> ...And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling Sony
...And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that meddling Sony
I doubt it. The Dreamcast was out for over a year after the ps2 and no one even gave a shit that entire time
>...and my constant fuckups that got people to lose interest in me
That's because everyone was waiting for the PS2
no they weren't. I'm pretty old and I remember it pretty clearly. Sega had just come off another failed console, the saturn and there wasn't much trust in the company since the saturn failed and had only been out for like 4 years or so. The ps2 came out 13-14 months after the dreamcast, which is forever in vidya time. The xbox 360 basically won its generation because of the year head start. It didn't work so well for sega because after the 32x and saturn no one gave a shit or had confidence in them anymore
Little known fact :
Final Fantasy VIII was released the same day as Dreamcast. Even to this day Sega still holds a grudge against Square.
I stand corrected
Xbox 360 didn't win its generation though, lost to Wii and PS3 in sales and to PS3 in game library.
oh boy this meme again, sony has never released final sales for the ps3 nor has m$. and think about it, even if the ps3 surpassed 360 in terms of sales dont you think they would have wanted everyone to know? use some common sense next time.
>PS3 in game library.
LMAO imagine being this delusional.
I just bought a Dreamcast, very happy with it.
LMAO no you would not have though. Id have sooner bought a gamecube instead if no PS2 option.
A quick google search confirms this is not true.
Dreamcast was a garbage system. It failed for a reason. And no, that reason is not "It was too ahead of it's time"
Probably because they are still selling them lol.
No it really was just that forgetable. Some of us were there. The saturn KILLED Sega for us. Few were willing to risk it, and it seemed to be full of PSX ports.
lol true XD
Sony, EA, Sega of Japan, the world not being ready for Online play, the absolute insane ease of piracy on this thing (not even PSP was as easy, and that's saying something).
It wasn't just one thing, but quite a few elements, because ultimately it was a pretty badass console.
or the fact it was easy as hell to pirate games
so yall are just gonna ignore the fact that sony black balled developers that would make exclusives for the dreamcast? K
>PS2 and PSX wins
>lmao yeah ok, only thanks to third world hue pirate fags with chipped playstations
>dreamcast fails
Did what sorry?
This to a degree. The Saturn may have failed in the US but it was a much better-built system in general. The Dreamcast is considerably flimsier and arguably has a worse library than the Saturn's JP lineup.
If nothing else, being a Saturn collector is a lot more fun when you don't have to worry about the laser assembly breaking from a light tap.
>owned a dreamcast
>brother in law had a friend who pirated like almost all the dreamcast games
>whenever he came over he brought them
i liked the dreamcast
Isn't that what Nintendo used to do back in the 80's?
Ahead of its time
Built in modem/netplay (unlike PS2)
Good graphics, better than early PS2 games in many cases
Tons of perfect arcade ports and many PC ports even
Easy as hell to pirate
Had they used DVDs, worked to get better exclusives, and used a less shitty controller it could have easily competed woth PS2 and stolen thunder from Xbox
>they seem to not want arcade games that much anymore, or at least they don’t want them to be EVERY GAME. shall we try a diffirent aproach?
And im a Tekken fag but jesus come on Sega.
So they pulled a Nintendo?
The Dreamcast had more release titles in fucking 2014 than the launch exclusives Xbone or PS4. It's the greatest console of all time.
>Ahead of its time
I can't think of one console that was easier to pirate for
>Don't have to buy any additional game
>Don't have to buy any additional hardware
>Don't have to solder
>Don't even have to do any custom loading or swap tricks or software building of any kind.
Just fucking burn it using Discjuggler and stick it the fuck in. Done.
Fucking insanity.
>Had they used DVDs, worked to get better exclusives, and used a less shitty controller
Fucking hell user that’s a LOT of stuff they needed to not be shit at.
in America they did stupid both came out of 9/9/99
Dreamcast failed because you couldn't buy on if you wanted to, stores refused to stock them after getting burned on Saturn and 32X
You couldn’t dare make this thread on /vr/, thry would ragesage you into oblivion before you were 30 replies in telling you that it could do no wrong
>Had they used DVDs, worked to get better exclusives, and used a less shitty controller
So if it was a completely different system than what was released?
I think they would suck the Dreamcast's dick, but they would also go over a lot of reasons why it didn't succeed.
Not like this board is any better really. I can't find one thread about video games that's active at all, but if you post about porn or politics, fucking 428 replies.
Its only 3 things. The Dreamcast actually had a lot of exclusives (Soul Calibur, Panzer Dragoon, Sonic Adventure, Shenmue, too many more to name). Remember that the PS2 flew off the shelves at first because it was the CHEAPEST DVD player you could buy. A lot of non gamers bought it because of this. Had Sega added DVD support earlier it could have been a crippling blow.
Sony didn't reveal the PS3 LTD because it didn't matter, it pales in comparison to Wii's LTD or PS3 own predecessors, the PS3 surpassed the 360 after the release of PS4. Why boast about surpassing the 3RL by a little, when you could use PS4's numbers and how it was destroying the Xone and Wii U instead? Use your brain a little.
>X360 superior in game library
I feel sorry for Xbots, really.
PS3 = more and better games released for it, in fact, as late of 2017 it was still getting AAAs.
>mental gymnastics to avoid admitting that wii won its gen
The Wii fell off a cliff after people realized it was a gimmick machine. Nobody was buying games for that thing.
>Remember that the PS2 flew off the shelves at first because it was the CHEAPEST DVD player you could buy
This fucking meme again.
