How thoroughly fucked are you in your DOMINATING playthrough right now?
How thoroughly fucked are you in your DOMINATING playthrough right now?
Fuck no
Nut up, pussy! I cleared DOMINATING Silent Isle at level eight. Motherfucking Goliathus got to experience what it's like to get mind fucked!
Midway through finishing it, i killed the fucking beast a while ago, and holy shit what the fuck where they thinking, 7 fucking waves with around 8 fuckers each, i swear if i wasn't cheesing by playing full psi wizzard there is no way i would have been able to finish that, specially without the 2 idiots dying (and abusing gas grenades ofc, no way you can win that fight without them or some form of acid damage)
If there is a god, why do crawlers exist?
god doesn't exist but the godmen do
Is it even possible for a non-psi build to complete DOMINATING?
>hey guys, hear me out here
>what if, we took the most annoying enemy in the game
>and we give him 50% more hp, 30% more defenses, and make his poison do a lot of fucking unavoidable damage if you try to use any medicine
>oh, an we should also put several more of them everywhere
>Yes, that seems like a great idea
Probably, put it will be hell for most builds and some of them might need to skip certain quests
i most certainly don't recommend playing anything melee since you will spend most of your time throwing grenades and traps instead of going melee since its practically suicide
>faceless gaunts respawn every time you enter the depot
Psi guy is going pretty well for me so far. Got a random Psi reinvigorator blueprint so that made Silent isle less of a bug mind rape session. Plan on doing a blood thirsty stealth slut after this and a SMG Operative after that.
I've only done psi so far since you get mass enrage and not having would probably make me want to kill myself
but i guess that some builds like chemical pistols, assault rifles/snipers and trap/grenades might be able to do it, but ofc you will need traps and grenades plus all the medical buffs you can get, those are pretty much mandatory for any build, specially gas grenades, caltrops and molotovs
>suddenly silent isle
>everything triggers at the same time and comes looking for you
>all those psi beetles
>all those psi beetles on roids
>also rats just in case
>now have fun keeping the captain alive
Jeez its a nonstop amount of bullshit, Depot A was just as bad, double the mutants just in case you wanted to have fun
>be anti-faceless bigot
>kill them at every opportunities
>cheese the welcoming committee after I get the cube
>can't loot the laser rifle
>get to the elevator
>Six want the cube, but I refuse to give it to him
>literally "nothing personel" me and takes the cube
>mfw no cube
I swear that if they don't add at least a shitty achievement for completing Dominating on steam i will murder someone
seriously going through all of that at least deserves a carboard you did good medal
Really wish you were allowed to actually damage Six or fight him off.. Bitch should learn his place beneath the Psi Master of the Underrail.
If i remember correctly you can actually kill Six but you need to cheese it with chemical pistols and that acid that starts corroding through armor that you can only get on DC (i think you can also kill the beast with it)
why doesn't stygg just make a copy of underrail but in a cyberpunk setting? It prints money
So, did Underrail ever get a proper drawfag ? or we weren't that lucky and there is never going to be proper comics about it ?
this is the only one i ever saw about it
what makes this game replayable?
Is it like Neverwinter Nights where it's mainly different classes and "hey, you hit things with a sword as a fighter and were nice to the girl, now be mean and tell her to give her your gold instead of keeping it while you shoot lighting out of your hands as a wizard"
Or are the storylines actually different enough?
So what's the best difficulty to play that feels like a challenge but isn't skull fucking you through your newly carved eye pussy?
I hope someone is fucking this bitches mouth right now. If not I need a plane ticket.
Neverwinter Nights classes except without defined classes so there are even more choices.
This and the surprisingly good crafting system.
It's now what stories you experience, its how you solve your story with your build.
Its mostly gameplay based, there are some changes depending the choices you make but in the end what makes it replayable is that there are a lot of different builds and they all work as long as you know what you are doing and they all have their weaknesses
most builds play different enough to warrant more than 1 playthrough, and well there is also the different difficulties, at the very least you need to play it in hard before going to the new difficulty or you will ragequit
and you can always play on ironman if you feel like it, though i wouldn't recommend it unless you know exactly what you are doing
It's not*
It depends on how good you are at this kind of games, probably Normal specially if you aren't playing a strong build, if you are then you might want to play it on hard, forget Dominating, its pure hell
So what's so great about the crafting system?
So outside of shooting/stabbing people or sneaking, what other methods are there to solve various quests? I'm assuming talking to people or something to do with psi?
So the harder difficulties require actual strategy? Because NWN and a lot of games like it amount to "retreat, rest, buy bigger weapons, kill"
Expansion when?
The best part of this game is making up character builds:
Playing a psycho-vampire assassin rn then will move on a juggernaut build with kinetic proficiency.
>So outside of shooting/stabbing people or sneaking, what other methods are there to solve various quests? I'm assuming talking to people or something to do with psi?
It really involves those combos and seeing which ones will get you through the game. The game is for build junkies which is why I love it. If making your own min-max builds aren't your thing then it might not be for you as far as the replay.
