What went right?

What went right?

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Nothing. It's shit.



Could've just asked for the (You)s, faggots

hiring fans that actually care about the series, for one

Didn't have to


Good game but a lot of people just dont like this sort of crap

The gameplay, music, physics, graphics, etc. Basically everything except for blue spheres, but I feel that the game would've been better if all the zones were original. Sequel when?

it would be nice, tho

No Sonic Team


Giving people who actually care for the series control.

Metallic Madness

It wasn't made by Sega

t. chad forces


sega finally hired competent people who care about sonic

2D indie trash


nu-male r*ddit loves 2D sonic

nu-male r*ddit """"loves"""" 2D sonic for the same reason that gamer girls """"love""""" pokemon. take your shitty romhack back to r*ddit

found the furfag

a little too obvious m8

Heroes is fucking awful. Unleashed is the best 3D game since Adventure.

this thread will not get past 30 individual posters at most because no1 will click it. nu-Sup Forums bought the game by impulse and never played it. because they are infected with the fake nostalgia spread around by jewtubers and r*dditors. 2D sonic sucks big cock just like boostshit modern 3D sonic.


Sequence breaking and taking advantage of the game's shitty physics is supposed to be a good thing now?

Blue Sphere would've been fine if the levels were redesigned to give you items, like the bonus stages in S3&K. You'd still unlock stuff by beating and perfecting levels, but you could also choose to go in, pick up a shield or something, and then hop out.

it's fun and it makes the game have more depth than dashing left and right and jump/crouch when prompted. 90% of the gameplay that requires actual effort in boostshit games is the 2D sections.

you have shit taste and shit in your head. Unleashed 3d sections have the same level of complexity as the phone game Temple Run. you are playing a glorified autopilot game with QTE & get prompted when to jump or crouch. no turning, just straight forward.




esto es el fin gohan calvo

>Replay Shadow because making the mistake of listening to contrarian Sup Forums
>The levels are boring, the collectathong objectives work against Chaos control, have to replay Westopolis like 16 times to see all the levels and endings
>The art style is vomit, the only pretty looking levels are Circus Park and Cryptic Castle because they try to emulate Heroes
>Shadow Controls horribly, decided to use the Heroes engine instead of Adventure 2
>Voice acting somehow worse than Adventure/Heroes
>Forced gun and vehicle sections are awful
>All of the bosses are shit and take too long to kill
>Multiple endings have the same boss as other endings instead of unique ones
It's unquestionably a step backwards from Heroes.

>replying twice

which is why it's on rank A, below heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog controls infiitely better than any boost game though

The problem is that these kinds of setpieces are the exception, rather than the rule.

>let me post a webm of something completely irrelevant that has nothing to do with the quality of the gameplay, that'll show 'em!

But it's not a good game.

It shouldn't be in A rank.

Reminds me of fucking blitzsonic's tank controls. What an abomination.

you missed the point I'm trying to make. I'm advocating for the PHYSICS and CONTROL FREEDOM that Adventure 1/2 have. The Adventure level design is linear with planned sequence breaks sprinkled around. I'd say it's bad level design if you play them the way they are meant to be played. However the physics and controls allow for creativity, so you discover many unplanned sequence breaks everywhere such as which makes the levels really fun to travel.

ye, boostshit games got car physics on a platformer, really makes me think. imagine trying to move around a super mario 64 level with mario kart physics

my tier list is not based on overall game quality, but mainly the controls/physics

fuck off dumb buzzword spewer, you're lowering the already low level of this board

Yeah, that's all been par the course in the classic games since the onset. The Adventure games dialed this way the fuck back in comparison. Which is dumb, because they had an entire additional axis of movement space to take advantage of.

They're only worth fellating like this in comparison to Boostshit level design, which is a bar so low that bragging about clearing it warrants embarrassment.

My problem with your posts is that the 2D games have nothing to do with this comparison you keep making with the boosts games. You also conveniently forget that the Adventure games have janky level design that weren't really made to motivate the players to get the most out of the physics (unlike the 2D games were that felt natural and even kids could get into using momentum to their advantage) and Sonic levels are only 1/3 of those games at most while the rest is a borefest.

t. guy who A ranked everything in SA2.

It was made by people who actually know Sonic

*it was made by nu-males who scratched a false nostalgia itch implanted by jews on youtube

OP started the thread implying Mania is sonic done right. I disagree with it so I posted how sonic should be made. And yes even if the Adventure games were not designed with these things in mind, the potential is there. I want next sonic games to make this skip oriented playstyle the main way to play.

hi plebbit


I dare any 2D Sonic "hater" to come up with a criticism of classic Sonic other than "it moves too fast I hit obstacles/memorization/muh Labyrinth Sandopolis" because that bullshit's been debunked precisely 1 billion times now.

2D Sonic isn't a Godsend but I'm thoroughly convinced most people knock it just because they're too heavily invested in modern vs. classicfag shitposting to look at games objectively. Every criticism I hear of, say, Sonic Mania either reeks of shitposter who hasn't played it or shitposter who is nostalgically biased towards the Adventure games.

you can tell he eats sushi loaded with soy sauce, and is either a homosexual or a rice cooker who will breed school shooting hapa beta male kids.

