Chapter 13

>Chapter 13
>Right off the bat Astrid which is only an ally dies during the first enemy turn
>Restart and change strategy to keep her protected
>Boyd dies after a few turns
>Restart and change strategy
>Nephenee dies
>Enemy AI keeps messing with my brain as it seems they never follow the same strategy twice
>Crows fuck everyone up, restart
>Astrid dies again, restart
>Latest attempt, only 2 turns away from victory
>Crow flies into the cabin I was supposed to protect because I didn't consider they don't have to use the stairs
>Game over
>Spent the whole evening on a single mission and failed

Is this the true Fire Emblem experience or am I that bad at videogames?

Other urls found in this thread:

>having trouble in PoR
user, you're bad at video games, especially strategy games.

Eh, what can I say. Is it considered one of the easier ones? This chapter is also particularly annoying because you have to wait for both the enemy and the allies turn so things develop at a snailpace

You're probably just bad at video games since PoR is one of the easier ones, especially if you're playing the localized version. Think more carefully and make sure to check enemy range.

boat chapters always blow in FE. also use mordecai for smite.

What changes in the localized version?

Are you not playing on an emulator?

Use fast forward on other/enemy turn and save states if you're having trouble

why is he eating doodoo

Yes. Have Mordecai smite and Rhys shoves Ike so he can recruit Astrid, Astrid immediately recruits Gatrie. After that kill everyone one by playing smart and having Titania, Gatrie, or Oscar will be able to tank and choke the bridges without dying usually. Then rush the boss when everyone is dead. Also turn off animations.

How do I get into FE romhacking? Is it difficult?

it's one of the hard one

>having trouble with what is probably the easiest fire emblem game

Here is a hint, you can basically solo the game with Ike. If you are having trouble, literally bench the people who keep dying unless you need them for something specific that map.

Ike is unstoppable

They removed the hardest difficulty I believe.
"Hard" is actually Normal mode or something like that.

Most romhacks just need you to have an undoctored rom, and then for you to run an exe.

No that is fireemblem autism. Astrid is garbage so you should skip her. She is cute though so autists try their best to protect her. General fireemblem autism is to recruit as many characters as possible and not letting any die. With astrid i had to surround her and recruit, then withdraw her to where she was safe.
Hard mode is a fair challenge. PoR is easy because Ike has god mode stats. he can essentially solo the game with his amazing growths. Though in general the stat growths are higher than average in PoR than every other fire emblem game.

Nope, using a Wii U

...I didn't think at all about recruiting Astrid, silly me. I tried talking with Gatrie but since nothing changed I assumed I couldn't recruit them until we were done. I'll keep that in mind

Eh, I'd just like to keep everyone, especially this early in the game

Yeah the jap version has a maniac mode. worth playing because maniac laguz are brutal.

I meant more along the lines at making my own. I'm a total dumbass at anything relating to computers though, so I'm wondering how hard it'd be for an absolute beginner to successfully make a hack.

thats exatly what he meant

A good opening move might be to chain together Shoves so you can recruit Astrid/Gatrie more easily. Otherwise, that's about normal for your first run of an FE game honestly.

Well, I did say I was a dumbass at anything tech related.

>Nephenee dying and not soloing the map

yes it is hard because the community is inept and their tutorials are always scattered and outdated and they fail to tell you about random things about certain programs you'd use so you'd have to figure it out yourself. it becomes way easier once you start to understand shit though. how i learned how to do it was focus on one thing and experiment on it until i got it.

They also got rid of the weapon critical bug.

Well, I haven't had her for long. She still only has 20 hp

>...I didn't think at all about recruiting Astrid, silly me. I tried talking with Gatrie but since nothing changed I assumed I couldn't recruit them until we were done. I'll keep that in mind
See user, the game isn't hard. You might just be dumb.

>Ike is unstoppable

people forget nephenee has mediocre beginnings and that chapter isn't long after her recruitment.

>Astrid is garbage
Stop posting.

You don't allow filthy black mage niggers on your team, right user?

People really do overrate PoR Ike. He's good but not that good. The only reason he can solo is because PoR is fucking piss easy.

Play Radiant Dawn next. Best FE game

I hope you're using best girl and not the animal rights activist hipster faggot.

