Why is there so many people main CB? most of them don't know how to use it for fucks sake or don't even do SAEDs

Why is there so many people main CB? most of them don't know how to use it for fucks sake or don't even do SAEDs

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How do I use it then? And what's SAEDs?

because charge blade and bow guns with slice are the only weapons that let you stumble through the whole game.

normie retards following INSANE DAMAGE BUILD youtube tripe

>bow guns with slice
didn't that shit get nerfed?

>normies fall for advertising
>suck ass at the game
>google "best mhw weapon"
>it carries them through the game
This is exactly why. If you play online you'll notice the people who are most likely to cart are the people with the more meta weapons. Even LBG players got better after the slicing nerf.

>Advertised is greatsword
>almost never see it


It's actually not a good beginner weapon.

I like hunting horn. Do people prefer Attack+ or stamina loss reduced?

Because world is an dumbed down experance that appeals to the lowest common denominator.

Its not surprising that it's filled with retards.

mhxx for the west when?

SAED is a waste of DPS

>its dumbed down!
>75% of Sup Forums was filled with anons having trouble killing low-tier monsters during release week
what did he mean by this?

Attack Plus all day every day

actual lies, SAED can net you an upward of 800 damage with the right build.

>Monster Hunter world is for normies
>People think Monster Hunter was ever for Hardcore gamers
When will this meme die?

Instead I'd rather do AEDs vibrantly without waiting for stars to align to get all the three hits from the SAED.

Rathalos is hard, bro.


There's a bunch of things to know:
-Your basic attacks and buttons
-Your charging mechanic and loading up phials
-Charging the shield
-Unleashing the axe mode explosions via Amped-Element-Dischange and Super-AED
-Guard pointing

Been CB since 4U, I hope I'm using this damn thing properly: youtu.be/zQMSYEWqzuc?t=262

I'm still adjusting to the new O dash move.

They are one and the same. Also the halberd

git gud nigga

> follow epic destiny 2 streamer damage "build"
> cant hit SAED to save their lives
> cant use the proper shortcut into SAED
> wont even charge shield
> saitama sasuke has fainted
its the future we deserve

> 3 hits from SAED
> not 7
learn to aim you shitter

Switch axe and hammer for life. With a side of lance and greatsword.

I wish I was any good with the Greatsword. I've almost zero hours with it in all the games I've played (admittedly not much, just some of 3U and a tiny bit of 4U and now W), so I've got to assume I'd improve with practice. But I just took it on a Urugaan hunt and most of the time was spent charging and missing (or charging, having Leno turn round and having it bounce off his chin).
I guess I'm going to stick to gunlance for now. Finally got the hang of/re-learned the slash - slam - full burst - sweep - reload combo and it's the tits.

4U was full of dumbass CB users too.

GS changed for the worse, it's no longer a sniping weapon

I'm not saying that I'm no good because it's got worse, I'm just saying I'm shit with it. I still assume you can hunt with it fine?

I'm okay with the GS and I've mained it for most of the games
But I've been messing around with charge blade a bit and I'm enjoying it.
I want something that's slightly more complex than "gotcha bitch" but not just mashing the attack button like dual swords.

Yeah you can, it just that the first 2 charges are literally useless now.

Just get down the basic combo, you can do well on hunts without using every single opportunity for a full charge. Just unsheathe slam, roll and sheathe. Follow up with a O spin attack when you have the opportunity and that will be your bread and butter, do this until you get a feeling for where a monster's openings are and then you can start charging/tackling. Warm yourself up with just charging level 1's or tackling into level 2 charges before you start trying to tackle into true charge, a full charge level 1 is still around 200 damage on a weak spot which is more than enough to be a contribution to a hunt. You will learn with experience alone how ballsy you can be and how much you can punish more than any guide will. the secret to the great sword in most games is just use it


I like the lance

can't believe he's fucking dead

GS is still great, it just changed up from being a literal one-trick pony.

You ain't shit with Charge Blade unless you Guard Point > KO > Instant Ultra Burst


cool guy over here

Is the Gunlance bad? I can't seem to get the hang of it. Any build/combo recommendations?

I beat just about all of the game with it, failed 1 mission and switched weapons for Nergigante cause I wanted more mobility for that fight.

I'd say it's quite simple, if you decently know patterns of enemies, you know when you can charge attacks and not, if you can't you can just run up, hit em once and dodge away, since one hit is worth like 2 or 3 hits from other weapon.

Earplugs are great as well since it gives you opportunity to slam em when their roaring too.
Focus is nice. Palico shield helps as well. Could go on, but it's mainly just play with it and you'll succeed

*power guard counters nerg dive*

Do the combo this nerd is talking about

Don't think I've ever KO'd with a GP yet

> stop blocking with GL
> get good
dont waste points into guard up and dont block at all, the blocking animation locks you longer than needed, just hop like mad to reposition and sheathe when needed

I get the whole understanding the monster's openings/patterns thing but I'm honestly pretty slow when it comes to that sort of pattern recognition. I've basically only been hunting Urugaan the past day or two (farming for his armor) but while I could tell you most of his moves I'm bad at predicting when he's going to use them.

GL is probably best for me since the shield lets me get away with being sloppy to an extent.

sonygros are retards

To be fair, I didn't know how to read the acronym either. It's the Super Amped Element Discharge.

get to practicin'

Basically this.
Babyfag MH here. I'm solo up to 10 and it works. It just works.

Sounds reasonable, it is very slow and clunky.

Because they're all newfags who only got interested in the series because of "da pretty graphix" and good marketing.

Nice moves dude.

>know the basics of CB and SAEDs
>watch this
>didn't know about guard pointing and charging shield and sword
fuck im retarded

I think I might have something wrong with my fingers to be honest. I have trouble pulling off some moves consistently; stuff like the Tri+Circ rising slash or the forward+Tri for the lunge. Plus there'll be times when I know something will be a bad move but I do it anyway.