>shitposter who is nostalgically biased towards the Adventure games
It's always hilarious seeing Adventure fans shit on Mania for having too much classic nostalgia and in the same breath emphasize how much they want a new Adventure game

Mania was decent but I didnt like how Tee Lopes ONLY used the japanse CD soundtrack for inspiration.
Where the fuck is my Spencer Nilsen remixes?

>come up with criticism on why importing a million nigger refugees is bad other than "their crime rate is way higher than any other racial group" or "their average IQ is way lower than any other racial group" because that bullshit's been debunked precisely 1 billion times now.

have you tried soy sauce? it's fucking delicious
don't let your attempts to adhere to fotm memes intefere with your culinary palate

>shitty analogy
Checks out.

Honestly it's not even hilarious to me, it's just kind of sad.

As a Sonic die-hard, I'd consider myself of all three styles: Classic, Adventure and Boost. Adventure fans are salty at Classicfags because they got /nothing/, and Boostfags are low-key passive-aggressive because Sonic Forces proved that Sonic Team fundamentally miss the point of both classic AND boost Sonic. A lot of hate is pointed at classicfags at the moment in this fanbase, not because they did anything wrong, but because they got something other fans WISH they had - a game that does the playstyle justice.

It's really kind of petty that instead of calling Sonic Team to task for these failures, certain fans will simply blame other chunks of the fanbase instead.

I will give you 10 currency of your home country if you can make a rational point for comparing uncontrolled immigration to the smoother, sleeker, more critically well received control system of the 2D Sonic games

I feel that Adventure fans just need to do what the classicfags did and start making quality fangames until Sega takes the hint. And by fangames I don't mean glorified tech demos.

you are trying to make me admit to having ingested soy sauce soy sauce does taste good, but I do my best to avoid it

you got BTFO by and your shit attempt at a rebuttal was to point out the frog and call the analogy shitty? you cant see shit in front of you so you cant go fast. you are made believe that you go fast by the forced automated boost pad chains that last up to 15s of cinematic experience going through loops and trampolines you got no control over. it's a shit attempt at cloning 2D mario.

the public praises Generations, Unleashed, and Colors as good games. The public praises Mandela for getting rid of whites in south africa. The public praises Zimbabwe for killing all the whites and going under black rule. The public praises Haiti for breaking the slave chains and killing whitey. My point is, the public does not know SHIT and can't be trusted. because when you do, SEGA makes Sonic Forces.

>you got BTFO by
That's a different user, you spastic
>the public praises Generations, Unleashed, and Colors as good games. The public praises Mandela for getting rid of whites in south africa. The public praises Zimbabwe for killing all the whites and going under black rule. The public praises Haiti for breaking the slave chains and killing whitey. My point is, the public does not know SHIT and can't be trusted. because when you do, SEGA makes Sonic Forces
You know what, shitposter bro, you're alright. I thought you were a legit classic Sonic hater but you're clearly just here for (You)'s and I respect the fuck outta that.

>25 unique posters out of 57 posts
this thread will die out because nobody likes mania. sucks because adventurebarniefag made really good points

The dev team.

thanks senpai

We got Sonic Forces because Sega was retarded enough to give the level designer roles to people who had never worked on a Sonic game before while the Unleashed/Generations team were relegated to the Mario and Sonic games

>Sonic should be made with the ability to take shortcuts and alternate paths by mastery of physics and skillful navigation of terrain in mind
>Sonic Mania, which continues that exact tradition, isn't "Sonic done right"
So are you one of those autists who thinks 3D is inherently superior to 2D, or do you just have a learning disability?

hi 2016

So who's hyped for the Sonic Mania Project Plus announcement EXACTLY A MONTH FROM NOW? Any expectations?

>give the level designer roles to people who had never worked on a Sonic game before
>while the Unleashed/Generations team were relegated to the Mario and Sonic games
user, the capable team members of Unleashed/Gens aren't working on Mario & Sonic. They LEFT Sega, period. Some of them are at Square Enix, some of them worked on Mario Odyssey/BOTW, some of them are elsewhere. All of the capable Sonic Team members from 2001-2012 left for greener pastures because they understood how fucked the work environment was at Sega. Olympic Games has nothing to do with it.

3D is superior because you can see what is in front of you, have a whole nother axis to move in space so you are less restricted. see & notice how on the right you have more movement possibilities. In 2D you are confined to left and right so it's not really freedom.


Generations, Unleashed, and Colors are not good so those devs are not capable

Really? They left? That's even worse. I mean, I know Yuji Naka and the guy who developed the Hedgehog Engine are at Square Enix now, but how many fucking people have left Sonic Team because of Sega's terrible management? Is Iizuka the only one left who's been there since the 90's?

Posting the first good 3D Sonic game.

