ITT : Game ideas based off pics alone

ITT : Game ideas based off pics alone

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Some sort of loli rape simulator game?


pre-order bonus pack


But instead you play as a feisty redheaded girl and can learn wrestling moves.


Yeah that'd be fun

Bully 1958

Anne of Green Theft Auto

SJW version of Bully


lol nailed it. what a time to be alive. if only we had disposable income.

bioshock infinite

wait I thought this picture was originally a Battleborn parody

this makes me want to have a daughter and raise her well
is that fucked up?


awwe fuck yeah, look at these feet. now that's a utopia.

all im thinkin is SkullGurlz or Final Fantasy uhh whatever one that had the bunny ear girl ##.

Bully 2
You are a girl now

Bully a nerd simulator

>google russell jones
>first result is ODB from Wu Tang Clan

It's too early to laugh this hard.

that green christmas loli is gonna straight up murder some fools.


Wait a minute, I recognize that Y-shaped twig

XXX-Games brought to you by Dewritos

No, that's natural for a man.
Unless by "raising her well" you mean fuck her

lol it's true

hgggg! those claw like finger nails and fangs

Please recommend me a game based on this image.
Besides WoW, I already play a goblin and gnome girl

Please don't bully me, Nagatoro

Nagatoro is a freshman girl in high school who loves bullying her Senpai. But he puts up with it, even after being put through all kinds of embarrassing situations, because he's in love with her.

(Too real... I had that IRL for a couple years, unrequited love.)


more like ntr simulator

Nope. Just really ignorant.



A female version of Bully would never work because they couldn't be realistic enough. We all fucking know that if a woman couldn't get what she wanted easily, she'd open her legs or flash her tits for it, and Rockstar can't put that in an M game if it's in a high school setting.

If you could be the school bitch/slut and use everything at your disposal including your body to seduce teachers (to make them look the other way) give townies blowjobs for extra save points and money and make other girls cut themselves or get depression to make your goal easier, it would be a 10/10 and the feminists would probably love it because empowering.

Bully 2

Girl gets kick led our of her school for fighting and then goes to a all girl school where all the students do is fight.

Medieval stealth based prank simulator

>all the students do is fight.
and yuri

I used to have an incest kink, but now the thought of fucking my daughter after raising her doesn’t please me




>the thought of fucking my daughter after raising her doesn’t please me
Yeah she would be too old by then.

>preorder bonus is not bikini/swimsuits

The school is also Catholic school, so no gays.

It is quite good and already has some relationship progress.

Jokes on you, catholic yuri are even hotter


I always hated his painting. When I was a kid we had a bunch of them all over the house and I'd cover them up with sheets because they made me uncomfortable.

Literally Armello



holy shit asians can wink?

any generic weebshit game

I've had this one in my gamedev idea folder for a while.


>Girls CAN be rapists.


>having an idea guy folder
kys, just kys

on one hand i love slice of life and this seems really cute but on the other romance and shit tends to just make me more depressed

>hating the Rockwell

What are you, a commie?

>that trousers + saddle shoes ensemble

How do you think video games start out? As finished products?


Tooth and tail

I mean... this is TECHNICALLY a picture...

Tony Hawk (the bird) Nature Skater

What would the game be about? What's the gameplay like? Your picture just describes one mechanic.


>He make the game first with stick figure and poorly drawn backgrounds first then figure out what everything is going to be


The most handsome cute man in existence, no homo



But that already requires somewhat of an idea what the game is supposed to look like. Having a player character, or any humanoid character already limits options and counts as idea.

terror game

Don't say deus ex

holy shit, that trailer is intense. good voice actor, good art, good vision, luv it.

There was a blog about an indie game about playing as a cat in a neon Tokyo but I can't find it

OH shit duck surf sim, something like that penguin surfing movie, "Surfs Up" i think?

Bully game set in the 1950/60
Female protagonist

>nth bully post
That's such a unique opinion user! Go fuck yourself


First thought I had was SNES Shadowrun.

Sleeping Dogs.

All this invokes in me is Alan Wake.

bully 2

Of all things to make me laugh

Deus... Vult


I'd play
