How accurate was this image?

How accurate was this image?
Have we really gone from soccer moms SJWs?


I miss when it was just soccer moms because I wasn't catching shit from my own age group

Soccer moms became brainwashed by talk radio and cable news after complaining that games will brainwash you.
What ironic punchline is gonna get them?

Fuck off and kill yourself.

No one ever gave me shit for playing games.

even online groups for old games like morrowind are full of snowflakes

Pretty much. There's always a group taking moral offence at something, and always an easy target to pick on. Vidya is just the latest in a long line of targets, and "think of the children" has become "think of the minorities". Things will eventually shift again until an entirely new thing is bearing the brunt of a new group of moral crusaders.

Ignore them
Ignore them

Wow so hard.

A veritable 9/10 in terms of similarity

Only difference is games used to be more fun

It's still both of them.
After the florida shooting you've got kentucky's governer blaming the vidya all over again. People will always be looking to scapegoat whatever is hip with the kids.

>using the term SJW mean Sup Forums

Wanna know how I know you're a massive newfag?

It's actually pretty accurate, if you consider psychoanalytically, our critical parents are impactful on us, and SJWs are lacking in their "critical parent" behavior set, which is why they're open about being venomous.

Why is OP and the creator of OP's image crying about being a victim.

>GAF comics
Oh boy

it's kinda hard to ignore them nowadays when they are trying and often did involve directly with games

It's accurate, but Neo-Sup Forums will hate it to be contrarian.


Yeah seriously. People act like SJW stuff isn't real or that if you mention it you are some pol person. It's a real issue and many devs are buying into the shit. Not all though, of course.

Who is this cutie?

That only works if devs also ignore them.


I think it's softened a bit since what's his name isn't as relevant as she was like 3 years ago, but it's still pretty on point.

>that if you mention it you are some pol person.
Saying SJWs are dumbasses isn't the same things as
>Why do they gotta be nazis/rednecks!
Over and over.

Fairly true, through the old style of badgering was useless, since most people ignored everything about games, outside of those easily riled up by controversy. Now it's just a mash-up of shaming tactics for playing games in general, on top of playing games that aren't "inclusive" enough.


What games are they involved with? Either I'm not playing them, or they just aren't affecting whatever I'm playing enough to hinder my enjoyment.

I would say so, yeah.

The irony of this image which faGGots used over and over is that the solution back then was to ignore the retards. It's still the solution today, but no, apparently we have to obsess over what all these retards say and do, follow their blogs and twitters and let everyone on Sup Forums, reddit and 8gag know every single day what the SJWs are having for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Go read Spirit Circle. That's a dude.

miss me yet?



I know

can goobergaters please return to their dead chan

I'm actually wondering what games you're playing? They're fucking shit up even at the AAA level. The last few bioware games, as a simple example.

There's options other than streisand affecting them into the limelight and ignoring them completely.

>neo-Sup Forums
neo-Sup Forums are the people who came from reddit after they heard of this cool website called 4chinz where people dislike le evil SJWs
you are neo-Sup Forums, friend, not the people who actually want to
mostly just discuss videogames

The SJW problem is so bad that Reddit and other faggots have organized Discord servers of losers to organize and come to Sup Forums to attack people opposed to their shitty, Marxist ideologies.

People that haven't accepted this are either willfully ignorant and don't care about the world burning around them or said Marxist faggots.

>Sup Forums mostly wants to discuss videogames

That's a good one, Resetera.

I've literally never encountered any of the latter

SJWs have existed before /new/ was made, let alone Sup Forums. Are you new to the internet or something?

Have you ever tried looking past the wojak bait threads? Have you tried not responding to the shills paid to disrupt discussion of video games because you arent discussing their game?

No, you haven't. If you keep perpetuating the attitude that everyone sucks, it will keep happening.

Goddamn gamer boys look THAT hot?

Sup Forums
>Ignoring lootboxes won't stop them and they will eventually force you to buy them to progress in single player games
Also Sup Forums
>You should ignore the feminists trying to regulate your games, just ignore how soccer moms also got violent video games banned in the 90s, creating the ESRB as a self regulation for the industry

There's been like 2 serious SJWs ever, everything else is just false flags for attention or trying to win a war that doesn't exist.
Even the 'serious' SJWs were in it for the easy money.

It's accurate- and despite how silly it is that times changed the demographics, the people in cell 2 are not wrong. The alt-right is literally the millennial virgin nerds who identify with right-wing politics out of hatred and bitterness towards women and niggers.