>Generations, Unleashed, and Colors are not good so those devs are not capable
Unpopular opinion but partly true. What I mean of course is the majority of the level designers and the visual designers. None of the Boost games had stellar level design but Forces is definitely the worst of the bunch, and although the other boost games had their flaws, you can't deny the fact that Unleashed/Gens were visually stunning.

Have you not seen the shitposts? First of all Iizuka doesn't even direct anymore, so fuck knows who's directing (the 06 director directed Forces for the record). Secondly, EVERY single level designer on Forces was a new recruit, except for the lead designer, who was a random Sega minion who's first major level design experience was Sonic Lost World.

Unleashed isn't even that good. Same problems as the Adventure games, but with a higher budget. Colors and Generations were better.

>3D is superior because you can see what is in front of you, have a whole nother axis to move in space so you are less restricted.
2D is superior because you have less axes to worry about, so precision movement is more feasible. Moreover, you can clearly see what kinds of paths are above and below you at all times.

2D and 3D are essentially different subgenres. It's like comparing apples and oranges. They each come with different challenges, limitations, strengths, and benefits. They're different kinds of games.

Video games are about cultivating skill and mastering challenges. There are distinct skills and challenges that come with a game, depending on whether there are two or three axes.

Video games didn't suddenly become good in the mid 90's with the addition of the Z axis. They were good long before that, which is what motivated the art and craft of game design to evolve to include a Z axis in the first place.

first real 3D Sonic game*

controls like mario kart. you are made believe that it's good because it has classic sonic and green hill zone aesthetics so it's tickling your nostalgia gland, similar to how you tickle your prostate, you massive fucking faggot

very nice visuals but control like mario kart

i wonder which youtuber you're getting that shit opinion from. If you think colors/generations are good you are a shallow casual brainlet who should stick to phone games

the level design doesn't matter when your game.
>*clap* *clap*

>2D is superior because
stopped reading right there.

I want to neck every single person ITT including myself right now.

There's no way that Colors and Generations are bad if you think Unleashed is good. Colors/Generations basically trims all the fat and bullshit out of Unleashed

Unleashed probably has better daytime stages all around, but the rest of the dumb shit bogs the game down. You're a dumb memer

>controls like mario kart. you are made believe that it's good because it has classic sonic and green hill zone aesthetics so it's tickling your nostalgia gland

unleashed is bad too. see
it's boostshit. have you not seen my posts fuck face

>t. Adventurecuck

This might be the worst Sonic thread I've seen in months. Congratulations shitposterbro you've managed to confuse people even more than the original Unleashedfag

i went back and finished reading your post and you right, 2d/3d sonic = different genres. but the problem with Sonic is that there is no main defined modern sonic because there are so many playstyles right now. I am fighting for 3D sonic to implement the correct controls/physics (Adventure), so I see new 2D sonic games as a slowdown. If I get my new gen adventure game I will stfu forever about 2D sonic.

t. boostshitter

>I am fighting for 3D sonic to implement the correct controls/physics (Adventure)
user, I fully agree with you on this, but
>so I see new 2D sonic games as a slowdown
this is 100% retarded. Mania especially was a side-project with about as much budget as a main game. Mania doesn't detract from them making good 3D games, but Forces sure did. You're focusing on the wrong thing. The ideal situation would be a Gamecube-era type deal where they make GOOD Adventure-esque 3D titles as the main entries and continue releasing Mania games as the sort of modern equivalent to the Advance games.

This would make a decent Sonic R but as a platformer?

as much budget as a mobile* game

sonic was never good.
he created to be better than someone with ill intentions

>Sonic was never good
>Every major reviewer from the 90s and literal millions of people were just lying to be in on the fad

>but as a platformer?
It'd be perfect.

i was honestly memeing but seeing that, i feel bad now.

>feeling bad about one of the best 16-bit platformers ever
why user

I'll tell what you went wrong:
Waiting for a Denuvo-free version, not the current "crack" which still pozzes your system with Denuvo and only tricks it without fully removing it.

>The ideal situation would be a Gamecube-era type deal where they make GOOD Adventure-esque 3D titles as the main entries and continue releasing Mania games as the sort of modern equivalent to the Advance games
i agree.

however doing 2d/mania tier games does slow down the main games because every time they shit out a classic game it's another 6 months without another game release.

In Forces.

USfags are a fucking blight. How many years has it been since Sonic CD was released? You'd think at least one of you would come up with a version of the Past tracks, but nope, nothing.

93 replies, 32 individual posters


Wish it was all new shit though, I'm sick of Greenhill rehashes and reskins. I get it, it's 2D Sonic, you don't have to make me play another fucking checkerboard pattern striped grass level again though. Press Garden Zone had some cool shit going for it, Studiopolis was pretty as well and has the single best presentation of any 2D Sonic level ever. They should've had these guys do an all new Sonic game, even cast aside the old designs for something original. Or not, the old designs work fine but something closer to Advance's characters, or a healthy middle ground would be interesting. Add Amy too

That classic Amy is cute, where's it from?

>"this thread will not get past 30 individual posters at most because no1 will click it"

drop bombs on adventurebarneyfag

It would be meh at best.

im 100% sure you cant pull this off