How will the remake handle controversial moments like this and the crossdressing scene?

How will the remake handle controversial moments like this and the crossdressing scene?


what's wrong with the crossdressing scene?
people will love that now more than ever

I always take the stairs and I've never seen her say that.

There was crossdressing in BotW, a kids game. The VII remake will have it.



marginalizes trans people

>Trap Cloud in HD

Can't fucking wait

>SJW types will claim it's problematic and homophobic because the YMCA faggots are portrayed stereotypically and Cloud isn't 100% eager to eat those dicks and many a Kotaku/Resetera articles will be made on the matter
>Sup Forumstards that now make up for the majority of Sup Forums will claim it's degenerate propaganda added in by the evil SJW leftist soyboy jews making it clear they never played the game in the first place
This is the world you live in right now.

BotW had crossdressing as a joke.

BotW was shit

The crossdressing scene is already confirmed to be in the remake, and the pic you posted is an example of FF7's objectively terrible translation (the original line went something like "don't say things like that!").

>terrible translation
Dude, that line is fucking hilarious. What the fuck are you talking about?

Direct translations are always vague and emotionless because they don't carry cultural context, that's why they replaced the line with something that more fit the intensity of what she was saying.


I won't get too uptight about the staircase dialogue, but the crossdressing mission needs to be there, and it should be just as lighthearted as it was originally. If Square compromises on this, it will be a major mark against the remake, as well as Square's artistic integrity (as if they don't have enough marks against that already with the debacle that is FFXV).

I’m unironically not upset about white Barrett and Blackiroth

I've never played a FF game, but I played a lot of other JRPGs, is VII a good place to start?

How about the scene where Barret and Cloud get shoo’d away from the play due to not being a straight couple?

These are unironically great.

Barret looks like a tool and Tifa's thighs aren't drawn particularly well, but Cloud and Sephiroth look great.

>Barret unironically looks like Dyne when white


Is it just me, or does it feel like all this political fighting on the Internet these days started in 2012? That was the year that I remember Sup Forums started getting mad about SJWs and stuff. Before then, everything on Sup Forums was mainly about "Sup Forums culture".

I’d say VII or IX

It's hard to recommend VII as your first, since no other FF will ever live up to it and you'll end up chasing the dragon looking to relive it. VI, X or VIII are better places to start.

Give it a try. A lot of it hasn't aged well, but if you keep an open mind there will be enjoyable bits.

Yes, and look how well they took that.

It will be emphasized as progressive and it will be celebrated as a brave new leap in video game diversity. Cloud will be gay and autistic (this was my headcanon for a while but it will be canon)

censorship, of course.

Climb the stairs you lazy piece of shit. All of you is just alike.

posting that image and asking that question got me banned from the giantbomb forums. so, that scene is probably not going to happen.