Character design

What do you guys think of this image and the observations it makes?

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This guy sounds smart so I'll just parrot his opinion instead of thinking about it myself

This guy sounds smart so I'll just parrot his opinion instead of thinking about it myself

Island people in general have low IQ due to restricted gene pool because inbreeding.

blatant bait


I always even back then found X's character designs to be garbo

>western dragons aren't actually dragons
>top 2 jap dragons are the best actual dragon designs


>wyverns are dragons

wyverns =/= dragons

Clearly biased and either made by a child or meant for bait. EIther way he's just criticizing Tetsuya Nomura's art style. Poorly.

>Realist dragon

Just wait for this thread to turn into wyvern autism and arguing about what is the proper name for a non existant being.

Actually it's a drake you fucking retards

Atton looks like such a cunt.

the wyverns are dragons meme will never stop making me angry

drakes are snake like dragons with no wings but still 4 long legs
don´t make me bring out my Great Book of Dragons faggot

Guys it's my original character! He's a vest-wearing, blaster-wielding, roguish type. He loves to smirk and be smarmy.

Whats a dragon with no legs?

What about no legs OR wings?

Cherry picking, and the west has just as big a fetish for dumb belts but instead uses pouches, because tacticool.

I think Japan has the extremes of the best and worst designs, the West tends to wallow around in safe mediocrity where bland is the biggest killer.

>It's a "The entirety of the most practical designs of Western video games as contrasted against Nomura's absolute worst" thread

well said. Of course there are rare exceptions but I also find this mostly to be true.

t. Lying Jedi

>Whats a dragon with no legs?
>What about no legs OR wings?
don´t exist, but therre are great sea serpents just like that can become even bigger then most dragons

>all character designs have to be realistic
>there cannot be an element of surrealism to character designs
>autists will literally throw aesthetics in the trash just so that their made-up worlds make more "sense" on the basis of our criteria of what makes "sense"

Western devs have no imagination or sense of fun

>Designs are distinct and imaginative

>Three characters are literally just wearing a robe covering layers of similarly drawn cloth
>One character is just wearing standard pants and some spiky gauntlets
>Yet another generic vest-wearing Rogue with a slick haircut
>Bottom two are pulled directly out of a "How to draw Sci-Fi" book from your local BookOff and lack any kind of Star Wars-esque qualities to them whatsoever
>Not a single one of them does anything unique in terms of coloration or actual design theory
>None of them will remain memorable for anything other than their role in their particular game

Off to a good start OP



Guy on the left has ape arms

drawing is hard

right >>>>>>>>>>>> left

>wizard cloak and light saber
amazing designs
simply amazing

>thinking FFX was good to begin with

Found your problem.

Abandon thread

>regardless of ridiculousness, guy on the right has actual backstory and feats to his name.
>guy on the left is just 3 lines of vague mumblespeak about virtues.
i think its clear which character is objectively better

>last line says that the eastern character is a dad
> the entire blurb of text is his son/daughter inflating their dad's feats like an excitable little kid.

the east simply cannot do fantasy storytelling well. i don't think their degenerate yellow monkey brains allow for the level of creative thinking necessary

Just in case anybody wants to know about the character on the right.


>Doesn't even describe Frodo
>Describes a delinquent, who most certainly isn't a standard in Japanese games

Why do you make these

That FFX character design is so shit that even Bioware shits on it.

explain brits then.

I love that the post spends an extensive amount of time analyzing why the Japanese designs are "Bad" rather than analyzing why the Western designs are in any way supposedly "Good".

Would've have killed you to use actual examples from vidya?

The game contrasted with FFX in the image wasn't made by Bioware, which is why it has competent art direction.

I hope you dint made that image.
This lack of punctuation makes me want to vomit. And the only time it does have, you can use it to stuff your whole ass with it.

t. weeaboos

If dragons were real they would look like the left, since it closely resembles other reptiles


The left side sucks dick but nomura also sucks dick. There are good western and eastern designs and you chose none of them.

>robes and biker jackets
but for real how stupid are you

What is there to explain? The western designs has something Nomura's design completely lacks: contrast. You have old, crippled characters in sober dress, you have a practically dressed mechanic, you have royalty in flamboyant outfits. The characters come across as believable while still looking memorable.

we overcorrected from everything being edgy in the 90s/early 00s and now everything's too harmless and cute

If you think these lack contrast, you should see Nomura's other designs, like XV, where all the main characters are dressed in matching black, like a boyband. Nomura is such a hack.

this part had me dying for some reason

the left is Dildo you fucking tard

>Being a weeb

>Realitic=gud hurr durr
Please off yourself, you're a danger to imagination and creativity.

Britain colonialized. Have you seen the number of Indian people in Britain?

Both of those really don't look that good though. You should have picked some non shit designs.

