Kirby Star Allies

Someone translated the Famitsu scans:
It’s not the best, but it’s understandable.

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't help but wonder when the Dark Fort is going to start being a part of the story? Will it be the endgame or only the beginning?

>The Alpha and Omega brutes Pon & Con
First Prayer Song to God, then Fran-Rouge's hellfire talk, then this
I'm beginning to get scared

>The Alpha and Omega Brutes
They managed to make an obese raccoon and fox sound badass

Pon and Con might be too easy for an endgame boss, unless they've got some crazy new attacks

Jist think, this is the sruface level early game, what horrors await at the final boss + extra modes?

The better question is how much of this will make it through the localization


>They walk twice as fast now


This game looks really fucking nice. It's a shame that it's basically RtDL again but the polish is there. Looks pretty neat. Poison being gone is bullshit but I really wanna try Poison and Spider.
I hope that they get some better music though. Not a fan of Dedede's theme but maybe Prayer Song to God is good.

Make it happen

Boss predictions
>Pon & Con
>Computer Virus
>Meta Knight
>Wham Bam Rock
>Robed Guy

"One of the three mage generals who commands the Dark Fort Jamaholder"

So this thing sounds like an ongoing threat throughout the game rather than the final area.

With Pon and Con guarding the entrance, assuming they're early game, the Dark fort could be half the fucking game

>Dark Fort
Please tell me we'll get to jam to the Dark castle theme yet again

>the yellow one has a nicer hat, meaning she's probably the most important Fran
>we'll probably fight her last as a result
>Rouge, in the nightmare hell fortress, is only the second Fran fight
oh fuck

>not even one boss that we don't already know atleast something about

c'mon, dude. HAL isn't THAT lazy.

fuck yeh my dude

I didn't even bother to theorize about brand new bosses. They'll probably be there too.


considering Robobot is the best game in the series, and there's only like 3 original bosses (Susie, Haltmann, and Star Dream), i can see them being lazy no offense to robobot tho i still fuckin loved that game

>On the bottom left it says "To World Select" and below the Warp Star is "To Popstar"
So either the Dark Fort is the final world, or we are indeed going to other planets.

What if
Wham Bam Rock, but music themed
Wham Bam Jam

But what genre would he be? Salsa? Jazz? Hard rock?

>hard rock

huh. Didn't know about that.

>still no info
>only screenshots are from E3

I can still wait, maybe next game, maybe in Smash

The crazy 03 theorist inside me tells me that we'll use the Dark Fort Jamaholder to chase Zero to Ripple Star, he seems trustworthy.

>Waiting in Popstar's final stage is a Meta Knight imbued with dark aura. He can split in four, and mess with Kirby and friends with quick sword tactics.
>Popstar's final stage
>Jama-fort can't be the last world, since we've only fought two generals at that point
are we going into space

I would like to remind you

Pon and Con are back? Oh my fuck, yes.

I hope so. Dark Castle was my favorite final world in any Kirby game. I'll take any reference to it, any little reference.

Inb4 the volcano world is Halcandra.

Shiver Star after the moon collapsed into an asteroid belt?

>Whispy, Dedede and Meta Knight are all in Pop Star
>there are probably more planets we don't know about yet
I wonder how much of the whole game has been spoiled at this point, it seems fucking massive compared to previous games

reposting this

She's already here though user.

>snow level
>volcano level
>red planet to the right

Could we be getting an electricity based level and rematch all of the generals on those planets?

New twitter pic

Could very well be like RtDL, where you have a few worlds separate from Popstar near the end. I wouldn't rule anything out.

>>only screenshots are from E3
I forgot how the game literally looked like RTDL Switch, they've come a long way

Even HAL knows Plugg is based.

nice try, but you can't ruse us
except this guy



I'm digging those layered backgrounds

That buff Waddle Dee in the back.
I'm actually fucking scared.

Maybe he's just a mini boss this time around? They did that to Ado in 64

user, it's not real

oh yeah, and it looks amazing now

There’s so much weird shit going on in this picture at once.

>this many people getting tricked
I love yinz

Where is the water in the background coming from?


boring buzzkills

I knew something about the art style was off.

I like the texture detail. It does look better. Almost like watching a cutscene or something.

