ITT: soulless remakes

ITT: soulless remakes.

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Best guess for this image: modern art



why is it bad

>Any of the 3DS Zelda remakes
>Star Fox 64 3D.

that ain't bad

>being this wrong
Majora's is the only that might have messed up a little but the improvements to saving and quests outweigh the flaws.

If any Zelda remake is soulless it's definitely Twilight Princess.

it aint


remasters aren't remakes


Disregard every post with these buzzwords in them. Just like the faggots that use the word "comfy" to describe games.

It's simply, beautiful.

How do you play with this filter?

*soulless franchises


You're right, I was remembering that wolf bullshit wrong and forgot it was a remaster.

i want more



record with any capture program, save every frame,upload to dream generator thingy, frame per frame, and put the frames like a puzzle with any video editor.

or you can just use this

Get a load of the pseudointellecuals in here.
Every game is fucking soulless. No game has a fucking soul, dipshits.

there's no such thing as a soul in the first place so the word has a different meaning in the first place

aladdin is soulless

>takes a phase literally fully knowing that the phrase is not to be taken literally in an effort to seem smart
>calls others pseudointellecual

Secret of Mana

OP this thread is a souless remake of a thousand other garbage threads

It's Sup Forums, to be fair.

>Sup Forums
Who is this?