PoR was my first Fire Emblem and I never beat. Mostly because of the restarting/wanting everyone alive stuff and feeling I wasn't getting enough bonus exp for who I did want to level up. I gave up on that desert level filled with tigers. I wanted to get all the bonus exp (not killing any or many laguz) while also taking the cat girl to that promoted myrmidon that appears on literally on the other corner of the map. All this with a flying unit (I used Jill, my Marcia was very glass cannon-y) and then taking and shoving Ike or whoever close enough to the boss and hoping to get to one shot him with enough people around him.

Now I am playing through FE1 on NES fwiw

not him, but i have an ACTUAL FUCKING DISC unlike you faggots

so no, i can't fucking CHEAT my way through the fucking game.


>whole evening
I spent 1-2 weeks on some Conquest lunatic chapters. The Sakura one, Fuuga's wild ride, and Takumi's wall were each 2 weeks. this was for a deathless and no Wi-Fi no DLC run, of course.

Jesus dude CQ Lunatic is hard but isn't THAT hard.

Well, that was going in blind. I replayed it like 1.5 years later and it went much smoother.

>early game healer is actually godly
What a pleasant surprise.

Is she better in SD? She was pretty bad in my FE3 book 1 run even though she did kill Garnef.


Never played FE3, so I can't really compare, but she's pretty damn useful considering no one else has any Res in Archanea.

PoR is second easiest right behind SS, but ch 13 is a pain in the ass for a first timer since the AI will suicide Astrid into the Daein faggot parade. Utilize shove to get Ike over so he can recruit her on turn one. Then start pushing your way to the Daein boat while your thief starts cracking the chests open. Also keep in mind that you can let the crows open the chests then kill them immediately to get the treasure. Just don't let them get more than one, and especially don't let the faggot with the coin get one.

It's even worse in FE3. EVERYONE in FE3 has a 3% res growth.


She comes with warp. W A R P


>Cipher gets cool as fuck alts like Risen King Chrom and Berserk Ike
>Heroes just gets stupid seasonal shit outside of the ones fans had to practically hold IS at gunpoint to get made

Better than the original Gaiden at least where everyone has 0%.

Fire Emblem = babby's first strategy rpg

the res issue wouldn't even be that big of an issue in Gaiden if it wasn't for the fucking witches.

That's what you get for using worst peg sister. Use the bEst one next time.

That's Gharnef's chapter, right? Just wait for the Aum Staff coming up.

sounds about right dude

To be fair user, it takes a lot of effort to hire a few artists to draw three variations of a few characters every few months. We all wish it could be so easy as with Cipher, hiring a shitload of artists to put out a shitload of art every few months.

That makes him good though.

FE (well the actual hard ones) are a lot harder then most turn based tactical games outside of the obvious exceptions like Xcom.

>the only other real FE vidya with actual cross overs between characters is FEW

You have to position Gatrie near her, with some other cavalry like Oscar or Titania.

The prefight thing showed that Imhullu wouldn't OHKO or crit
Fucking game

You gonna solider on or reset

Cipher would be more fun if there were people to play with.

hard being normal is radiant dawn

I feel sad, but I'll press on with the knowledge that all these fags survive until part 2 anyway, despite my ineptitude.
Now I have to decide which one to revive though. Catria is higher level and cuter, but Ogma is pretty based, and was holding Mercurius.
Actually, I've never done a no-reset run before, do you get your items back when you use Aum Staff?

>4 str less than normal
damn dude

Think in SD onward if a unit dies, their items go back to the convoy.

Eat shit, Gharnef.

Nah, Mercurius isn't in my convoy, it seems.
Oh well.

Wait, never mind, it appeared after the end of the chapter. Oops.

Still glad they made that change.

Im about to play Path of Radiance for the first time, should I play on hard or just stay on normal for my first playthrough?

I just bought the game last month from a hole in the wall gameshop and beat it couple weeks ago.
It was hands down the easiest fire emblem I've ever played. I'm sorry OP you suck.

