It's been 12 years and I don't think any video game to date has had the same emotional impact

It's been 12 years and I don't think any video game to date has had the same emotional impact.

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It's clearly the best in the series yet Sup Forums denies this.

>inb4 persona 4,5 babies

Has anyone tried that mod that lets you control party members yet?

this. in p4, i wanted adachi to win more than the investegation team desu and p5 came pretty close to being better, but it's still not as good


I get emotionally impacted when i get fucking blasted to hell in Tartarus and lose 3 hours of progress

Mitsuru and Yukari best girls. No debate.

P3 has the best girls

fuck no. p2 blows it out of the water writing wise and p5 btfos it in gameplay.

I got you senpai.


I just want to hug Akihiko

He went through some traumatic shit

P3 overshadowed 4 for me.

But thinking back 4 is still incredible and in many ways better than 3.

3&4 are just so good.


Persona 3 is my favorite game, but I think that the Nier games have some of the most impactful scenes in vidya. Especially in Automata and everything about Emil.


>months of fucking nothing until you get to the end of the year

>implying muh friendship always wins is any better
kill yourself

just like RL

man, I had days where I was super pumped for for Tartarus then days where I would absolutely despise it.

t. autistic weeb with no friends

t.unironic soyboy who thinks he has friends

lol p5 shat all over p3 story and gameplay wise

3 seems to be the favorite on Sup Forums overall. Everyone seems to shit on 4

now look as the p4fag is mentally incapable of coming up with a legitimate argument so he projects to feel better about himself

IS does but EP is crap.

But you use the power of friendship to defeat Nyx

P3fags are the RE4fags of Persona.

>h..he's projecting!
>h...he doesn't have any friends! heh
I feel sorry for people like you that literally don't have any friends.

>p5 btfos it in gameplay
It's the same shit as usual except now you get a million overpowered bonus skills from social links, the ability to buy overpowered god personas and social link ranks, and you use stealth to stand right next to enemies without them seeing you then ambush and kill them on the first turn before they can do anything.

even if i didn't have any friends as you say, my point still stands that the p4 ending is generic garbage

And to recover their memories. P3 is all about the power of friendship.
>cherish your time on Earth...
>by getting friends!
>just beeee yourself bruh

Nothing is more generic than a monster trying to destroy earth because that's what monsters do.

And a sacrifice/death ending is not generic garbage?

The only time ambush was hard was 4 lol

it's more about what the monster is, or represents rather than its actions

the way it is handled in the game is not garbage at all (except maybe The Answer fucking things up)

>represents rather than its actions
Like people wanting to die? Then completely ignoring the people who don't want to die because, well, fuck those guys?
Doesn't help that a bandaid managed to 'fix' the whole thing.

I can never decide if I like the original version of the song or the Golden version better. The original fits the overall tone of the game better with the horns and the beat in the background, but the more stripped-down style of the Golden version is great too.


>P3 still has the best bro characters

It's about everyone's subconscious, you dense faggot

I've only played 3 and 5. 3 definitely tries a lot harder with it's characterization and stories, even after taking into account the S.Links in both games.

5's gameplay is better and benefits from general quality of life improvements but I don't think the gameplay in either is all that enjoyable really.

>I-I cant self insert with mc his character isnt composed of shallow writing
>Yukari is too realistic, i cant handle this in irl worst girl ever
Why do P4 fags feel like that they have self insert themselves in every persona game?

The protagonists are blank slates for a reason

I thought the way the P3 movie portrayed that was great, in the games they always ignore how your guy is just mute and stares at them

LISA: The Painful

I really have to assume people who hold this opinion haven't played either side of P2.

It's probably my least favorite MegaTen game of the ones I've finished, it's this or DDS2. It's a fine game, but a lot of its appeal for me in what it did to make itself unique, and that uniquity that it had let me overlook a lot of its flaws, and it did have an abundance of flaws. 4G and 5 carry over a lot of what makes 3 unique but execute nearly everything a lot better, and it has made 3 a lot worse for me. It's still a good game, but the best thing it did is lay the groundwork for what, I consider to be, two better games.