Bullshit. Unlike you, I was alive in 2000. Most DVD players were $200 or more in 2000 (the year PS2 was released). They quickly dropped in price in next few years.
Yeah, the PS3 was an abomination and literally had no games for years. It's in the top three of worst consoles ever.
There is a video where Shenmue's team is seen studying VIII when it was release. They looked pretty upset for some reason.
DC had a lot debt from previous fuck ups weighing it down by time of its debut. We're talking shit from SoJ to canceling contracts and paying hefty penalties. Sony only sped up its demise.
DVD players were pretty pricey at the time but it was when the boom boomed. Mom and Dad knew you wanted your own DVD player and wanted a game system. When you told them that the PS2 did both it sounded like a damn good deal.
I'm not saying PS2 was as cheap as DVD players. It wasn't. Since it could play dvds, though, it sounded like a hella good value to your parents. Two birds, one stone.
Fuck off faggot im 27. My dad already had a DVD player in 2000. You are full of shit.
FAR fucking cheaper than a PS2 seen by many adults as a fucking toy.
>it sounded like a hella good value to your parents. Two birds, one stone
Sure if you were poor. I didn’t know anyone who bought a PS2 as the family DVD player.
Had the 32X not come out and the had SEGA not killed the launch and life of the Saturn, the Dreamcast could have been at the very least GameCube level of success and at the very most near Xbox.
>one thing does only DVDs
>the other has to also be a games console
>for only $150 more than a DVD player
If you had common sense when a story is too good to be true, it usually is. Timmy can have his toy but im buying an actual DVD player
The PS2 kinda suck as a DVD player, so I don't blame them. I remember a couple of years ago I tried to play some old DVD on my PS2 out of curiosity, and of the 7 only 2 worked.
Uh, guys, I'm saying that the PS2 wasn't the family DVD player. It was Timmy's DVD player because he's been asking for his own.
THe dream cast was actually the best console in its generation, and the PS2 was the worst. The only reason the ps2 won that wasn't because of normie DVD
>it was his dvd player! It was not for games no!
Tell me you are not implying exactly that and we are fine. Im fed up with this idea that people were so desperate for DVD players that they had PS2’s sat there for DVDs and nothing else ever.
>The dream cast was actually the best console in its generation, and the PS2 was the worst. The only reason the ps2 won that wasn't because of normie DVD
We post with people THIS delusional
>the Dreamcast could have been at the very least GameCube level of success
No, it wouldn't have. The problem with the DC was the same problem as with Sega in general at the time, they were still stuck in the arcade age and arcades were dying. They weren't going to sell consoles with stuff like Jet Set Radio, ChuChu Rocket, Crazy Taxi, Daytona, Sega Rally, House of the Dead, etc., etc. anymore. Sony had ushered in the age of "interactive movies" the previous gen and the best they could muster up in that regard was Shenmue, something that took the moniker "interactive movie" a little too literally.
>Sony had ushered in the age of "interactive movies”
Fucking explain yourself right now. Because what?? FMV and cutscenes?? Saturn didn’t have stuff like RE1 just as PSX did? PSX didn’t have arcade games like SF Alpha and Tekken?? SNES never had RPGs before PSX had them? The fuck does this even mean “cinematic movies”??
A swap disc was needed in the early days.
Sony was actively advising developers to make games more like movies at the time. That was their big vision for the future of gaming, making them just like movies. It might have something to do with the fact that Sony had bought their way into the movie industry a few years prior to the release of the Playstation and they were making a lot of money from it.
>Sony was actively advising developers to make games more like movies at the time
SOOOOUUUURRRRRCCCCCEEEEE otherwise “you’re dad works at Sony.”
[citation needed]
I looked but I can't find any 20 year old interviews with developers at the time talking about their interactions with Sony. But it is true. I remember reading this shit in mags at the time. Sony was of the opinion Nintendo was ignoring a rather large potential market with their insistence on games being toys. They thought reinventing games as a movie-like experience instead of a kid's toy would get them that market.
Can anyone tell me the name of a game on this, it was a 3d action adventure kind of like spyro I believe, It had lots of characters and they were all animals or non humans, was kind of a kiddy game. Can't remember much else just have one picture in my head of it, I can't remember exactly if you could switch between all the characters but they all had quite different powers too.
>I looked but I can't find any 20 year old interviews with developers at the time talking about their interactions with Sony
Then you are not credible user.
someone doesn't know history and thinks he can write his own new history.
you couldn't reasonably pirate games until the system was pretty much dead and gone. i pirated DC games in like 2002, after it was announced it was DEAD and Sega was pulling out of the console market.
god, you fucking kids, you fucking know NOTHING.
but we KNOW why it fucking didn't do well by now
and its ALLLLL fucking Sega's fault from previous fuck ups since the Genesis ended and these problems were almost SOLELY US issues.
SEGA wasted a Loooooooooot of money on Shenmue. regardless of whether or not it was worth it (it wasn't even though i loved shenmue). Along with this they were sponsoring and paying for massive ad campaigns and basically hemorrhaging money in every direction.
I was lucky enough to have one near release as a kid, my mother used to sell pirated games and dvds so i pretty much unironically had every PS1 and Dreamcast game. I remember the PS1 games had to be stored in the attic and there were probably literally 5/6 thousand seperate jewel case CD's total. I remember playing Sonic Adventure, code veronica, shenmue and Grandia 2 a shit ton on dreamcast, and the game with the rats and the cats chu rocket or something