Does everyone know when this bad boy drops out?

Does everyone know when this bad boy drops out?

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody gives a fuck about hollow knight besides the undertale crowd, it's hot garbage and piss easy.
rain world shits all over it.

Nice bait, retard.


>Hollow Knight in good tier in the pic
>say it's hot garbage

are you a bit retarded ?

first post genuinely best post I fucking love you man

you're the hero we don't deserve

he contradicted himself though?

I'm not sure OP.

Get a load of this fucktard. Your opinion is shit and you should feel like shit

I don't care if he has downs I just love the user who calls out this serial spam shill central of a general

Who and why? Do you know what the word means?

>are you a bit retarded ?
Have you ever read a book or even an article on the internet? Even simple monkey see, monkey do seems to be beyond you.
But yes, you are correct

Why does v hate hollow Knight, honestly?

it's a general consisting of samefaggotry, no one gives a shit about the game but it's presence

Game's great. Eat shit.

No, but the same autist posts the same bait picture every thread like a wannabe Barneyfag and the discussion gets derailed.

>metroidvania tier list
>neither metroid nor vania games listed
>terraria is now a metroidvania rather than a 2d sandbox game
>cave story at the bottom of good tier

I give a shit, it's an amazing game

This shit Is getting a sequel ? Doesn't he die in both endings

How the fuck is cave story metroidvania?

I don't care if it's GOTY or what, what I'm saying is that people throw a fit because it's a general run by obsessive faggots /vg/ was created to contain this shit

the most fun boss ive fought in a 2D game to be honest famalam

>La Mulana at the top
Exquisite taste user.

Oh look its that autistic kid again. Ruining every fucking thread. Fuck off finally.


Lots of exploring, optional weapons/weapon upgrades, health and missile tanks to find. It's a lot more metroidvania than terraria.

I don't even know what the fuck you mean, yet I can tell you are a massive faggot.

if you have ''that autistic kid'' maybe this is a general with the same faggots circlejerking endlessly, such as you

>D44M confirmed metroidvania

it is. i've been in this general a few times and half of these pathetic virgins have been erp'ing with each other as the bugs from the game. it's embarrassing.

you don't have to understand anything

this is a general that consists of the same faggots over and over again, what a garbage place I'm only here to hate it


autism and the internet is a dangerous combination

D44M isn't a 2D run n shooty though it's 3D
if you want to say it's an arcadey metroid prime I guess you could, I've never played it

oh you're the type who stays in a safe space

I have no problem shitting on whatever I hate, it doesn't make me andry

Its funny to see same people in these thread every time despite the fact that they hate them so much. Keep the autistic screaming up spergs.

Jesus christ

This. Hollow Knight is a shitty game for people with low-IQ that can't handle games that actually require a brain.

It's like a general run by ten faggots and all of them are waste of bandwidth, from both sides, the ''shills'' and the ''shitposters'', pure filth.

>la shitania above Rain World


Holy shit, the absolute state of the turboshitter that made this list.

Hollow Shills BTFO


so, what are you going to do to my edgelord self?

Mods can move the threads to /vg/, since it happened before. Report the threads and see how they'll do nothing because it's not a general, fag

Holy shit FPBP, based user ruining these hollow cucks

An autistic dedication to contrarianism and miscellaneous baiting. What else?

Mods can do tons of things but moderating isn't one of them. You're lying to yourself if you think this isn't a samefag general. There's a reason why every thread plays out the same way and why everyone is assigning some title to each other.

Don't act like a victim, both sides are genuine shit.

t. brainlet

No idea
I personally love it

we hate the shills that keep posting these retarded threads when there's nothing new to discuss, just to keep their circlejerking going.

People probably don't hate this game or care, it's forced here so people shit on these threads, these threads are a meme at this point. A few autists ruin things for everyone, it's not the first time this shit happens.

Yeah keep bumping these threads every time you fucking stupid piece of shit.

i like this video game

>terraria and rainworld in elder god tier
opinion discarded

Yeah, I will, so I can keep exposing this retarded clique of yours.

you know he could sage if he cared, I'm sure he doesn't care and just wants to shit on the dumbsterfire of a thread

It has two dedicated shitposters: the Rain World faggot and the "it's a general" faggot. Think about how every Metroid thread was ruined thanks to ACfag back in 2011-2012, it's kinda the same

Funny thing since I lurk in this threads since last year, and mods did send HK threads to vg, but they reverted their decision since they don't think HK are more "generals" than the usual Nep/Zelda/Fate/FEH/wafu thread.

Somebody add the metroid and castlevania games to this picture and it will be absolutely perfect

>but they reverted their decision since they don't think HK are more "generals" than the usual Nep/Zelda/Fate/FEH/wafu thread.

I want the IRC you read faggot

>I lurk in these threads
>these threads
oh congratulations mr general faggot

it's a daily general run by the same people

Plot twist, La-mulanafag keeps making these threads for attention.

it could be a falseflag thing too but it functionally doesn't matter, this shit is forced so no matter what the threads will unfold like they are and should

a few autists can ruin everything

Look at the time between posts and IP count

Are you talking about yourself?

>Sup Forums tells me to buy hollow knight
>meeh this game is kinda easy
>hey what is this strange path blocked with spikes? can you spike jump?
>ohh shit you can
>make it through
>damn what now? I don't want to go through that again, there must be an other way out
>boom a fucking plant boss with 100000 hp that I have to dodge for hours till it finally dies
what the fuck

Anyone else find dt weird that there are literally millions of indie game yet only select ones get multiple threads on Sup Forums?

kill yourself
how'd you think hiro pays for the 100k a month server fees? site's barely got any ads and the ones it has are pure garbage

>kill yourself


>how'd you think hiro pays for the 100k a month server fees?
he tricks suckers like lmao

If the thread is nothing but the same people every single time, why are there always people who respond to posts like this knowing what it does to the thread? Why are there people who ask the same questions about it like it's their first time seeing it? The only people I can clearly tell are coming here to circlejerk and say the same things every single time are you lot.

>y-yeah people buy 100k worth of pass a month

Surely 60 000 people don't actually buy a pass every year.

People intentionally falling for the bait. Even the replies are all similar from the other times.

I know I reply to that post in every thread :)

Do we still not have a fucking Swtich release date? If this goes on much longer i'm just gonna finish my PC playthrough instead