>go to gamestop to buy bayo for the switch
>forget to wear my penis holster
>penis is jiggling around all over the place
>walk next to used games shelf
>accidentally knock the shelf down with my penis
>games are all over the floor
>some staff come to see what's wrong
>get embarrassed
>run away
>didn't even get bayo

Fucking Gamestop...

Like you need a holster for your baby dick lmao

just Nintenbro things

>no spaghet

>some staff come to see what's wrong
nope, they're talking to their gaggle of high school freshman who pose as their friends to get early access to new releases.

>go to Gamespot get my free Monster Hunter Tri demo
>they refuse to give it if i don't pre order
>show them the printed email from Capcom saying i am allowed to get it
>they refuse
>steal the demo and run off while they yell at me
>know i was legally right but still feel like shit


I haven't been to ebgames in 15 years

Please, before the thread dies, post and/or link all the WHIIRRRRR material you have


stopped reading right there

Why are black boys ninty fans

>buy videogame
>can't be bothered to even open it
fuck vidya

A thread probably died for this

>go to gamestop to get bayo
>forget there is a strict no singles policy
>bouncer throws me out

this is why i keep coming back to Sup Forums. every thread in the frontpage is recurring threads that happen every day with the same posts. this breaks the cycle and it's entertaining to read mostly because I know it will get nuked by an unpaid jannie. It feels like reading forbidden content, which makes it fun.

I don’t even know why I come here anymore

*cums on meis thick thighs*
Oh god yes baby take my mayo
*rubs cock in between legs*
Uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thicc cc yes ss my godddddddd
*cums a fountain into her stomach and tits*
Goooddd yesssss take it you chink I'm gomma break the birth limit law
*keeps cumming*

>tfw failed the mandatory penis inspection and gamestop wouldn't sell me my game

Did you remember not to shave and loudly talk about kid games at gamestop?

Or were you self conscious.

You have to be as publically embarrasing as possible to even be allowed in gamestop

>Go to game stop with friend
>Ask to leave because I'm not buying any games
>Have to standoutside and wait for friend to buy game

Fucking gamestop

Are you serious?

Is it only me, or does anyone else get super gassy the moment they step inside a GameStop?

>always rip a big BRAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP when i walk out of gamestop before i actually leave the store
>never fail to break this routine


>go to gamestop
>grab a copy of overwatch
>guy behind the counter turns around and starts laughing
>"what are you, reddit?"
>fat neckbeard behind me starts breathing down my neck
>"you actually play that garbage?"
>"w-well yeah... all i played it at a friend's house and it was kind of fun"
>entire store bursts out in laughter
>they all start chanting "REDDIT! REDDIT! REDDIT!"
>someone throws a cucumber at me and screeches "I'M PICKLE TRACER!!!!!"
>guy behind the counter grabs overwatch from my hands at hands me a copy of morrowind and an expired digital download code for TF2
>goes into detail about why he said "normalfag" instead of "normie"
>run out as fast as i can
>muffled "e-celebs are not video games!!!!" in the distance

Dont lewd the retard

The one by me has the "You have to be accompanied by a child" policy.

How do you keep these fuckers quiet while you just snatched them from the playground?

>Go to gamestop to purchase Monster Hunter
>Employees are annoying as fuck and try to get me to sign up for shit orpreorder
>Preorder every game they have and become a pro elite member


>Go to gamestop for christmas shopping
>trade in old DS games I don't play.
>have enough credit for a $60 game and only had to pay tax on it
>left with 2 new games
I was surprised. Hopefully I can get more when I trade in some xbox 360 games and ps3, ps3 games and etc when I finally get a PS4 tonight.

>Go to Gamestop
>Get game
>Buy game

How do so many people have such a hard time with this?

>go to gamestop
>ask for a copy of a game
>guy hands me a copy
>pay for game
>walk out of gamestop
>drive home
>walk inside house
>play game

I cut them slack with the pro membership and preorder shit since its part of their job, and knowing how retail like to turn everything into a soul crushing chore, the number of pro member sign ups is probably how they get to keep theor job.

this is why

>go to gamestop
>ask for copy of a game
>guy turns around and rummages through a drawer
>pulls out a disc in a cheap paper sleeve probably from a dollar store multi-pack
>puts it in a PS2 case and closes it halfway
>that'll be 59.99, plus tip