Is this game actually good or is it just shills on Sup Forums constantly trying to make it look like so?
I got bored trying to play dead space 1 so is it anything like that?
Is this game actually good or is it just shills on Sup Forums constantly trying to make it look like so?
I got bored trying to play dead space 1 so is it anything like that?
It’s boring for brainlets so i wouldn’t bother
if you were bored playing Dead Space you will literally fall asleep with Prey, I guarantee it
I found it very boring for what it's worth
how about you just go play it you stupid fuck
personal GOTY
It's ok. Lots of excellent ideas and presentation, but in a kind of middling game.
Its fun for the first few hours. Then it gets boring and tedious as FUCK
its the second-best game of 2017
it's aight. 6.5 or 7/10
you'll enjoy it if you do play it, but it's nothing memorable. if you enjoyed games like bioshock 1 or deus ex HR you'll have a good experience with it.
It's a good game; my only complaints are long loading screens and lack of enemy variety.
This, exploring gets boring fast I only got about half way through
Prey is infinitely closer to system shock 2 than it is to bioshock 1/2
Me too, great game that got shit reviews because it was released bugged to hell
i've never played system shock, i'm just relating it to other games i've had experience with.
It's probably the most mechanically fleshed out immersive sim this decade, however if you can't stomach the snorefest that is Arkane's sterile characterization and badly directed celebrity voice cast it might bring down the experience substantially. I liked it enough to 100% it.
My 2016 GOTY. I think I spent 46 hours completing it. The only drawback was returning to older areas for side quests that were repopulated with some enemies.
It is NOT a horror game. If you go in expecting Dead Space, you will be mad.
It's fucking awful
>enemies are boring/repetitive
>shooting is lame, not exciting
>story is not compelling
>missions are a chore
>progression and exploring is literally a blocked path simulator
>generic space station theme
had to force myself to finish
save your time and your sheckles OP
incredibly boring gameplay and worst enemy design in videogame history
Brainlet PS4 Soyniggers detected.
just watch the Joeseph Anderson critic on the game. Will save you time and money, not worth playing imho.
But I don't even own a console. Played it on PC.
played on pc, are you mentlly ill? that's a really weird answer to my post
It was really fun. If you want actual difficulty and gameplay beating you to shit, play it blind with no-hypos-allowed mode. Makes it near impossible to kill almost anything end-game and you will be terrified of every encounter.
If you want more traditional bioshock gameplay, go full-human upgrade tree and enjoy running around the map at sanic speeds 1-shotting everything.
joseph makes the game sound excellent though
It's pretty damn good. Good premise, good setting, feels connected thanks to the outer space area, good soundtrack. It's a good blend of action and adventure. Solid 8/10 game.
i never finished it. wasn't bad, wasn't great.
i thought the writing was ok, the atmosphere didn't live up to the music though. I hardly felt threatened.
If you play it like a regular fps, it will be boring. The game gives you enough tools for you to do other things than just unloading a shotgun or pistol. Exploration is also a strong point that can get overlooked if you just go from A to B doing the main quest.
It's a legitimately great game.