Our game is so realistic you have to sleep to save!

>our game is so realistic you have to sleep to save!
>but no crossbows or polearms lol, we didn't have time to implement those properly despite working on the game for years

Other urls found in this thread:


Every part of the game feels unfinished. Dropped it when I killed the huge bandit who took my sword. I spent 2 hours clearing the camp of all enemies but the game didn't register it. And they all respawned on the actual assault.

Game feels unfinished but I'm liking it
>No menu option for vsync or AA
Based Eurojank

There are polearms you fucking dolt

>no dual-wielding
proof that the game is garbage

>no polearms
but there are

Well, I grew up in a country called Slovenia. If you don't know where it is--like most people--it's basically in Eastern Europe.

By today's Western standards, it would be considered nothing more than a shithole country.

Anyways, the reason I'm mentioning this, is because Slovenia has some beautiful scenery and is still a natural country.

Unlike bigger metropolitan cities, in Slovenia you can actually:

Hear birds sing in the morning, you can hear the buzzing of bees, you can feel the wild green grass caress your knees while walking in the fields...

You can listen to the relaxing sound of flowing water and the excited frogs surrounding it, you can pick wild sour cherries from the trees, you can feel the freshness of the natural air...

Basically, you can enjoy life as it was meant to be!

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm telling you all this...

I am currently living in a REALLY big city in the United States, and there is not a single day that passes without me thinking about my childhood.

To help me cope with that feeling, I tried to watch some classic Slovenian movies but it didn't work. I then decided to try some video games...

And guess what?


I was able to get myself immersed in games that reminded me of my home country! But WHICH games am I talking about?

Well, Oblivion and Witcher 3 did a decent job... but the REAL magic happened when I played Kingdom Come: Deliverance yesterday.

Listen, I am in no means a "medieval game freak" and I don't particularly like that period. The reason I'm playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance, is because it's the ONLY game that can ENTIRELY transport me to my childhood...

A relaxing place, far from pollution, social media, and all the other vices of the modern-day society.

If you're not looking to only play a game, but you want to EXPERIENCE it... with total IMMERSION... then Kingdom Come: Deliverance IS for you.

So, what are you waiting for? Go on Steam right now, or go find some torrent trackers!

You can't carry them in the inventory and they cut the skill out.

The lack of Crossbows really put me off as well, I might buy the game if they get added as a free patch.

>>our game is so realistic you have to sleep to save!

No. You dont.

>but no polearms lol

There are polearms.

Imagine being this stupid.

>wanting crossbows
They'd be far too OP if they worked realistically. Melee shitters could never compete.

Literally looks like they just stole the Oblivion UI

I'm enjoying the game and like it.
Do something about it.

ur not that streamer

crossbows weren't invented until the 20th century


>Not killing the horse

I thought it was really cool how that guy who kept getting robbed turned out to be the village homosexual and rentboys kept stealing from him.


wish I went light armor

Lockpicking minigame is dumb as shit. Is made for breaking your locks istantly.

>shoot crossbow
>have to reload for 3 minutes
>die while reloading

how the fuck do you willingly dodge?

I just mash left and right and sometimes I dodge sometimes I don't, I don't get it

>fucking broken game
>give me my refund reeeeee

Yeah I don't get this either. You have no control over the speed at which it turns and unless you are very autistic that shit breaks most of the time,.

Mount & Blade makes it work just fine.

>Very fast Czech running at very hihg speed

press left or right when the shield icon appear,if you are already moving it's doesn't work

also git gud

Cute post

What's the point of maces and axes? In 30 hours I've found 2 variations of each.

AA is tied to Shaders, VSync option in next patch.

To kill ennemies with heavy armors and shields

Lockpicking is easy as shit m8. Just keep it lined up with the outer ring.

whew, combat/AI is even worse than i expected

>Rhodok crossbowmen


You can use a little parrying dagger so technically you can duel-wield.

lockpicking was made with controllers in mind, mouse users have no way of slowing down the turn speed

>no nigger wielding


shut the fuck up you little swadian bitch

Stop being shit. Use cavalry and terrain smart and you can defeat them just fine. Although that advice, especially the last part, is relevant for every enemy.

A few stabs with a sword to the head works as well.

>tfw can't bash containers with an axe

I mean common, there is some shitty wooden box that could break in 2 swings

some fucktard has been posting this pasta in every KC thread

>but no crossbows or polearms
Seriously? Are there at least spears?

How DO you save outside those save drinks? I've slept 5 times so far and only once did i get a "game saved" message.

I think you have to own the bed in some way, either at an inn or at Theresa's place

save only activates in owned beds

Some were saying you don't need to play on anything higher than medium because really the higher settings just affect LOD and shit. this true? i'm looking to hit highest settings i can and get best performance at the same time.

It has to be a bed that you "own". (Rented from a tavern, given to you by questgivers, etc.)

There ARE polearms in the game, but for some stupid fucking reason you can't permanently equip one and have to drop it when you go into towns

Just get the mod for unlimited saves, the schnapps system is retarded

But it's easier on PC, just lower your mouse sensitivity if it's too high.

Why couldn't I fuck the chicken?

just make some you twit, they're cheap as shit to make

not to mention save-game and night vision potions. "realistic" and "historically accurate" were just marketing buzzwords people fell for.


Chicks have to give consent, famalam.

