How do we stop Japan from releasing shovelware and focus on making proper JRPGs to compete with the west again?

How do we stop Japan from releasing shovelware and focus on making proper JRPGs to compete with the west again?

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stop buying moe shit

First off, they need to take more extreme measures. I would recommend first making an RPG that doesn't need a story, which can be fun to enjoy without even one cutscene or lick of dialogue. The problem with the entire genre is that it's become generic button mashing through story and dialogue, followed by button mashing through combat. The entire product is basically there to deliver a story to you, and the fact that it has to be a videogame makes the developers pissd because they want an "artistic vision".

First make the damn game first, then worry about the stupid plot. And yes, I will call it stupid, because there isn't an RPG that could pass for good literature. Every time it's "let's kill god with love and friendship because my mom made me go to church once and I didn't like it".

Any new games coming out like final fantasy 1?

Calling Dark Souls an RPG is an insult when it has 10 times better level design and enemy encounters than any RPG ever made

Not that I know, but there is that bug game based on Paper Mario. I won't name it for fear of being called a shill, but you can look it up on google. I always thought Paper Mario was a nice sub-genre in the RPG category for all the conventions it broke.

But it is an rpg


Anime and other forms of oriental drawings are psychological weapons invented by the Japanese to brainwash westerners. It's hard to even refute me at this point, just look around you, this shit is poisoning your mind.

Kill yourself woman. Moe anime games are the best kind of games. Even more so when it sexualizes anime children.

Just because it's not shit doesn't make it not an RPG, it's just not a turn-based Jap meme game

What games is the third one in the middle row?

Can someone just post all the games in that image to get questions out of the way?

Looks like the Granblue RPG (not released)


Just by one's you like and don't buy the one's you don't
ni no kuni and valkyria did nothing wrong

but valkyria did

>calling ni no kuni moe shit

Oh, I should add. Full title is Granblue Re:Link, and it's not released YET. No release date given afaik, but some of the gameplay videos make it seem like a good ARPG.

Is Atelier moeshit

Errr, it's better than any WRPG ever made too.
Jesus, just thinking of playing another Bethesda game after going through the Souls series makes me want to claw my eyes out.

it's moe good

Ayesha > Meruru > Rorona > Totori > the rest

What game is that underneath Lost Odyssey?

New Vegas is still fun though

its moe shit what the fuck are you talking about nigger

What is the bottom WRPG?

not fun enough

Sophie is the cutest though

mass effect 2

jack is worst girl

WRPGs and JRPGs aren't competing with each other. And neither are role-playing games (WRPGs sometimes have a tiny bit). WRPGs are action adventure games while JRPGs are strategy adventure games.

>how do we make all rpgs look the same?

nep nep is good tho

jrpgs are all trash, they either come down to being basic adventure games with super streamlined rpgs systems tacked on to pad the length or straight up wizardry clones with awful balance and grinding.
not that modern rpgs are any better though apparently skyrim is the gold standard now.

>primary audience is japs
>b-b-but they're made to brainwash westerners
Why is Sup Forums so stupid?

No it isn't. That is a dude in some old style clothing and what looks like victorian europe.

I really don't understand how people unironically believe this
or this

well you see i played some nep nep and had a good time, thats how

well that's pretty much my experience with them and I've played all more well known ones

In a way you are correct with how it is filtered to be more 'digestible' for western consumers, however it is just an art style. They can make any "Moe" girl in almost any other art style and people will eat it up the same way.

What is inherently wrong with Moe artstyle

At this point those have all been broken so many times it's practically a convention to break certain conventions

>well that's pretty much my experience and i've played literally one PS1 FF for about ten minutes so i'm an expert

i looked at the nep screenshot last and couldve sworn for about 3 seconds that those eyes where an edit

funny how your perception changes when compared to other shots

Don't worry guys, PS4 has an exclusive all over this senpai. It's an open world Samurai game so it should appeal to Western fags, consider it the next Bloodborne meme / or pissed on by Red Dead Redemption 2 even though it also comes out on PS4.

Honestly if you bought a PS4 you are in good hands with choice.

vampyr or some shit
not released
their older games are shit too
don't bother

>nino kuni and Xenoblade are moe shit

The fuck kinda bait is this?


Based user dropping truth bombs. I love how more and more people are waking up to the meme of how nuJRPGs somehow aren't movies because they have that 0.0000001% more gameplay than Uncharted Cultural Enrichment Simulator.

Japanese's turn based combat just blows dick. Their games are not in the same galaxy as Divinity: Original Sin. Look at Bravely Default, they even added an auto mode because the combat is so dull they know people would rather skip it, then the story is shit as well.

Often the additions in their turn based system feel gimmicky and just crap.


>nuDeus Ex
it's a shooter with light RPG elements at best, you don't even build a character since you can max everything anyway and there's no choice in having to pick between augs, even Invisible War had this

The irony is Ni No Kuni, Valkyria, and Xenoblade are better and deeper RPGs than everything in the "Japanese RPG" section and half of the "Western RPG" section.

Don't tell the weebshills that, even though it's 100% truth.



What does your webm, a reference to 1981's Urusei Yatsura have to do with gameplay depth?

I'd Petti Evan's whisker if you know what I mean.

