There hasn't been a good new space game in over 10 years.
Why? It's space. It's empty. It should be easy to make.
There hasn't been a good new space game in over 10 years.
Why? It's space. It's empty. It should be easy to make.
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But it's full of stars and shit.
Because it's not empty and it's obviously not easy to make.
There's too great an obsession with being autism simulators with muh space trucker self inserting and less emphasis on pulse-pounding action like Starlancer / Freespace / Freelancer / Wing Commander etc. Space is the go-to for unimaginative open world memers because it's the ultimate sandbox you could populate with the barest amount of actual shit to do and get away with (Rebel Galaxy did this). People want to play space games for action, fighter dogfights and capital ships blasting the fuck out of each other, smuggling contraband and trying to evade the law, customized tricked out vessels they can personalize and get attached to, strange anomalies on the fringe of known space, etc not fucking spreadsheet simulators.
To add to this, Freelancer's other big success was making space _interesting_ over making it realistic. Nebulas were tense, wrecks were creepy, and discovering a wormhole to an uncharted system felt fantastic. Few things stand out as much as navigating beacon-to-beacon through a giant ice shard field to get to a hidden base and an abandoned gate.
Star Citizen will save us, bros
Amen brother
I had so much hope for Elite Dangerous.
Lets hope the squadron 42 campaign for the other game isn't a complete autism simulator.
>had hope for ED
House of the Dying sun has been good. So was Albion Prelude.
That's it. Truly these are dark times we live in.
You don't have to wait for SQ42, just enter the wonderful world of FSOpen mods.
What are the best FSOpen stuff
Freelancer combat was nice, if very bare bones, the trading was meh, and the customization locked behind career levels and different regions of space.
But that world(space?)building was top notch. There is no sector that is boring, there are always traders and dogfights everywhere. Debris fields, asteroid belts, dark matter clusters, radiation; they all hid the best loot, the most bandits, the fastest shortcuts, the hidden bases. It made you want to explore those unforgiving places, even though it was dangerous and tense, they had massive payouts and interesting music and challenges.
I'd kill for some combination of Elite Dangerous and Freelancer.
Freespace 2 HD, FSport, Blue Planet and Wings of Dawn.
But that is just my opinion™, for more extended list you need to look here
What's this Cantonese cartoon?
Yamato 2199
Just don't be tricked that this is happening in the space. 100% ocean.
freelancer alpha one dash one
Of course. Those are boats, how can boats be in space? I'm not stupid.
Entire genre is dominated by shitting sandbox faggotry.
>There is no sector that is boring
There are a few
Is Rogue System worth buying? It looks kinda interesting, like a DCS: spaceship.
What do you recommend when someone wants to command capital ships?
hard mode: with heavy customization, if such a game exists at all
You mean shitty sandbox faggotry. Nothing wrong with a good open space game, they're just all autistically obsessed with the wrong things.
If you can stomach really old games, then you should try the best capital ship simulator: Independence War 1. You can find it on GOG.
Starsector is only 8 years old tho
>Why? It's space. It's empty. It should be easy to make.
it's easy to make a good game with nothing in it? like the seinfield of video games?
>really old
aw man
But thanks, I think I've briefly heard of this game back then and then forgot about it. I'll check it out.
Man I remember going to the Boys and Girls Club on shitty PC's with CRT monitors with this one massive fag who brought freelancer and a star wars rts and downloaded it to every PC, it was some glorious shit
It's hard to replicate Seinfeld
Zigfrak is fun.
Evochron Legacy launched.
EVE is still some of the fastest spaceship gameplay in the sub-/genre, with larger ships up to capitals also.
Cardamine. Cardamine. Everybody wants cardamine.
>sing to the tune of "spiderman, spiderman"
We don't run this place but we have an understanding with the people who do.
Zigfrak looks like a clusterfuck.
>look it up
I never realized he looked like his character.
Well, if you must know, I have heard a rumour.
>never read any of the rumors or flavor text to learn his backstory
I've been playing Everspace for some time now, i'm having a good time with it, its dogfights is decent and the rouglike formula is very additicive. You should give a try.
>good space game
Freelancer was to space games what Skyrim was to RPGs. Casualized dumb down unfinished shallow empty mess made to appeal to people who never played any other game in the genre, and needs extensive modding to make even playable.
people actually believe this
Hey Braben
Man, the new Yamato series that just came out bored me so much that I dropped it on the first episode. Shame, since I watched 2199 all the way through.
It doesn't even have to be good. It just has to exist.
We'll likely never get another high-effort space game.
It probably definitely pales in comparison, but try Rebel Galaxy?
Same, but I watched through episode 6.
Don't really know why, but just didn't enjoy it even though I loved 2199.
What exactly is wrong with 2202?
I loved the original series and 2199 so I was looking forward to seeing it but I never hear anything good about it.
That's more a naval game with a space coat of paint
Fast gameplay is fun.
Yeah but that UI looks like a mess
You're thinking of X.
You mean X rebirth?
It's pretty simple.
>no games that let you run a space station and send fighters out on missions
Intergalactic Trader?
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Most people don't even have a proper joystick these days, just some meme (((((controller))))) with tiny thumbsticks. That's no way to enjoy a space combat game.
Halcyon 6?
>needing joysticks to do a space game
Not profitable right now. Maybe later it will be again.
>wanting to play space games with mouse or controller
Yes that's right, it's actually you know, enjoyable.