The waifushit was far more egregious in 3 than in 4, the MC in 3 is just as much a self-insert as in 4 and the P4 cast are generally more realistic than in 3.

>the P4 cast are generally more realistic than in 3

It would help if the games weren't a slog to play through.

That's P5 you stupid fuck.

Remember that time batman and a robot went to your school? Good times.

>the P4 cast are generally more realistic than in 3.
This ``argument`` again lmao

It's an amazing game, but I think we can all agree that P3&P4 are better then Persona 5

Remember when the gang hung out with an aryan teddie bear? Good times.

How aren't they? In one cast you have city boy and son of a business manager whose biggest issue is his insecurity over being unimportant, normal girl who likes kung fu movies and her biggest issue is an inferiority complex she had over her friend, moderately wealthy girl who isn't sure if she wants to take over the family business, delinquent who's unsure of his sexuality, supernatural being and genius detective. The only ones of those that are unrealistic are Naoto and Teddie, but even Naoto's core issue of feeling unwanted in her workforce because of her gender is grounded. On the other hand in P3 you have characters with these dramatic backgrounds of their parents working on the investigation of the supernatural, a character whose core issue is their desire for revenge against someone who killed their mother, super genius and scion of an enormous company that also has ties to the supernatural, orphanage kids who take drugs to subdue their inner power running loose and that's not even mentioning Aigis. Junpei's the only realistic character in the cast, and while he's more believable than the whole of P4's cast, P4's cast is more realistic on the whole by being grounded instead of being surrounded by melodrama, and the fact that they're shallow doesn't change that.

No, we can't.

That just made P3 seem way more interesting, fuck realism

3 sounds more interesting t b h

That's fine if you think so, but the argument was that P3's cast was more realistic, which isn't true.

I want to ____ Akihiko.

>city boy and son of a business manager whose biggest issue is his insecurity over being unimportant
And he never does anything else or progresses as a character, he spends the entire game being a bitch and trying to overcompensate for how unimportant he is. Pretty much every P4 character is a one-note cardboard cutout that never has any meaningful character development.

Yeah, and I said that how shallow they are has nothing to do with it, he may not have the development that the P3 cast does, though even then Junpei is the only character who has good character development in 3 anyway, but he's still more realistic than every major character in 3 other than Junpei. It doesn't mean he's better than them, but he is more grounded.

He sure didn't go to school tho.

They're unrealistic because they're barely people, they're just cardboard cutout anime friends.

Play leap frog with?

Same, but with Persona 4. The whole "bonds is the true power of people" thing really fucking hit me hard.

They are people, they're just one-note people, but even being one-note they're more realistic than a cast who has elaborate and fantastical backstories with equally dramatic motivations and character arcs. The P4 cast, and they're character arcs, are far more believable than what you see in P3, even if the characters don't seem to meaningfully develop from those arcs. Again, this doesn't make one cast better than the other, but the P4 cast is more realistic than 3's generally speaking.

Hell yeah. He's so strong he'd never accidentally slip and fall on top of you and get his penis stuck in your ass haha.

It was my first, but it has yet to be topped. Even with all the terrible padding, even with the awful gameplay and pacing, despite all of the games flaws. It was a magical experience playing this in my last year of high school, cozied up on the couch for 128 hours of pure JRPG bliss.

Found my waifu, found my love for funky hip-hop, found out what really makes for a great game experience. The time you invest into Persona 3 rewards you so hard at the ending, and no other game has had as good a payoff as it.

If you ignore the back stories and focus entirely on the personalities P3 has 4 beat

If you ignore everything van about them then they're fantastic characters.

If you ignore the backstories, motivations and the core of their character arcs then you're ignoring what makes the characters who they are, especially in P3's case where it was much more plot and thematically-driven than 4 which was much more character-driven. The motivations and arcs of the characters in P3 is pretty much all that the characters are. If you ignore everything about them then maybe they're more realistic but that's just a nonsensical thing to do. You may as well say that if you ignore all the unrealistic things about P3's cast then they're more realistic than 4's.