Harder difficulties buff enemies stats and hp by a little bit (except for dominating where its a little bit more than a little) they also add more enemies or change their positions and items
depending on your build is how you need to handle every situation, for example you can always play a stealth sniper, but at some point you will be overwhelmed by shittier enemies if they come in big enough numbers, in that case you need to solve it with something else, like using an assault rifle as secondary, or grenades or traps or a combination of them
higher difficulty enemies tend to be a little bit smarter aswell
See that helps me understand and I like the idea of the game now.
I get to put basically whatever skills I want onto a character and see how they work, like Morrowind or Fallout.
Pretty much reminds me of Jagged Alliance at this stage then
Is there ever any sort of randomization to the enemies at all, items they wield, skills they have, etc?
There is randomization in stores. A bit of crafting materials, but can be mitigated via crafting. The rest depends on difficulty.
What should also make you want to play the game is that the difficulty doesn't get too easy the stronger your character gets. There will always be a good challenge and worthy rewards throughout.
No, you choose what skills you want, but you need to aim somewhere, spreading points out will not work and will get your ass handed to you
depending on the difficulty you don't need to go full min-max but you do need to have a certain idea of what you are doing, for example preparing to use heavy armor and then choosing to use pistols or dex based weapons will probably not work since they don't mix well
Okay, that last part has me caught on.
I'm not sure how the game progression works but essentially, I'm not going to be encountering emenies regularly that are cannon fodder?
Rathounds you first encounter in the game will still be pain in the ass even when your a walking level 25 psionic god.
The modulability, You, can create your gear own you want it to be. Weapons usually requires a stock that determinate what kind of weapon you are going to make. Those stocks quality varies and influence stats (the higher the better, but it also increase the skill requirement the craft it). Then there is the barrel that determines what kind of bullet your guns is going to use. No stocks can use all bullets types. And then there are the attachments who provide passives to fit your play style.
Armors and other gear function similarly, but have their own quirks.
You will encounter similar enemies and from that point on they will be cannon fodder (rattos, bandits, mutants). But there are always a few enemies that you will be like "oh shit", like a lot of the combat robots, or the creepers.
Pretty damn good at these kind of games. Is the health penalty in Hard noticeable or is it just a minor inconvenience?
The items enemies have and what they build depends on difficulty, there might be some random here and there but you probably won't notice (the only enemies that respawn don't have weapons nor variety in skills)
crafting is not a necessity but its certainly worth it since you can get the best equipment in the game with it, although trading is a little bit different, traders only buy certain items (and certain amount of them )depending on the type of trader and what they want is randomized every real time hour as well as their inventory, so you can't just hoard everything since they won't buy most of your shit (there are some exceptions like weapon traders always buying bullets)
I never know when to slot in crafting points into builds. The game is so point starved that you really can't make the best gear and be well rounded.
is this any different from undertale
Start crafting when you reach Core City. Early access to an Assault Rifle or a Chemical Pistol isn't usually worth it.
Noticeable, it really depends on your build, if you are doing something tanky you won't really have that much trouble, but if you are more of a glass cannon type its well the difference between being killed in 1 turn or not
It usually depends on your build, I mean if you don't even use psi biology skill is fucking useless and being a super jew with the mercantile skill gives you even more shit to buy.
How good is the Taser? The equipment, not the gun.
it really depends on the build, you will probably never be able to get all the crafting feats, but you can aim at certain thresholds like for example if you are full psi you will need some biology to craft headbands and psi armor but it will not be more than 20 - 30, with 20 chemistry you can get gas grenades (only really important if you are playing dominating)
you will probably always take electronics since a godly shield is always worth it (and you can get a good stealth generator and with some gear you will have enough stealth for most thing that need it without ever putting a point in it)
and between mechanics and tailoring the question is what armor you want for your char, you might need both if you go for tactical vests (which are really worth it)
its an early guaranteed(i think) close range stun, depending on your build it might be pretty good, you do need to remember that you can only stun enemies once and then they are immune to stuns for 2 turns
It fit pretty well with my Hornet Burst Firing build, AP wise.
I'm getting real tired of this motherfucking death stalkers in this motherfucking caves, why in the fucking hell did they gave them regeneration holy shit
i swear the only way they could make them worse is making them immune to burning and i might aswell shoot myself
Name some builds you tried that started out godly then turned into trash:
Psi-Monk builds
Pistol Builds
For ranged builds its pretty good for when a melee fucker gets too close and you didn't set up bear traps, but for builds like psi wizzards its useless since you have more than enough cc
psi monks are godly and never turn to trash, except on Dominating where they are trash all the way
Is using the classic exp system really that broken?
yeah, the game is designed around oddity, you are really not supposed to farm enemies and outlevel shit
What are usually your goto starting traits?
Are you am alpha tranquil psi god or a beta psychotic psi bitch?
