It's the future you chose

It's the future you chose

but i live in burgerland

And europoors think they can make fun of us

> literally trillions in debt
> thinking you're not poor

not like anyone can make us pay back my dude

Well my little bro can go to school without getting shot
>inb4 acid jokes as if they're a daily occurrence

Not him but the debt is a meme, the world economy is literally built on US debt, it's in everyone's best interest to keep the gravy train going. The only time the debt "matters" is when Republicans are the minority party, then it magically stops mattering when they gain control.

Destiny made in that sandwich, that's good right?

It's been like this forever, people in the UK are obsessed with the sports games. I was looking for a used PS2 on ebay the other week and so many came with fifa 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,etc Annoying because I can't stand sport games

Wheres your giant military and state of the art colleges? Or space programs?

Oh yeah...

I'm not a Europoor, so I don't buy Fifashit.

Money is debt, you can't have a capitalist society without it

We have colleges and space programs, and we don't need a giant military because we're not universally hated

There are FIFA threads but are deleted quickly because mods have a personal vendetta with that game

national debt isn't real for big nations, read up on modern monetary theory yo

>and we don't need a giant military because you already pay for our defense anyways

so you think cops carry guns because people.. hate them?


Are you one of those newfag morons who doesn't know the difference between a pruned thread and a deleted thread?
Let me know so I can figure out if I need to tune out the rest of your posts.

What did you expect? Sony ads are in every single soccer game. You go to Barcelona or Madrid and there is that #4theplayers shit ad all over the stadium.

>giant military
Whos only purpose is creating more instability in middle east and control occupied territories?
>state of the art colleges
Do you want to talk about Murrican education?
>space programs
On Canada's Devon island?

What do cops have to do with anything I just said?

Have you met a black dude before?

that's because sports games are talked about on spuh

don't worry you will be catching up soon.
with your white flight and big business leaving because muhammad doesn't buy things that are haram

you just criticized the world's police force in a really absurd fashion

Still not as poor as you ameritards, get ready for the welfare to end soon than it's McDonalds wifi for you!

Soon to be an XBox exclusive :^)

>more fifa
Fuck yes.

Keep bringing the $$$$ eu

the uk was a mistake

In america they might as well for that reason.

U.S. "debt" is an investment from other nations to keep the world economy going.

American here, if our military is "the world's police force" then that'd be the most corrupt police on the fucking planet.

replace fifa with nba and madden
muh europoor

Fucking normalfags and their football mania.

How is Fifa always so popular, but PES is hardly ever mentioned?

Do Euros/favela dwellers really find this entertaining?

okay, did you have a point or did you just want to shit on your countrymen for fun and games?

>world's police force

You live under an umbrella of U.S. protection who have made it almost impossible for nations to invade each other.
Were it not for this world policing, wars, piracy and pseudo military warlords would be much more prevalent.
>universally hated
Get outside of your liberal arts college hugbox. The U.S. undoubtedly provides more free humanitarian relief funds than your entire nation brings in for taxes.

the US is the UN's errand monkey and whipping boy
leftist retards think that this is wrong and that the US should give up all the resources required to be errand boy, and take on twice as much whipping

imagine hating where you live so much you actively petition to further damage it in any way possible... despite maintaining this illusion of being spared any form of negative repercussion

>state of the art colleges?
american education and colleges are pretty much the worst in the world, what are you talking about?

just because you saw some nonsense art program doesn't mean boston robotics doesn't exist

If China stops buying US debt, US gets the most damage. They would be forced to inflate their currency, literally African/latin american currency tier.

PES was way better on PS1/PS2 gen, but like many japanese games, fucked up the on the "next gen" consoles (PS3/360). They never recovered since then. Now Konami doesn't give a shit about PES because they make tons of money with mobile games.

While growing up I never understood why my classmates would buy FIFA/PES every single year. I get that teams get updated but other than that nothing much. I remember my classmates talking on how FIFA got clothes physics and how they were hyped for it.

People who buy these types of games are the very same people who only give a crap about graphics over gameplay.

Mario is more casual than FIFA.

Dumb fuck, we did shit at that game because we agreed to stay 1-1.

In the past there was big gameplay changes though. Recently not so much because EA has the monopoly with Fifa, the game hasn't changed much since 2015 (it's becoming even worse). People will just buy the most recent one so they can play online or with friends with the last updated teams.

>doing anything
They are literally a bunch of cucks who are owned by the burgers,srsly the UN is a huge joke

>tie game with a few minutes left
>everybody stops trying
wow, what a great """"sport"""" you have there

I don't even know if you can actually call it a sport if the players don't even try to win