Yeah, i understand that, and it's logical. This is at the millers place, in the bed spesifically marked as "own bed". Also tried the other one to no avail. Fortunately the game autosaves enough that it's not a big issue. Though running to get the ring 3 times (and once sleeping in the bed in Tadholm or whatever the name before moving on with the quest) got tiresome.
Next i'll try hiring a bed instead.

Polearms are gimmicky environmental weapons that you don't get to keep, and they cut out the skill associated with using them, it's fucking retarded. The excuses you shills make are inconsistent too, like how you keep saying "it's realistic that you have to hold it with both hands!" and then ignore the torch floating in the air while you do 2 handed things. Or "it's too big to fit in your inventory", when your inventory is an invisible bag that you can fit 50 swords and a suit of armor into.

Not having crossbows is fucking inexcusable since it was an incredibly common and important weapon in the HRE in the 1400s. How the fuck can you even claim to make a historical game and not include one of the most important historical weapons?
In the game, the first line your father says when you tell him you want to go traveling is something like "don't do it, you'll get shot by someone with a crossbow."

it's just like real life...

Can you at least pick it up again when you leave town?
Are the polearms appropriately long? (At least 2.5m)
How's mounted combat? With any weapon for that matter.



There's 2 beds at the Miller's place, make sure you're sleeping in the one on the right, behind the ladder.

shills btfo

>You can carry around infinite money
wtf I hate this awesome game now

>he doesn't laugh at every failed game regardless of the devs retarded political affiliations
good goy

If you HAD to choose to fuck a boar, horse, or a chicken, which would you choose?

seriously though i havent got a fuckin clue how to lockpick

Any beds works, you just have sleep at least 2 hours

>a video game having a save game option

You're an idiot.

>Can you at least pick it up again when you leave town?
>Are the polearms appropriately long? (At least 2.5m)


>How's mounted combat? With any weapon for that matter.
It sucks dick with melee weapons because they have no length, If you have a high bow skill you're pretty much an untouchable rape machine unless they get close enough to throw you off

Whats the best way to level archery

Why does every pleb in Rattay fucking hate me?
sure I murdered some people on the road 20 miles out of town, how do they know?

shoot bows

Horse, duh.

>If you have a high bow skill you're pretty much an untouchable rape machine unless they get close enough to throw you off

Isn't there a perk that basically welds you onto the horse?


I wouldn't worry about selling the meat, poaching is illegal anyways

How do I unsheathe my sword?

You can pick it back up where you leave it, unless weapons despawn. I haven't tested it.
They don't feel very long, just barely longer than a sword, but they do a lot of damage.

Mounted combat is janky as fuck because you're forced into first person and the camera bobs up and down as the hose gallops, the physics also suffers from the usual stuff like mount and blade and skyrim, where your horse instantly stops if you run into a rock the wrong way, and how you can spam jump to climb vertical cliffs.

poor b8

i tried it on both and found it easier on kbm, i can't aim for shit with the controller even if i can control the speed. i use controller for everything else though

>It sucks dick with melee weapons because they have no length
I'm guessing that means no lances?
And are there no extra long swords for cavalry?

it's legal once you cook it

Not anyone you argue with, nor are you directly wrong, but crossbows were mostly used as siege weapons and castle defence. While it's shit that you can't use one (same for polearms which were more common than swords), it does make sense for a traveller to use bows instead of crossbows.
You wouldn't be happy with a 5 minute reloading time either, so why bother?
That said, the fact that big town garnisons don't have a single one is however a valid complaint.


Wise decision. Even though we're forced to make one. Horse pussy is always the better choice.

I found Mount & Blade to do mounted combat really well. With both sword, lance and bow for that matter.

if i like the gothic games and witcher 1 but hate witcher 3 will i enjoy this

If only there was a tutorial


You can still get thrown off

There might be a specialized sword for horse combat like there is for bows, but I haven't checked. Longswords need you to still be right next to people to hack at them.

awesome game and really had fun with it very immersive and awesome

but also very broken i suggest waiting right now, until bugs are fixed and game is more balanced

played 50+ hours already, nolifed the game since launch, pretty fucking amazing but like getting into the deep end of the game shows all the problems the game has and how badly made it really is. in where you can play like 1000 hours in skyrim, you can probably only get 150 hours out of this game tops

with like an expansion or like a year of support, i can see the game being way better

Just sell it in another town

>Longswords need you to still be right next to people to hack at them
You can't just ride-by all day every day?

Got the Codex release, but having the sound issue. Oh fuck, I'll have to wait for some more patches.

>but crossbows were mostly used as siege weapons and castle defence
You are so painfully wrong it hurts
There were mercenaries companies that were nothing but hundreds or thousands of crossbowmen and they fought in open battles all the time. The French brough 6,000 italian crossbowmen to Crecy, which was a pitched battle AND they were on the offense. It ended terribly for them due to shitty weather or terrain, not because crossbows were "siege only" weapons.

>You wouldn't be happy with a 5 minute reloading time either, so why bother?
I know you're exaggerating it shoot down my argument, but I'll bite. A crossbow takes 5 seconds to reload for a simple one with your bare hands. A heavier crossbow still only takes 5 seconds if you have a belt hook. Even a giant windlass takes less than a minute.
From a gameplay perspective it's worth it because you have a strong alpha strike weapon that you can nock before a fight.

best way is actually just killing someone/stealing shit until you can afford to train

bow levels extremely slow, also utterly worthless because no skills / perks for it

>assblasted neocommunists still shilling against GOTY for the sole reason that they can't control the developer

>You wouldn't be happy with a 5 minute reloading time either, so why bother?
educate yourself