Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Let's listen to some radio and talk about everyone's favorite vampire game.

Other urls found in this thread:


Such a fantastic game, and such a shame what happened to the studio

god i fucking love that radio!
is there a real life equivalent?

>Be Tremere.
>Blood Boild everything in my way.
>When not enough act like a madman, fight fire with a blade.
>Everything dead, use extra time to enjoy comfy goth locations and dialogue.



Tremere a shit.


Patrician tier: Tremere
High tier: Gangrel
Meh tier: Nosferatu, Brujah
Twilight tier: Ventrue, Toreador
Reddit tier: Malkavian



>gangrel this high
>toreador this low

Why are they dancing like this around the coffin?

The person who died was probably a fan of that kind of dancing

Maybe their butts hurt.

Can we post clan themes?

Biggy on the left killin it.
Nigga at least doin more than just the power ranger arms, he's moving around some too.

don't talk shit about my furry waifu cunt

I shall provide this, the song of my dark masters.

Translate the vid description lol, they were supposedly a dancer

What is she going to do, slash with her tiny claws and get their slow animation interrupted by any random attack?


summon some ghost wolves on your ass

>be a tremere chad
>get shit from the inferior bloodlines jealous of my power and sunglasses

How do I into this game? I can't just play the regular version can I? I heard it needs to be patched by something. Pls help!

Where are your wolves now?

Download the GOG version from somewhere. That one includes the patch you need to make the game playable.

>malkavians are reddit tier
they are literally able to see into the future m8

Ha-ha, fishmalk so funney xD

>make a long stealth mission with a lot of NPC chatter and a funny briefcase exchange scene at the end
>can only be experienced by clans with Obfuscate because stealth skill is shit
>all patches make stealth skill even worse

>Gangrel are all stupid animals
>Bucket is an intelligent gentleman

>I have no idea what a malk is or how to roleplay as one

>be tremere chad
>your sire tells you to give him a rimjob

No you don't and will never fit in. Stop trying.

>game bugs out at the end of Downtown
>lost all will to re-start over again

>inferior mage LARPers

Playable? You mean on the never operating systems? I heard it needs to be patched by some community patch, like Stalker.

Every half-decent game I've ever been in had malks as NPC-only.

Us roleplayers amirite:)

>game bugs out
>get a slight erection at the thought of replaying early game again
I love Santa Monica.

I don't think you understand anything let alone how clans work.


>I heard it needs to be patched by some community patch, like Stalker.

Neither game NEED a community patch to be playable, I played and beat both just fine before there was even a hint of the possibility of a community patch. Bloodlines did need an OFFICIAL patch, though. The game was released unbeatable.

>Clan members are all two-dimensional cookie-cutter cardboard cutouts of their clan stereotype

GOG version comes with the basic unofficial patch. That being said, you might want to install a newest community patch over it anyway. But not the Wesp's one, he's gone insane. Look for true patch gold.

not even giving you a (You), faggot

What the hell are you babbling about?

whats the best clan for stealth and hack n slash?

Literally Nosferatu.

>literally the only clan to recognize Caine the motherfucking father of all vampires
>reddit tier

Nosferatu or Malkavian

Too bad it wasn't a real Caine.

you are going to china

Gangrel literally have a cap on intelligence. How did Bucket get around that?

Becked is the mary sue of VTM

also inteligence =/= wisdom

>Gangrel literally have a cap on intelligence

Where does it say this?


Gangrel are generally characterized by being innawoods loners, not stupid


Probably by living real, real fucking long you get to go around arbitrary video game caps.

>Gangrel are generally characterized by being furries

>Playing as Toreador
>Feels like a sexy af charismatic vampire
>Seduce the slut standing next to the bar
>Suck her delicious blood from her neck and grope her tits in the process
>Decide to dance to let off some steam
>My moves make me look like a complete dork just like the rest of those degenerate ravers

whose the girl in the brown jacket?


Yuki, a hunter in Chinatown who you can help kill a wereshark
AKA best girl


Is in the store right opposite the Red Dragon in chinatown

Can someone pls tell me how I can integrate a mod into the game after downloading them? I'm not really familiar with them.

oh fuck i guess i missed her

Unofficial patch 10.0 is gonna be the final one, right? It's been nearly 3 months since 9.9, so it should be coming soon, right?

What mods exactly? Some mods have installers (like CQM), others are just about replacing files iirc. They should say what you should do in the instructions.

Why is best girl missing from this image and some dumb slut there instead?


You have to be more specific

Bet she's glad that wasn't a tentacle monster, huh?

Is it wrong of me to find VTMB to be one of the best written games of all time? The dialogue just feels so extremely natural, from any character in it.


Imalia, [spoiler/] is that you?

We aren't in love with it because of the combat system.

The story is kinda lacking sometimes, but the dialogue and characters are god tier, I agree. Too bad most of the characters are dropped after one or two encounters. I kept going back to see if they have anything more to do or to say but I was disappointed most every time.

It's one of the main reasons people love it, so no. Easily the most immersive game ever made imo, playing it was one of the few times I actually felt like I was roleplaying a character in a game, discovering all this new lore and clans and politics...

>best girl

I hope you're talking about Tourette

You were right, it came with the instructions in the readme.txt. Thanks.



Funny how no part of the lore denies it, uh?



Fuck that. I have best girl kill that stupid slut ever time.