real life melee combat that lasts more than a few seconds, I'll wait
>inb4 posting a webm where 90% of the time the guys aren't even attacking each other
Where are my polearms, spears and crossbows, slavshits?
yes I'm sure your perfect hypothetical game is like that, too bad we're talking about KCD here
>don't speak english
It was obvious.
the cut polearm skills out...but at least left them in the game lel. the actual beta had more content.
>Implying there are instances of real life melee weapon fights outside of drunken brawls or one-sided robberies
Historians don't even know how actual battles were fought. Did everyone pile in? Was there a corridor between the two groups where people would occasionally charge through?
Severance does this
Does this count?
Also I'm fairly sure there won't be many people who experienced serious combat and would describe it as "boring".
Do you feel better now after you pointed it out you disgusting imitation of a human being? Is this what you live for every day?
I'll check it out. Looks old as fuck though.
>>Implying there are instances of real life melee weapon fights outside of drunken brawls or one-sided robberies
people do historical larping all the time
I agree OP, complete perfection. Only an idiotic leftist Hillary supporter would find this game clunky and broken.
>Is this what you live for every day
Do you really believe that? This language of this website is english though. So at least try your best is what I'm saying. But it seems you have the mental capacity of a twelve year old.
>the actual beta had more content.
And they cut it? Gay.
They couldn't make it work, or is this because dlc jewery?
Is it on GoG yet? I played it over a decade ago.
Just pirate it, pretty sure the devs are dead.
audible kek
My post was fine, the wording was not perfect but it was completely understandable what I was referring to
you're just an idiot shitposter that got into this "argument" about nothing at all, and now you can't let it go because you feel compelled to just reply over and over again until you win
>But it seems you have the mental capacity of a twelve year old.
ouch, I got burned.
Still not "real life combat" like requested. Two people fighting to the death in arms and armour probably still differs substantially from larps. That said, I don't believe larp combats end in less than 3 seconds as that user believes
in all seriousness, i think it was cut because they were dealing with console release along side of PC. they rushed it out.
nice strawman.
The game has 0 social politics on it, I guess that makes you mad. I hope you keep the Kingdom Come Deliverance folder as a reminder
this is a joke compared to Kingdom Come combat
nah they just never had the resources to make a good combat system to begin with. They kept the same broken combat system they first showed off years ago. It's so obvious to tell that all the effort in the game went into "muh historical accuracy" and "muh freedoms" that they forgot to work on the gameplay.
He's probably wearing a gambeson.
>game prides itself on its realism
You are really buttblasted about this holy shit lol. You can't speak proper english, it's okay. Just go back to school.
no he's definitely wearing daedric armor beneath his shirt
what peasant doesn't wear a gambeson?
Just like I said. Literally can't stop replying to me
That's quite ironic of you to say. You're aware of that, right? Oh wait, twelve year old.
Oh I never said the game had politics. It's just clear that the only people who would buy this garbage are doing it because somehow historical accuracy = "NO NIGGERS LOL". And yes my folder of webms of this broken atrocity of a game is filling up fast; will definitely be a good source of laughter for years to come.
>loading screens when talking to shops
Install game on SSD, loading screens fucking disappear.
Even if the combat is flawed, I find it more engaging and interesting than most other RPGs on the market. If it was executed better, it would probably be the best to date. It's better than the "Spam left click to swing your sword at the enemy until they die" style combat of Elder Scrolls games.
I can keep going for hours, what about you? Wanna see who stops replying first? The prize is: the most pathethic human being of the day award.
Still an RPG, it plays by RPG rules no matter how realistic combat is.
SSD isn't in the system reqs is it?
consoles must really have it bad.
How do I find Ginger the horse faggot? I go to the coal guys but they are sleeping and don't want to talk with me... I must wait until the next morning?
>It's just clear that the only people who would buy this garbage are doing it because somehow historical accuracy = "NO NIGGERS LOL"
Does parroting this nonsense help you to sleep at night?
>There's nothing controversial about history you fucking retard
oh boy
Are you losing your mind? I'm almost starting to feel sorry for you. But hey, since you're the bigger man, why don't you just stop replying.Oh...wait...something about your age...
Will there ever be a time where Sup Forums can discuss this game without massive amounts of shitposting from both sides and 2 or 3 retards posting the same webms every thread?
Don't tell me to go to /vg/
I'm guessing this is your first Kingdom Cum thread or possibly first trip to Sup Forums? This game has been getting shilled non-stop and the headline has been "IF YOU DON'T BUY THIS GAME IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A DIRTY LEFTIST SJW SUPPORTER".
Your move
oh my god you two get a fucking room
>Don't tell me to go to /vg/
Go to reddit then. Not even joking. Reddit is a better place to discuss vidya than Sup Forums at this point
You litterally can't stop lol. Maybe you need a dictionary? You seem confused.
>I can keep going for hours, what about you? Wanna see who stops replying first?
Calm down there sheriff McTitties
ps4 pro has SATA 3 support so it will manage, dunno about others, so probably fucking horrendous.
>Everyone who bought it is from Sup Forums
>Everyone on Sup Forums, who bough it, did so because of few kids got wet over a tweet
Would you be so kind and go discuss a game you are interested in? Thank you.
Your next
he's off-duty