Please tell me that you're just shitposting and that you're not naive enough to actually believe this.

why does he have a soul patch in 86 and 91? also this image was never funny

Brtian was was very much connected trhough europe either through the Romans, by owning French coasts or owning a the german state of Hannover for a short time. alongside being constantly at war with everyone including themselves they had more iteractions with other societys it is impossible for them to inbreed

>you have royalty in flamboyant outfits
That trash wouldn't be considered flamboyant in a Quaker's church.

>using Fakku
Deserved literally everything and more

All this demonstrates in comparison to OP is that Western shit is too restricted by logistical "realism" instead of just making weird, creative things.

this might be the best irony of all time

Cherrypicked nonsense. That's the point, though.

>this whole thread

>Pathetically lazy designs touted as unique by merit of their absolute lack of design theory
>Extremely well-known Nomura dumpster fires that Westfags continually perpetuate as if it is the Magnum Opus of Japanese character design

Every single thread every single day

they were alone there longer before colonization.

I think it comes down to preference.

I like escapism when I play games, so I prefer flashy/unrealistic things.

But some people prefer seeing mundane, everyday things in video games so that their escapism is just like real life.

And those people are retards

Except the western designs are more fantastical and creative as well. Kotor 2 shits on FFX from a great height when it comes to characters and story.


no one is this stupid

Fuck no. And fucking kill yourself for implying that Kotor2 is good for anything but the strong writing for individual characters and how they react. The plot was unbearably awful.

it's not even cherry picking
>pic two different projects
>bash one of them for being different

>characters and story
That has little to do with the characters' visual design though, which are relatively realistic and more bland. They're just serviceable.

Dept. Heaven designs are always good.


user, I want my cosplay to be easy and comprised of sheets and clothes I can already find in my closet!

>Western character "design"

Half of the ones on the left look the same.

>The characters come across as believable

I think that's where the confusion is. Games are not set in our universe, user. They do not abide by our rules. In fact some would even call games "fiction".
If your game is set in a world in which people play sports in a hovering sphere of water and summon deities from temples, it's likely not a world that is similar to our own.

Adding "realism" to fiction is akin to adding curry powder to a cake because you heard spicy food is the best.

distinct and imaginative

Designs on both sides of this image are fucking terrible

I meant that they should come across as believable within their own universe, not our own. As the image points out, FFX fails at this, since, among other terrible design decisions, it injects stuff from our world, like goth subculture, into what is supposed to be an alien fantasy world.

Autists really like colorful shiny things so obviously the right is better.

This is good character design.

A dress made out of belts is not goth by any metric, you dribbling brainlet. And even then, it would be perceived as a simple quality of the local fashion. The entire casts' attire is anachronistic and showy, and their behavior is generally either dour or explosive. I can't see why three different people from the exact same universe in a galaxy-spanning setting would wear almost the exact same attire.

>non existant being.
well that might not be 100% accurate, in a way...

>Short skirt instead of a fluffy dress
Fucking garbage 0/10 design fucking kys yourself fgt FUCK

>western design vs japanese design
>when it's LITERALLY fucking Kotor2 VS FF10

>everyone knows FF10's artstyle is by far the most questionable from the whole FF series

>you even managed to pick all important characters for Kotor2 while only showing the few wierdest designs. Where is Kimahri Ronso? Yuna? Rikku? they all have iconic and easy to remember designs.

this pic is way too cherry picked even by the standard of typical cherry picked Sup Forums images

>don´t exist
not him, but clearly you are not an expert in the study of Dragons if you dont think this type exist
they are called Wyrms

>the evil within is japanese
>most of if not all of those developers that make those games are from europe and canada
>dead rising 3 protagonist is a spic
>posts edited drawings instead of the actual characters

>le funny mixed up bait image XDXD

Kill yourself faggot.

Have you played FFX? The world is fucking huge, how do you know there's no goth subculture?
You're okay with accepting that Blitzball exists, basically soccer but in water, yet somehow the goth fashion trend is too much to handle?
Suspension of disbelief is required for unrealistic worlds, user. Even fucking Tolkien didn't tell us exactly what everyone was doing throughout all of history in every part of the world (though he came close).

Just because you don't see it in the game, doesn't mean it isn't there somewhere. The point of fiction is that, especially when it is unrealistic, you kinda accept what the creator is telling you of it.

Blade Runner doesn't have to stop and explain to you why Deckard is eating ramen, does it?
The Lord Of The Rings doesn't have to screech to a halt to introduce us to talking eagles and make sure we understand the origins of their society and their relationship with the other races.

artificial realism

I dont get it, you have a picture of a random guy wearing different outfits instead of posting the actual characters. how about make a fair comparison.

also DK (that design) is a western design

The belts isn't what makes her goth, you imbecile. It's the black motif, her make-up and her cold demeanor. And if there was any doubt, Paine in FFX-2 makes it extremely obvious that they were in fact ripping off goth culture because it was popular at the time.