That's all it takes for a Fujinon to break into your Chaldea with the intent to TK your bridge and die of appendicitis.
Why don't you own a Shiki, Sup Forums?
That's all it takes for a Fujinon to break into your Chaldea with the intent to TK your bridge and die of appendicitis.
Why don't you own a Shiki, Sup Forums?
I kinda want to go back to jp FGO and try to roll her. I got Semiras last time I logged in, but she sucks and wasnt enough to keep me interested.
She is only a 4* so supposedly easier to get, i was lucky got her and dup Tamamo in a 10 roll.
Great, I have reason to play for next 2 years. I was thinking I have nothing to look forward to after I got Void.
>Why don't you own a Shiki, Sup Forums?
Joke's on you, I have both Shikis from the original KnK run.
>Iskandar is coming soonish
>only have 400 quartz saved up
>have to start farming his mats so I can fully ascend him and get all of his skills maxed immediately
It feels good that he's finally within my reach but at the same time I'm worried once I get him I'll lose interest in the game.
But I do
After watching the fifth movie, I feel bad whenever I do a mission on the event. It also made me appreciate the Sprinter CE a lot more.
Because apparently I don't have enough Hectors.
Fuck that noise I ain't buying more SQs for this anemic cunt.
>After watching the fifth movie, I feel bad whenever I do a mission on the event
Why is that, exactly?
>rolling for NEET
>get serenity like 5 times in a god damn row doing singles
God damn yandere.
Wasn't this bitch raped multiple times in the movies, why would anyone roll for literal rapebait?
>rolling for NEET
People actually do this?
Is this the new update? What.
It's on JP.
She is cute, i rolled for Medb before that rate up as well. just glad it wasn't a Semi spook.
>why would anyone roll for literal rapebait?
Every other Servant is literal rapebait
>Disappointed when I got her in the paid Merlin gatcha
>Everyone gets Saber Shiki except me
Desire sensor is real as hell, I should just be grateful I got Fujino without spending too much.
Tell me about it, i got the dumb idea of trying to get my Jeanne alter to NP2 and the game rewards me with EMIYA and sumanai spam.
Why do people say Assassin Shiki is better than Saber Shiki?
Fate Stay Night is the Homestuck of anime.
Skills. Honestly, if instant death was more viable against enemies that actually matter i.e. bosses, I could see the inherent value. As is, she's good for killing normal enemies with inflated HP which isn't really much to write home about.
Fucking Death resist for servants is obscene.
>Double Shiki
>MEoDP skill successful twice on the same servant to lower Death resist
>Triple NP chain, 200 and 300 charge respectively for MEoDP NP
>Fucking nothing
It takes the absolute piss. Why even have the mechanic if it doesn't work on at least some bosses or even regular servants?
Assassin has guaranteed rank 5 NP which she can charge very fast.
Saber doesn't, charges NP like shit and for a 5 star isn't particularly good for much of anything except maybe staying alive and hoping for an instant kill once a blue moon.
You should still use Servants you like though, this isn't a game to be tourneyfagging over.
Because it reminds me of the what happened to Tomoe.
>Why don't you own a Shiki, Sup Forums?
Because I'm a f2p lucklet who keeps getting this prick, instead.
It was a pretty miserable fate, but he did choose his own path at the end. And he proved Araya wrong and went against his Origin.
I was here.
You do at least have welfare Ryougi though, right?
>Assassin has guaranteed rank 5 NP which she can charge very fast.
She hits pretty hard at NP5, almost hard as my NP2 Jack.
How much do you love your Shiki, Sup Forums?
Shiki's NP ignores defense. This combined with her ability to spam it very easily means that she's an amazing burst damage assassin.
Which is better? NP5 Assassin Shiki or NP1 Jack the Ripper?
Not nearly enough, but I compensate by maining her in melty
Assassin Shiki unless the target is a female in which case I reckon Jack is just as good.
depends. are you maiming a man or a woman, and what level are your [Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]
Fujino is worth it simply because she's from one of the Demon Slayer clans, it's a part of TM that's not been touched upon for a good long while.
I mean, both are really good. If you're talking about NA then Jack is still a fantastic source of star generation, but is also true.
This damn Shiki event is a pain in the ass. Is every event the same shit?
>NA account I play on the side to roll for things I miss on JP.
>planned on grailing Assassin Shiki.
>rolled Void in 30 quartz while rolling for CEs.