>Not bringing the full wrath of on demand psi supercrits
well i guess we got a pleb here, i bet you helped the drones instead of gassing them aswell
and you never found the Occulus[/spolier]
>tfw It took my third playtrough
Its really easy to miss, specially if you are going full paladin and trying to do the right shit everywhere, and you end up missing the best questline in the game and like half the lore of it
And you have to be a psionic with 10 will to see into the monoliths.
Maybe when Underrail 2 comes out 20 years from now, you can side with Tanner and kill Six.
Maybe if you have 3 constitution. Rathounds are like gnats before you even hit level 15 for most builds that can use a decent armor.
Too bad Billocation is mostly useless, i really wish it was a little bit better since its a pretty cool ability
What? You can do a mass bio-location and murder whole rooms with shadow ninjas.
Keyword being decent armor, stealth chars have more problems with them (unless you have The rathound regalia[/spolier] with you)
and they do tend to be more annoying in Dominating, but that goes for pretty much every enemy
Why would you ever do mass bilocation when you can do mass enrage and its 100 times better ?
a mass bilocation will at most take half/quarter of an enemies hp in 3 turns which is pretty much useless (unless you are overleveled for that encounter), specially on dominating when bilocation will do barely a quarter hp if it manages to hit somebody and they don't get outside its range
>Leave no witnesses
So what the fuck is up with Ezra? Out of all of SGS' prominent leaders he's the shadiest looking motherfucker yet no one ever brings it up. That whole troublesome doppelganger shit was a weak ass attempt to shrug off suspicion.
Doesn't it fail the conditions to be able to meet Asif if you do that ?
Well, mass enrage is cool yeah. I agree. I just like the aesthetic.
He's ex-biocorp. You can talk to a mutant in Depot A about him.
its pretty cool that if you cast billocation on him his doppleganger has his younger appearance, there is also quite a lot of lore about him being shady that you get from different quests, hes basically An old biocorp leader one of the dragons (or atleast thats what his hinted to be)
>its pretty cool that if you cast billocation on him his doppleganger has his younger appearance
Holy shit, really? I've never bothered attacking him.
i really like it too, but sadly there isn't any situation where it is really usefull unlike most of the other psi abilities, its a shame that they removed that robe that allowed you to summon 2 dopplegangers, i feel like it would be a fair trade, one of the most important defense slots for double doppleganger that honestly needs a little buff
For the free Maura quest?
Still works as long as you kill everybody and then just go out the way you came.
If the AI targeted them or where paralyzed from them it would be useful.
thanks for reminding me to actually get back to playing
i wish i didn't use molotovs so much
i feel bad about lighting all those people on fire
So what's the deal with the godmen and their apparent immunity to psionics?
nothing surprising considering the beast is also immune
Never understood that. You'd think the secret to killing the fucker would've been raping its brain but nooo its encasement in liquid metal.
My compliments to the dev for putting that in.
It's skull is like thirty pounds, it's just 2thicc to be penetrated by a measly human's brain powers.
i was expecting it to be 99% immune to all damage, so the first time i played i went in with my completely broken sniper that could have probably one shot tchort and i even loaded the fucking contaminated bullets for its so i could be certain to kill it, and to my surprise 0 DMG and then got fucked
a shame really it could have been a neat way to resolve the quest
considering wyatt is over 100 years old and cant age, it would look like the mutagen experiment from depot A was actually a success and thats why ezra is still alive
This game takes FOREVER to do anything. I'm still trying to play it through even once on normal mode.
Anyone with any kind of busy life wouldn't even be able to make it to some dominating mode.
also if you pass the speech check with abraham he shows you that he is a mutant and that he was in depot A so ezra is also responsable for him, you can even tell him about wyatt
Well, the fight with the beast takes at least 3 times as long in Dominating than it does in normal, its also considerably more difficult even with extreme cheesing
Thought so considering he wheezes like the muties.
Its funny how nobody recognizes you as the invictus and you can get progressively more mad about it (well except for the monitor dude in the occulus and the oligarchs)
i still want to be nicknamed the immortal but its really hard
and if you gas the drones you can get converted to a mutie yourself, that was pretty cool, although i never tried to win the game like one, i wonder if its possible
>first time playing
>decide to go with a psi-build
>fucking robotic enemies
give help to a scrub please
I like getting it on the Burrower fight; just clear everything except a spawn or two and let them slowly whittle down your health.
Electrokinesis is your friend.
There is none, thats the weak part of psi
the best you can do is electrokinesys and hope there is only 2 of them so it bounces and you get enough damage, if there is only 1 you are fucked and if there is more you are fucked aswell
your best bet is emp grenades, and for the shitty early gun robots you can get a good vest and be immune to their damage (for plasma sentries emp grenades empties their shields)
abuse the stun and if there is room with a door you can always hide in it and go out when their stun immunity is over since you will probably always have the initiative since robots have shit initiative
the amount of times you can bring up that you're the invictus really surprised me
If you're talking about sentry bots, buy a tactical vest from junkyard and they become a complete joke.