Yes dumbass teens have always been on tumblr but that doesn't mean they're actually doing fucking anything to you

You say that while Anita Sarkesian actually ended up giving speeches to big dev names

(you) although it was a bit more prominent back in 2014 but now it's just Sup Forumstards getting retarded over the most minor shit

Never forget how hilarious GamerGate was.

The only change I can envision is when we reach the singularity and we start concerning ourselves with androids' rights.

Then vote with your wallet, dont play victim on Sup Forums.

You wouldn't know if they were doing anything to you because you put your head in the sand to pretend your ideology isn't cancerous while calling anyone who draws your attention to it a Sup Forumstard.

friendly reminder that the SJWs won gamergate because nobody who lives on the internet knows what it is and the few that do still think it was gamers attacking women, the end.

Identifying a problem worthy of discussion is not the same as victimizing yourself

I did and more than one of those developers were actually shut down, but it doesn't make a single difference because said people just switch to other groups of developers, who will eventually also be out of business.

Social pressure is just as important as monetary pressure. Also stop moving goalposts.

*who doesn't live on the internet

except you know perpetuate a polarization of the political climate to the point where open and honest discussion is rare.

you know slowly erode the wests sense of reason with ideologically possessed group think.

The only thing SJWs won was a constant boogeyman they'll live in fear of until the end of time, and nobody will give a shit because complaining about randos on the internet is retarded.

>SJWs are destroying the west!
Shut up.

Gamergate failed because Sup Forums couldn't shut the fuck up about Five Guys and it turned into a harassment case rather than a case about corruption in journalism. Big L


Yeah they're just developing games

nice discussion were having here. real open and honest.

begone applefags

I agree with voting with your wallet, but I think you can still have discussions about SJWs because they do affect videogames even if only indirectly

I don't think gamergate had a win-lose condition.

No one mentioned Sup Forums until you came here and posted complaining about it.
I'm tired of their political bullshit, but literally calling Sup Forums to come here is a retarded move from your part.

>Literally posting a neogaf post unironically


>Sup Forums
>Ignoring lootboxes won't stop them and they will eventually force you to buy them to progress in single player games
whales have the cash, and form a minority, dictating the market conditions unilaterally
>Also Sup Forums
>You should ignore the feminists trying to regulate your games, just ignore how soccer moms also got violent video games banned in the 90s, creating the ESRB as a self regulation for the industry
These are small in number, have no real power like money, and ignoring the games works

It's mostly AAA games getting affected, since indies don't "have" to care about the social vocal trendy opinion.

mfw when i get to the end and everyone forgets everything

Did Anti-GG ever free American Mcgee's sister?

>comic actually outright admits that it's not about videogames, it's about hating liberals
Great job. At least it's one of the few honest gamergate images.

Swap the places of Sup Forums and SJW and this would be accurate.


>this was likely made 5 years ago
Fucking christ.

Show me the positive reviews depression quest got from the journalists zoe quinn slept with.
For old time's sake.
You DO have them, right user?


Fuck off retard

Take it

Not an argument

Mostly fighting games, Ni Oh, and Nier. I haven't found anything worthwhile the cash when it comes to AAA stuff in the past year or so.
>The last few bioware games, as a simple example.
Oh yeah, there was some weird shit in that last Mass Effect huh? Inquisition was the other one right?

Show them to me or you're a SJW

Fuck off retard

Not an argument

For the first time in my life I shall respond to something without giving a (you)

reminder that only SJWs want you to be silenced and stop talking about their constant unending bullshit.

>SJWs won a constant boogeyman they'll live in fear of until the end of time

>while there's a 10+ threads on Sup Forums every single fucking day crying about any dev vaguely mentioning diversity or a black person in video games

I think it's the other way around, nigga.

Fuck off, retard.

>Implying most of Sup Forums was around in 2014 to see just how much better it's gotten

>while there's a 10+ threads on Sup Forums every single fucking day crying about any dev vaguely mentioning diversity or a black person in video games


>wtf why does Sup Forums always talk about video games dont they know all video games are racist sexist and homophobic!!!


Group 1 rallied to have videogames banned altogether, group 2 made their own videogames how they thought they should be made.

Stop thinking of them as SJWs and think of them as game developers, because that's what they are. If you have a problem with it, make games that conform to your own standards instead of whining about it on the internet.

This is no different to complaining about how new OC is shit but refusing to contribute yourself.

Does PJW actually still have much of a fanbase? I seem him getting bantered nowadays more than anyone agreeing with him

SPOILERS: SJWs don't exist

>why can't these people fuck off and make their OWN games!?
They do.

A lot of those are falseflags or bait threads instead of genuine anger.