>maybe in Smash
I don't think that they would make a Ripple Star stage where she could cameo, that would be cool but it's more likely it will be something else from Super Star.

>no wings
I'm hoping it'll stay a cloaked shadowman, but it'll probably be a girl the same race as the not-susie sisters

The tradeoff is 864p 30fps though which is a shame.

I hate it, it doesn't suit the Kirby art style at all.

I'm okay with that, sort of. At least the 30fps aspect of it. For a Kirby game I don't mind. If it was something like Sonic, I'd be a little disappointed.

I mean, it's still cartoony and cute. Just a little more detailed than before. I'd be remiss if they made it realistic as fuck, but as it stands I'm okay with this.

What the fuck happened?
Do they absolutely need one of the original 2 directors to properly render Dedede?

this is NOT okay

Post your Top 10 Bosses from the series:

1. Dark Mind
2. Magolor
3. Dark Matter (DL3)
4. Meta Knight (Super Star)
5. 02
6. Marx
7. Kracko (Squeak Squad)
8. Heavy Lobster
9. Wham Bam Rock
10. Squashini

She's possessed by Dark Matter, we can only see one eye and why else would she be so violent?

>Not wanting hyperrealistic Kirb
It would be beautiful

Yeah, simple designs with overly detailed photo realistic textures on them just looks uncanny and bad. HD doesn't mean they need realistic textures, it just means that better quality resolution, lighting, animation, and visual effects will make it look better.

why can't they keep him the same?

It's the eyes. For some reason modern HAL keeps making Dedede's eyes far too small and spaced out.

SA Dedede looks perfect In game, it's just the render that looks strange

Kirby spider?

Why the fuck is his hammer so small?

Elder God tier hat


Why can't they bring back Shimomura Dedede? It was the perfect design

I never noticed the water bounce on Kirby's head jesus.

He'd look fine without the rapeface

can I cheat?

Will this game be worth 60 bucks? Feels too expensive for a Kirby game that looks like another Dreamland reboot

Depends on how much we've seen, if it's just Popstar plus demon tower thing then probably not. If the demonic f0rtr3ss is just a spaceship we use to go to other planets then it probably will be long enough to justify the price.

that's a good question. The stuff they've shown varies in "quality" so frequently that this game must either be absolutely worth it or not worth a second glance

There are so many amateur remixes out there it makes me wonder what type of arrangement will they do the day they decide to remake this tune for a game.

I think it will be, the previous three mainline titles have been worthwhile at release price.

RtDL was our last time on console/60$ and it had a big number of worlds, and this time the mini games are just that and not e-shop game demos. With any luck we're looking at a pretty sizeable main campaign.

>Pictures by a famous creator
I think 'famous' might be a mistranslation. HAL probably isn't gonna hire a famous IRL artist to draw the unlockable pictures for this game. That seems silly. It's definitely referring to a fictional character.
Instead, it probably means 'popular'. A popular character made the art in this game. Considering how Adeleine is the character that made the twitter art, this might be the first actual legitimate piece of evidence that she's in this game.

Drawcia or Paintra are also possible, although they're less likely.

Its fucking 4kidz Dedede
Best design yet

Kirby's water hat looks like it's made of jell-o

If the Adeleine twitter thing didn't happen, I'd definitely agree with you. There are lots of artist characters that it could have been.


So where did this meme come from? The only really egregious stuff I can think of so far is the performance and technical aspects, otherwise its just people set themselves up for dissapointment and aimed way too high.
Are the threads finally becoming self aware to what the series actually is? It only took 4 games.

Its in line with previous entries, and I'm surprised to see that even when they managed to do ability movesets, helpers, extended SqSq convos and unique one move combinations in one game people still manage to be dissapointed. The ability roster stuff gives me smash flashbacks, we're at one extra ability since robobot so its not like festival stole any other spot, and this time there's no amiibo/secret area lock

Doesn't she only draw the phone background they have pinned?
If a few of the unlockable pictures are by Adeleine, I'm wondering if they'll get someone to copy Shimomura's sketch-like art style for her pieces, like they sort of did in the twitter pic where she draws Paint Kirby.

it seems we're gonna be revisiting the fort often, if they're showing it as a part of the early game

solar system gameplay confirmed?