>also need grails for Illya later this year.
>NP2 Fujino put me right back into bone and stake hell.
Why don't you guys play a mobage based on actually good series, like kirara fantasia? Fate is, was, and always will be fucking trash.
KnK is pretty grind heavy. I find it less dreary than Saber Wars though, but that's probably because of the music.
>Complaining about resource requirements when getting 5*s and NP2 4*s
Gift horses and mouths, m8.
If Fate is a trash series then Kirara Fantasia is a collection of a dozen carbon copy trash series, user. I'd take the former.
its not that bad actually, compared to the valentine's event or fucking guda guda, simply because you get the craft essences you need from the shop rather than needing them from rolls
hell if anything i'd argue that fucking valentine's was worse than every other event because you had to get coins, and the melt those coins down, and you have to play according to rate ups
>tfw friend thinks that is disgusting
>is a huge futa fag
Should I tell him?
Type moon is dead.
That everyone's entitled to their own fetishes? Sure.
It's not like they'd have made Tsukihime R or Mahoyo part 2 by this point anyway.
This, they need to make awkward poorly drawn porn again.
what is he looking at?
Nothing, he lost his glasses.
Ultimately it comes down to a few factors. Jack has higher raw stats, but can't spam her NP quite as easily as Shiki can, and she's losing out on potential damage on male targets. Shiki can also ignore invuln, which means she'll actually be the better choice against bosses who like to spam it, such as Marie. You also want to take the rest of your team into consideration, if you're running an Arts-heavy team, Shiki will contribute more, while Jack's extreme star generation is good for crit spams or heavy buster hits.
he's looking on the wrong end, that strange woman seems to be wearing them
footfags are literally the worst.
why don't you play a mobage based on an actually good series like fate? kirara fantasia is, was, and always will be fucking trash
Where's nanaya
not as much as i love the meta, she ain't getting my grails
I'm less concerned about that than the fact that none of Shiki's portraits show off her dolljoints.
My fetish > your fetish.
I have the Shiki for (you) and the obligatory Mikiya's Shiki, I'm all Shiki'd up. I would like to see a SHIKI though.
>Spent 60 quartz trying to get Saber Shiki since I didn't think the event would rerun
>Didn't get her and the event is being rerun in JP
>Now I probably won't get Edmond because I only have 12 memetickets
Kill me now lads.
>Wanting easily one of the worst designed male 5*s in the game and one of the lowest rated
Dare I ask why? I can't imagine even Dumas fans would care.
Why the fuck do you want Edmond FUCK YOU? Angra is the superior Avenger.
I'm a DRfag, that and I've been reading the book recently so it'd be nice to get. The only other servants I'd particularly want to get rather desperately is Swimsuit Mordred and Kiritsugu.
Is he really that shit? I only like his VA because of Mobius.
How much do you love your Nobu, Sup Forums?
Fair enough, I suppose.
4.0. Joint lowest male AND limited 5*.
I'd love her a lot more if I hadn't missed Honnouji like a retard. Dammit.
Not at all.
I fully fou'd my Atalante before even capping my Nobu.
>Tfw i stopped feeding atalante my XP and mats after getting Nobu
Forever a level 60 quick Cat
His attack is sky-high, but his skills are all meh to bad, and he's saddled with an AoE NP with the only real benefit of inflicting Curse. He's not very good, and completely outclassed by Jalter.
I know Evil Cat is bad but I like her and I have a stigma against using free servants.
His VA voices another character (Arjuna).
He's also an infamously hardcore TM fanboy and a ridiculous mega-whale in FGO.
Wait, is that really Fujino? Actually, yeah, I can see the eyes. Which Servant is she Pseudo-ing for?
not enough to fully ascend her until i have xp cards to waste
i already have smug redman as a 4* archer
She's fine. I haven't fully maxed her out yet since I'm always trying to fully ascend something. I have her up to her final Ascension, but she's only level 70.
>Which Servant is she Pseudo-ing for?
She isn't, she's entirely herself, like Shiki. How, you ask? I dunno, m8. Maybe Demon Slayer clan members get a free pass for some obscure reason.
Just like Shiki they said fuck it and made them an actual Servant because I dunno.
I want to love her.
So when the Tsukihime event happens like Nasu's hoping for, I guess Shiki will fill out the Nanaya slot.
What's her rarity?
