The king is back!
The king is back!
Its not even the real Atari
srsly pham
To the moon!
Why are buzzwords like "Crypto Bandwagon" and "cryptocurrencies" being used nowadays? Is this what shills use to send their stock price higher? It's fucking meaningless.
This is how Atari goes bankrupt again, isn't it?
The best thing Atari did for the gaming comunity was the wojaks.
reminder that bitcoins market are exactly the same as chinese goldfarming in mmo. It's not real money, and speculation doesn't make it legit. You are exchanging toy money.
>i don't know anything and i'm proud of it
thanks for sharing
>be journalist
>find out some bullshit shitcoin is coming
>buy some
>publish article
It has real value.
Its only value lies in hype.
Crypto is where irrelevant companies go to die.
>He was not alive during the Clinton era
It has value based on what people deem it to be worth. The ability to easily exchange money between parties without needing to go through a banking system is valuable
However Bitcoin is first-gen shit and should die off so better things can take up the mantle. Also hopefully Lightning eventually works out for easy, fast and cheap tansactions
I dont give a fuck about crypto stop buying GPUs
Not an argument.
Cryptocurrencies are just a ponzi scheme.
Can this rig run Space Invaders 2019?
>real value
Try paying off your mortgage with BTC. As you said, it has real value. Oh wait....
>I dont give a fuck about crypto stop buying GPUs
You should pray that Proof of Stake or Proof of Space and Time take off well as mining concepts so the mining method that does utilize GPUs (Proof of Work) can die off
You can convert BTC to 1 million USD in half an hour.
>half an hour
I thought transactions were supposed to be fast?
Hopefully someone better buys them this time.
Why did we allow a foreign company to buy Atari? Why did we allow Atari to be bought by a French company that is open to the same bullshit French laws that put Ubisoft in danger of a buyout?
Because you didnt buy the jaguar
wtf isnt he going to fall down?
Nothing is locking the wheels.
>Why did we allow a foreign company to buy Atari?
Who cares? If foreigners want garbage they can buy it.
yea nothing except the brakes