But it's fresh in my mind, so I'll try to give my best tips for you to git gud.
>Jill, Titania, Oscar, and Kieran are nice and OP. The game will become a brute force mounted unit blitzkrieg, and you'll be clearing chapters faster than Ike can even get in enemy range
>money and bonus exp come easy in this game. I cleared normal mode 2 weeks ago and had 80k gold and 10k bonus exp just sitting doing nothing. I regret being an autismo and not making my OP units even more OP with forged weapons
>equip Jill with full guard for flying destruction tank
>equip Beorcguard on Lethe a resilient beorc killer that guarantees doubles
>equip Astrid's knight ward on a unit that's slowing on speed, since it gives a hidden 30% bonus growth for speed stat
>you want Mist to be promoted to Valkyrie (trust me)
>swords are underpowered compared to lances and axes in this game, so promote Oscar and Kieran to lance/axe paladins
>don't sell your coins if you're going to transfer data to Radiant Dawn
>character stat boosts transfer to RD only if characters reach max level to promoted class, level 20

Summary: Path of Radiance is the easiest Fire Emblem because everyone has amazing growths, and the game gives an over-surplus of amazing accessories, gold, and exp. Good luck user. I soft-reset PoR very rarely, but soft-reset RD wayyy too often. Seriously user... good luck.


Shut up Abel.

Come with me to slaughter some subhumans, user!

no way fag
Thoughts on the new Warriors supports?
>literally half of Navarre's are about the same damn thing

Jill is cute! C U T E! Killing Lethe for Jill! Slaughtering subhumans for Jill!

It should have been Michalis instead of Minerva.

It should have been Camus instead of Linde though.

There should had been more than 3 Shadow Dragon characters in the base game

It should have been Michalis, he's hotter and cuter than Minerva too, even has a better voice in english.

It's horribly obvious that Navarre was intended to be in the base game and only replaced with Lyn to get desperate waifubucks, he has twice as many supports as Minerva or Linde.
I really hope FEW2 is better about spreading the cast across the series, or at least not making everyone a clone. Or better yet, a character creator so everyone can be happy.

Seriously, how do they get away with releasing complete clones as paid DLC?

Wrong on all counts.

Echoes is the easiest actually. PoR still has manic mode.

FE1 is actually the easiest.
>stat caps of 20, with stat boosters boosting by 4
>Marth can pretty much solo the game outside of Camus and near the very beginning when he's still somewhat weak
>get powerful units like Wendell to cruise through

FE1 and 3(both books) are the only FE game where if a unit dies, I just kept going.

Astrid is saved by the nature of Paragon and Canto
Still skippable but not terrible

*blocks your path*


You get so many units and the enemy quality is meh, a few strong units can blow through it, although a reset may be needed if your starlight user dies

Name worse (male) FE character.


Robin >>>> Kris = Corrin
Even with its many flaws, Awakening still had the best avatar.

>Is it considered one of the easier ones?
Yes. A lot of broken skills, base experience for easy levels. Not hard to cap all stats if you know what you're doing.

Awakening gets more hate than it deserves tbdesu
It's Gaidenshit gameplay is still trash regardless though.

look up a guide or some shit. There are ways to keep Astrid from killing herself; I don't remember what they are. Maybe you just need to talk to her asap.

Anyways, PoR is a pretty easy FE game, so you have some work to do. Granted, FE is unique in the sense that game difficulty will vary according to your forward planning. By that I mean if you raise busted units it'll be a breeze, but if you raise your army poorly the game will be difficult.

Use your bonus EXP if you have to. Just keep at it. If you're really stuck you could start over and raise your army differently. Once you get a feel for the systems the game should be engaging but not exactly hard.

>...I didn't think at all about recruiting Astrid, silly me
well, there's your problem. I would never even consider trying to beat that map while keeping that suicidal tissue paper alive. Map should be easy for you now

>enjoy Heroes
>the threads for it have been pure shit and full of the most retarded posters for months
At least mainline threads are still nice about 25% of the time

that bonus objective is a pain in the dick and requires an inordinate of time to get right. Just follow a guide on gamefaqs

if you like challenge then hard. If you just want to chill and learn what the series is about then rock normal.

>letting Makalov's wife die
You monster!

I mean if it plays like shit it really does deserve the hate.

I wonder who found that ending
I mean you'd basically have to take BOTH of those shitters to the Tower
Astrid is just so bad in RD