what was the last game you preordered Sup Forums?
What was the last game you preordered Sup Forums?
pre ordered a bunch of games from amazon e3 2017 sale. all games from 2018 and on were $30 off.
The Division. But it ended up being Russian language only, with no English option, so I got a refund because the site advertised it wrong. I still got to keep my copy, but I only played it for 10 minutes.
Fable 2 and Dead Space, same day.
Enjoy Dark Souls on PlayStation bitch...every Nintendo gamer knows the series is in the right (portable) hands of the Switch. Portability? Check. Nintendo + Dark Souls? Check. Who needs 4k or 60fps.
MHW, but Amazon still hadn't shipped it the day before release so I cancelled it and got it digital instead
Amazon's been slipping lately
Watch Dogs
Why do you even make a post like this? What compels you?
im sorry user
How fucking stupid do you have to be to pre-order?
Not only do you have to pay full price but you don't even know if the game is good yet
The Old Republic
False flagging sonybros.
I'm considering dropping my Metal Gear Survive pre-order in favor of the new Sword Art Online game. That and the media is basically saying MGS will be in bargain bins before the end of the year.
>Pre-ordering an Activision game for $25
No offense or anything, but you should have seen all the red flags from a mile away.
t. too beta to get a refund
Yakuza 6
because its true
who the fuck wants to play at 4k? you can't see the difference. 60fps isn't noticeable and only hurts the eyes, plus the switch version you dont have to pay online to play and its portable. checkmate.
Probably Pokkén Tournament DX
I usually only care about getting things on launch date if it's something I intend to play a lot of multiplayer
And I clearly have odd choices in games
Nier Automata
Or I can just wait 18 months, read reviews, get it for $15 and still be able to refund it
t. poorfag
Halo Reach
>Delivery estimate: Tuesday, February 20th, 2018
Wow, Dark Souls is coming a whole 3 months early, eh? Let us know if it's good.
>check it out dude I just spent $200 on a CD for a band I've never heard of
>why would you do that?
>talking about cds when we are talking about vidya
SotC remake
injustice 2
u wot m8
Bayonetta1+2 for Nintendo Switch
Pokemon S&M. Before that? GTAV. Before that? No idea.
Man, soufags really are the cancer on this board
mgs probably will be $20 in a few months but I got it for $31 since prime same with dark souls
I have never preordered a game because I'm a cheap cunt.
Xenoblade 2 special edition. Before that it was Samus Returns. Can't remember before that