That's the funny thing, turn based JRPGs have plunged so deep into the abyss that calling a japanese Action RPG like souls a JRPG almost feels like an insult, and often people realize the label "JRPG" can be used as an insult.

Divinity has shit combat too
You'd lose nothing by adding an auto button since you just spam the same shit every turn any way

wrpg is more of an insult.

>dishonored 2

Why is Dishonored 2 in the list when Dishonored 1 isn't.

ARPGs are a Japanese invention and predate Japanese turn-based RPGs though.

>Pokemon singularly outsells all of this shit
Mad bro?

Divinity is complete garbage.

>adding a button to skip combat means nothing
Yeah it just means the game's turn based combat is such a dull pile of shit that people would rather do without, and you don't see a problem when something you're expected to do in the game for a lot of it, the only part of it that is gameplay, is bad enough that there's a skip mode?

It's not a skip mode though, it just makes you auto attack on repeat
My point is that divinity has turn based combat just as shit as bravely default but because it doesn't have an auto button you think it's better

>a million flies can't be wrong
This is how desperate weebs are to defend Sup Forums's most hated genre.

Go on lad, be a bit more descriptive of why divinity combat is shit. All your saying is
>no u

I didn't say it's bad because it has an auto mode, I'm saying they put in it because the combat is absolutely brainless, boring and the developers fucking know it, you know it but you'll make excuses to defend the awful trash that tries to pass for gameplay in turn based JRPGs.

dark souls level design is the biggest meme
when the first game's level design nosedives half way through, the second being completely atrocious, for every 1 good level there are 10 shitty ones
and the third consisting of nothing but swamps and cathedrals

Go to bed eric

>BG 1 is average while BG 2 is great
The amount of outdoor areas and low level make it infinitely better than BG2

Stop giving moe shit money, simple. Same way with anime. But naturally moe shit will never go away because it caters to the lowest common denominator so it will always be profitable. Actually good shit which took genuine effort will have to struggle.

>posts a man who's one of the founding fathers of moeshit


Alright here you go newfag, take this instead.

Moe isn't, never was, and never will be a genre or an artstyle. Equating moe with a type of anime/game/artstyle is a Western misinterpretation.

Valkyria is redeeming itself with 4 no more school slice of life and whatever the fuck was valkyria revolution

>posts a fake quote from memesubs
He actually never said this or anything remotely similar to this.

i don't see the problem with this gif, just seems like standard anime fair that's been in the medium for 40+ years.

Literally just 'use your strongest attacks, buff and heal sometimes'
Exactly like bravely
And it's the same in divinity but they don't have an auto button to pretend that you don't do the same thing over and over

by no means nep is a good franchise, it's just 4-wall break extravaganza with meta humor and tits for everyone big medium small complete flatness, but i like it,
TL;DR nep is not a good franchise, nep is a fun franchise

>40+ years
Where's all the moeshit from the 80s?

Bubblegum Crisis, Urusei Yatsura the list goes on dipshit.

Have you played D:OS? Because it has things such as positioning, area denial and other things, so no it's not the same thing at all comparing to a game where you just spam attack target ad infinitum

Do you really want to fucking go there? The 80s was considered the fucking moe boom. Gundamshit started putting more emphasis on female side characters because writers knew that fans of anime liked female characters. Macross fucking had, and still has idols who save the world with music
Not to mention the millions of OVAs and various manga that were just slapstick comedies with female casts, or haremshit like Ranma 1/2 and Urusei Yatsura, or silly magical girl stuff aimed at adult men like Project A-Ko, or the fucking catgirls in Dominion Tank Police, or the moe anthromorphization of mecha in official late 80s Gundam magazines where official artists would draw Mech designs as cute girls, or the fact that people had long fucking arguments over best Gunbuster girl, or the moeblob designs in the Dragon Half manga, or the idealistic portrayal of women in Cream Lemon, or the millions of action shows with cute girls like Dirty Pair.

what's the name of the 2nd japanese rpg?

Most Ofyssey is worse than XC2 and Ni No Kuni

The one with the dragon or the one with the princess (male)?

Divinity 2: DKS>Divinity: Original shit

Lost Odyssey. The one reason I don't 100% regret getting a 360.

Nah its 2 fun 4 skewl fheg

>Macross fucking had, and still has idols who save the world with music

That's why Macross 7 was the best

>compete with the west
wew lad


>Ni no Kuni

That's some spicy bait. The whole problem with moeshit is how derivative and samey it is, NnK very deliberately stands out from the pack. Of course NnK is (intentionally) derivative of Ghibli but that's not the point. The point is it that it's novel for JRPGs. There's nothing wrong with taking influences from other mediums but it should be done in a fresh and interesting way. Whenever I see the same stereotypically "anime" face followed by obligatory "fanservice" I can't help but think that the artist's a hack and the developer is too afraid to take risks so they just pander to the lowest common denominator. This is hardly just an issue with JRPGs of course, you can find that kind of creative bankruptcy everywhere. Weebs are just more in denial about it than the average fan.

>Japan likes it so you can't complain!

You could apply that to literally any other medium. Don't like that Hollywood is infested with capeshit? Too bad, it's popular so you can't complain! You obviously don't know anything about film! Now excuse me while I jerk off to Batman v Superman.

>Remembers that a random user gifted it to me
>Haven't finished it
I like it for what it is, but man that progression system is still confusing.