None. Apparently the counter force recruited her (kek)
Counter Force got desperate and made her a servant. After Goetia incinerated humanity, she got stuck on low level janitorial duty to help (you) out. Though you can make the case the Counter Force was using Shiki to fuck over Araya in Paradox Spiral.
>dumping fous on a wet noodle
Counter Force has been pretty desperate the whole time from what I can tell. I mean, desperation is the entire reason it used a non-Heroic Spirit like Muramasa and stuffed him into Shirou's body. I guess it's like being a Counter Guardian, but since it's not a formal contract, they're not bound to an eternity of servitude like Emiya is.
Does this mean I'll get to have a Nanaya/Asagami/Fujyou/Ryougi team like I've dreamt of?
>I dunno, m8.
They're local rumors which gave them enough recognition for the Throne of Heroes.
Also Fujino vaguely implies the Counter Force summoned her which would make a bit more sense.
I already said I know she sucks, but I like her well enough and my only other non 3* Archer is Nobu.
4*, so not too dire. I had to go through about 90 quartz and a few tickets to get her though, but then she's also limited.
But you'll get Chloe for free who can easily be N5'd and hits hard because of her Projection. Or Santa Altera who hits surprisingly hard for a Quick Servant and builds NP fast.
Even 4*'s kinda tough though. I mean, I used up all my quartz during the first Jack/Rhyme rate up and I just got a bunch of Redmen and Atalante. I mean, I'm grateful for Redman, but come on.
>NA gets the Prillya event
>JP gets the rerun with one more servant
How can NAtards ever recover bros
They're not actually in the Throne, user. It's possible to summon a Servant even if they're not recorded in the Throne. None of the Hassans are proper Heroic Spirits either.
>Does this mean I'll get to have a Nanaya/Asagami/Fujyou/Ryougi team like I've dreamt of?
It's possible but Tsukihime collab can happen only after remake and who knows when that will be out
>Also Fujino vaguely implies the Counter Force summoned her which would make a bit more sense.
It does make more sense, but it's still a stretch. I mean her ability is pretty unique but she's not exactly A grade combatant material, you'd think it'd have better options.
Nasu's pretty adamant about it.
>Why don't you own a Shiki, Sup Forums?
I have welfare Shiki
>tfw all I wanted was mommy Arturia on the London gacha and I got this smugass Tesla
They also reduced the amount of grinding you have to do slightly. They changed one node to have more zombies to make killing 200 of them easier and dropped the Rapunzel kill count from 20 to 10.
She's got a significant amount of power in those eyes. Even in game, her attack strength is among the highest in her rarity, putting her just shy of Herc and Gorgon.
Counter Force hasn't been picky lately. It's pretty much pure desperation by now. I'm guessing it brought in Fujino because she gave Shiki a hard time, and Shiki's one of Alaya's top cards.
Isn't she almost blind now, though? That should have nerfed her quite heavily. Or did the Counter Force temporarily fix that?
>Log in for the first time in ages because the only thing that could bring me back to this kusoge is Shiki
>183 quartz
>60 fucking pulls and I get 1 single 4 star
>5 summon tickets
>See a flash of gold and it's a saber
>It's fucking Chevalier d'Eon
I just want to die now
>Does this mean I'll get to have a Nanaya/Asagami/Fujyou/Ryougi team like I've dreamt of?
Putting aside the whole >Tsukihime part, I don't know what they'd do with Kirie, particularly her NP. Could be Thanatos or something, I suppose.
And they've already done her sprite for Rapunzel, so that's something.
There's always the maid twins. They're branch family, though.
None of her lines make any indication of blindness, though she is still saddled with appendicitis and numb limbs.
That rate up was cursed. I wanted Tesla but got NP2 Tituria instead. And we aren't the only ones, a lot of people experienced the same thing. That said she ended up really growing on me and I hope Tesla grew on you.
>her attack strength is among the highest in her rarity, putting her just shy of Herc and Gorgon.
Man, that's fucking dumb.
But I love KnK getting more representation, so whatever.
>Isn't she almost blind now, though? That should have nerfed her quite heavily. Or did the Counter Force temporarily fix that?
She got the appendicitis back for some reason and it looks her sight got restored.
Have to wonder about her clairvoyance development though, it must be as strong as it was considering her NP.
Just wait 2 more years for the free pick a 4* servant in NA
So she's taken from when her powers were at their height, huh? I guess that'd make sense, given how the Counter Force normally operates.