Why was this one so much better than the first?
Why was this one so much better than the first?
For one it wasn’t a technical abomination like the first one and it also didn’t have god awfull zombies with guns sections.
>have both these games
>EW1 is too hard (can't pass 3rd level in zombie town with butcher guy from start of game)
>don't wanna play EW2 without beating 1
this sucks man
It embraced its more bizarre side and became more unique as a result while the first one overly relied on traditional horror tropes, attempting to copy RE4 and other cult hits.
Scariest moment in the entire game for me was starting "Classic" mode and I haven't saved yet, clearing the guys out around the crossbow and running to safety on a rooftop, except Sebastian decides to climb downwards through the pavement into the infinite abyss below.
Is this worth playing?
It's actually 50% off on steam right now
It's actually really damn good
Better? Are you fucking kidding me? It's a mediocre sequel to a decent horror game.
>Stealth is OP to the point that it destroyed any tension. More so when you upgrade it so you can kill enemies from covers.
>The story is filled with cliches, but contrary to the first entry it takes itself way to serious. Also, the dialogue is shit, and the fact that the VA is also shitty doesn't help at all.
>It lack enemies variety, and the bosses are pretty awful, not only in their designs, but also in their moveset and routine. Way too predictable.
>It also lack any difficulty at all since the game gives you plenty of resources, especially if you explore the two open areas.
lol I beat the last part of the first game by killing the last chainsaw dude by stabbing him as he climbed down the ladder it was stupid as shit and took forever but it worked
I dont buy games
>first game
>directed by a Jap
>formulaic as fuck
>second game
>directed by an American
>becomes deeper and more interesting with the weird themes expressed more succinctly
What did they mean by this
>so much better
>still average
Really says it all.
That you have shit taste in horror games.
The first one was the definition of mediocre, complete with generic chainsaw guy and "le ebin scary hospital".
That Sup Forums will blatantly ignore decent games simply because of a Western influence.
Sup Forums is weeb as fuck my dawg
It's call "paying homage", kid, but since you seem to have zero knowledge about horror film/ video games, like myself, I can't blame you.
>paying homage
Usually when you do that, you make something that's actually interesting outside of what you're paying homage to.
> but since you seem to have zero knowledge about horror film/ video games
Lol, okay, you gonna go put on your big boy pants now?
>paying homage
To what? Fucking generic hospitals?
When are people going to post full res stefano art? I've been dying for any of those pics in his appreciate the art hallway scene
Biggest surprise of last year for me after disliking the first game.
Definitely worth giving a go. You can get it pretty cheap already.
The weird aspect of The Evil Within 2 is its inability to make up its mind on what kind of game it wants to be. Some chapters are "open world" and gives a lot of space for creative kills and searching for side quests. Then there are some chapters that are linear as fuck, which are still pretty good, but it's just jarring as shit to go back and forth between the two ideas. Would have preferred them to just stick to one concept and go for it. Also, fuck that stupid jukebox. Only moment in the game to give me a genuine scare.
The open areas are the only good parts desu.
that ice lady was spoopy as fuck the whole damned game.
there's something about enemies you can't kill that gets me every time