Better to play as male or female in saints row?

Better to play as male or female in saints row?

It doesnt matter faggot

Female, if you use that cyka voice.

Male with the Australian voice is the only choice

go make a tranny instead so you won't have to choose

When I am playing as a female I am just thinking with my dick, spending lot of time buying clothes and masturbating to my created waifu.
And when I am playing as a male I do care more about story but then I feel empty that I cant focus more on my character

Either with a turtle neck

What game?

If you play as a female, you're supporting transgenderism because the boss has always been only a dude in the first game

Saints row you stupid cunt

That's some serious sliderfu.
Got any presets?


maybe this?


Post more saints row waifus

man they really fucked up with the clothing in 3 and 4
>tfw no more fishnet stockings


Man but woman face in sr2 was ugly as fuck

Which saints row should I pirate if a want to play as these cute girls

yeah and the hair was just as shitty too but it wasn't impossible to make a decent female face

female, yellow skin, hive hair blue, female voice, green dress.

How's Saints row 3/4 run on PC? I have a potato

I'd boot up my 360 to play again but I don't wanna, and I dint wanna pay for online


Probably 4 since it has everything 3 has plus more and you can just fuck around in the city without much trouble.


>mfw they removed the Spanish voice in SR3 and SR4


Really well actually. Both have a lot of settings to make it run decent even on toasters.
It's only 2 that is broken beyond belief.

>It's only 2 that is broken beyond relief
and the shoddy coding means it will never ever be backwards compatible with the current generation of consoles. my 360 broke recently and now all I want to do with play SR2

female because of laura bailey

you are a very stupid fuck

>DeepSilver got bought by THQ Nordic

I hope they're going to force them to finally make a SR5.


That said, males looked ten times better in 1 and 2 than in 3 and 4

>and the shoddy coding means it will never ever be backwards compatible with the current generation of consoles
What really?
I still hang on to my SR2 disc hoping that one day it would become BC on the Xbone.

You can try running the GOG version with the Gentlemen of the Rows mod pack and see how well it runs on your PC.
It's literally a gamble with each machine though.

>saints row

Russian and french boss are both better than her.

>strength: 100%

Please, Belgian.

I have the Steam version, and the GOG version is exactly the same except it has GOTR preinstalled. It was playable with the mod on my old system, but on this PC the framerate is slideshow tier and none of the usual fixes seem to help. I'm bummed about it.

The fuck you talking about?
There is spanish voice in sr3




I'll be more happy that they'll drop the 'diversity first' motive that was in Agents of Mayhem.

except they didn't


Spic male voice.

what's the point of an ass shot if she has no ass


Black people please go away

fuck you Seamus

>you can create your perfect dream quiet gray mouse

Every fucking time

Male, seeing a female do the things the boss does is just cringery as fuck.

The Boss is not a quiet mouse, so that fits

SR1 would like a word. Hope you don't mind hepatitis.


I dont mind it as long as my dick is happy

Doesn't matter so long as you're as whacky as you can possibly be.

For example, my last playthrough was as a chinese blowup doll with permanent O for a mouth.

Before that was a bitch in lingerie and a top hat. Pimp cane was my weapon of choice for her.

Did a Mario and Luigi thing for Saints 4.

So really, the only specification for a Saints character is whacky fun. Anything serious and you're not doing it right.

You literally can't play this game without fapping if you use a THICC girl.
I use a guy just so I can pay attention to the story

i hated how making your tits really big made them look bimbo-esque balloons that go off into opposite directions. really wish they had a bit of that natural sag going on.
plus clothes just looked fucking stupid on you at that point.

bimbo slut > szara cicha myszka

There was most definitely fishnet stockings in SR3

Which SR is that ? 3 ? 4 ?

Which Saintt Rows should I start with ? Is it worth playing 2 ?

>Is it worth playing 2 ?

Start with the first, play the second, then stop, the third and fourth games are shit.

Identical character creator, friend

But which is better ?

if you want to play cuh-rayzee GTA SR 3
if you want prototype with matrix references SR 4

Depends on if you like playing dress up as a male, fag.

Tough choice desu

Female of course
>stare that ass and save your lesbian girlfriend while "I need a hero" plays in the background.

You can change gender at any time in saints row who cares

>strength 100%
>sex appeal 100%

Yeah pure boner fuel

That hair is modded in right?

Not him but I think it's part of a dlc.

maybe but you couldn't pick what kind of fishnets or what shoes to put them with inb4 faggot
I am one

fuck you for making me buy SR4 just now

you could have just pirated, user

I'd rather just pay 5$ than spend time finding torrents for a 5 year old game

don't be a poorfag

Female comes across as very non-canon but it's objectively better so who cares?

>the third is a better game
>4 has a handful of better customization options

I really just want a better version of the third, one good enough to topple 2

Poor people please go away

I made the mistake and played 4 first. I was heavily disappointed that cars were useless and the radio didn't even work properly when entering them. The powers also got boring fast.

I played the third one recently and the first time free roaming with that black dude was better than the entire fourth game.

It's probably eminently doable to mod 4's customization options into 3

The Third is less shit

I enjoyed 4

Laura does a fucking amazing job in these games

you are welcome to

but 3 is objectively less shit

Four was ok, but I couldn't stop feeling that I was playing a less fluid Prototype, with the powers and all.
The Third was fun because it took the GTA model and cranked the lulsorandum meter to just the right amount.


>cars were useless
not only are the cars useless in 4 but they still acted like anyone wanted to customize them, and still added unlockable vehicles

you can fucking fly and run faster than any vehicle in the game why would you ever want one

Same. It's a completely different type of game and it's pretty fucking janky but it's a ton of fun. Reminds me of the fun I used to have in Crackdown.

>when you just gotta go fast

would hit hard enough to knock the chaos emeralds out of/10

What's the point of having her underwear that small if I can't see her asshole?