Deloreons exist in the Resident Evil universe
Obscure Vidya Facts / trivia
Where? I don't see it.
I'm having trouble finding it too, but i think it has something to do with the green arrow, anyone?
re shares the universe with donkey kong
Might be behind the green arrow. I'm going to examine the image more closely in photoshop
Could you point it out. I don't see it.
Blue top Jill is best Jill. Also I can´t see a Deloreon in that pic.
>nintendo owns the name "kong"
I see it perfectly. Thanks for the arrow OP.
Haha! Reverse memed!!
Everyone here is repeating
>Can't see it
Because it's clearly there with the arrow
I told you I CAN SEE IT,haha!!
Epic memes bros, lets get this too 500 replies!
are you ok?
... and Red Alert 2, apparently.
Does link weight 8.5 apples, or do the apples in that world weight 1/8.5 elfs? How much does an apple weight compared to a rock?
The M in Mario's hat stands for Mario.
The fuvk am i looking at
Thats almost a dozen apples
Or less than a bakers dozen
Luther is still a dick
This has never been confirmed by Nintendo.
Do not bap the Yuu
I didn't know what to look for at first either, hope this helps
Oh snap dude, is that a Hachey Roukue?
Okay? How is that a delorean? It's missing the two big exhaust things on the back
Most people don't even know that you can play as Akuma in RE2. For some reason Capcom made it hard as fuck, and it's only available in the original, non-dual shock cut of the game. If you have an old copy, you have to beat Claire A/Leon B three times each, each time earning an S rank. Then you have to do the same for Leon A/Claire B. Most people give up because they only get an A and it becomes too tedious.
damn, stop with the lewd pictures of jill's bare shoulders
i hope they add this in REmake 2
I'm onto you, mozart
fake and kinda cool
Chun-Li was in BoF 3. In the tournament area she's a spectator.
What if those apples weighed differently?
Ahah pretty common misconception my man, that is in fact the flag of the United States.
That's not a Delorean, m8. Look up pictures of the car.
post pictures next time
Sheng Long is a secret boss in street fighter 2
I loved the way the flag is draped over the side of it too. Thanks Japan.
America anyone?
You do know it's a real car right? They didn't just make it up for the movie.
I unironicly like this post.
Aren't elves supposed to be light though?
heh... they never learn...
apparently the fat guy in RE3 has some lore about him. There was a manga showing his backstory.
What a tiny arrowlet, I can barely see it
You must be asian
Here's a real secret: You can't actually "beat"
the original Dark Souls.
The game bosses gets progressively harder, and the boss duo known as 'Ornstein and Smough' has been confirmed by FROM to actually be impossible to kill.
As a result, Dark Souls fans ashamed to admit they couldn't finish it created a whole bunch of fictional areas and bosses they pretended came after, and noone dared question it, lest they be called newfags and get told to "git gud".
RE3 has lots of little secrets if you do some backtracking.
re3 is a game, not a movie dummy
>point out where it is
>the arrow is so huge it blocks out everything else and you can't figure out the context of where it is in the game
Ironing pottery
>time travel is real
American education, everyone!
is this real?
proof that mgs4 snake is canon in the witcher series?
You were saying?
found a secret in this picture
This is probably bait, but in case it isn't: the Delorean is a real car; obviously it exists in a setting based on our reality.
explain how it isn't
I'm waiting
who knows,i remember when re 1.5 first leaked, it was actually a modded version some group was trying to fix stuff,but some fag in their group leaked it, so the modding group was forced to upload the original beta for the game,dunno if this one is from the original or modded
Um...I’m going to have to see a permit for that ass you are posting. Or at the very least some sort of sauce insurance.
Because it has been done by Axel Stoll.
German but I think there is only auto translate atm
I'm time traveling right now. In about 60 minutes I'm going to be 1 hour in the future.
I can confirm it's a DeLeorean. If you beat the game 7 times under 2 hours, you unlock a Leon bonus game with alternate camera angles. It's clearly the car famous from the "Back to the Future" movies.
I don't remember that spot at all in RE2. it maybe fake
I don't have the proof on me at the time, but there's a texture for the Servbot in RE4. If you don't know what that is, it's the Lego man costume from Dead Rising.
I believe it's unused, and fairly sure it's in a castle texture pack.
How did they get the movie rights to use it?
It's from the beta. As user said,
Because if you could travel back in time someone would have already gone back and fixed it so the good guys won WWII.
this is just a brick wall fucking autist
>it's the Lego man costume from Dead Rising.
you best be meming me right now
Man, I wish I had the power to jump into any picture
This game was never playtested from start to finish.
The game is so difficult that beating it without cheats is virtually impossible if you're not a massive autismo who's dedicated years upon years to this game. Even WITH the cheat that gives you 100 bonus lives or so you will still fail.
Do you, by any chance, have autism?
I mean this.
I've seen people call it a Lego man before.
Deloreans also exist in real life, in fact 9000 of them were made until production stopped in 1983. They just, you know, dont travel back and forth in time.
>he thinks WWII actually happened
that is the joke
I am glad you caught on
yes i know what you meant
what i'm pointing out is that servbots are from megaman legends, not dead rising
Mario does.
The servbot is from megaman legends 3
and all that weight is his dick
truly amazing
>implying “forth” doesn’t mean forward through time
Guys, deloreans confirmed to be cryo stasis containers that do keep you young while you are in it!
I know. That's why I originally called it a Servbot.
I was saying the costume was from Dead Rising, not the Servbot itself.
>megaman legends 3
never ever
i didnt come here to reopen these wounds again
I posted to open those wounds
If you take Emma all the way to just before the massive ladder, then take her as far as you can back to where you found her, then your Raiden skin changes to Solidus' (the one with dual blades without tentacles).
Yo guys, guess what. If you push the truck by the SS Anne in Red and Blue you can capture another legendary called Mew. Think it is related to Mewtwo?
Mew is catachable in R/B via a memory glitch that has nothing to do with the truck.
Missingo and a couple gen 4 pokemon exist in Ru/Sa although the gen 4 pokemon are not obtainable nor complete.
the SotN disc can be played like a music CD in the playstation.
There's nothing at the end of the post-game dungeon in Jade Cocoon
Deloreans exist in our universe OP
What happens if you kill the dream boss in jade cocoon?
Anastasia Kvitko
You just pop back into the chamber of light and shadow like nothing happened.
or it will put you into corridor 101, kind of matters if the game doesn't fuck up. It has a hard enough time not glitching out before floor 80.
>obviously a play on Burger King
>hurdur Donkey Kong
Fucking Nintendofags.
On this day nobody can say user didn’t deliver.
I can't tell if your retarded or just going along with the joke
>not 8.8 apples
Hideo kojima was parodied on the the kids tv show "Level up". he was one of the antagonists and his name was Hideo Nojima
Sol Badguy is actually a good guy