4craft is back 9 pm PST (12 am EST)

I'll post more info if anyone wants to join the Sup Forums faction

Other urls found in this thread:


Post more info

Here's the general 4craft discord
discord gg/McFr9Pu



ooooooo fun

Why haven’t Sup Forums and Sup Forums‘s islands been switched yet? Sup Forums is irrelevant, and Sup Forums has long since become the most trafficked board on Sup Forums.

Discord is for underage fags. If there’s no other platform of discussion for this, then I don’t give a shit.

>being a retarded contrarian

>is actually the majority opinion

no one gives a fuck about your discord, give us the server info any maybe we'll join your shitty battle royale

that pic was old even for it's time. Sup Forums is so tiny now. It's probably not even one of the top 5 boards.


Discord is for fags, underages, redditors and underaged faggot redditors.

Fuck off retard

Why is /r9k/ a pizza?

t. autistic underage faggot

Who should I join if I'm newb at Minecraft?

Join your fellow Sup Forumsirgins

>yfw no /asp/

t. underaged faggot redditor


Go away, you autismal fags.
This isn't "4craft", it's just your little discord buttclub.

Is bullying allowed?

I enjoy playing minecraft.

We can see you samefagging, newfag


I have literally only posted one post in this thread. Nice newfriend bait, by the way.
Kill yourself.

Do you not like cactus?

I wonder if we'll ever have one of these that's just Sup Forums anarchy instead of being co-opted by reddit.


I wonder who could be behind this...

>if it's not anarchy it's reddit!

What are these servers like? Can I just chill and make my own base?

Can I play with pirated mc?

It literally is reddit though. They've even admitted it.

No. You sign up to be part of a faction. Each faction has a leader to keep each faction on track. Leaders have been selected via discord vote. There's no need to actually frequent the board you sign up for, so feel free to sign up for a smaller one.


>the leader of /fit/ was a manlet redditor
>that means the whole thing is reddit

>can't chill
what's the point then?

Heh, that Wojak is thinking with his penis!

What's happening with /fit/?

To fight and see which board is the best at waging war?

Join /c/ for maximum coziness and a faction that remains purely neutral to all other factions.

hey guys please unban BONEPHONE please for the /vg/ clan

got taken over by /u/bondle

but people die when they are killed

what is this? Minecraft?

>don't remember my password or email

every once in a while, all the boards of Sup Forums battle it out on a huge server, building bases on their respective islands, and fucking each other up. At least, when it goes well.

>ITT: Oldfags bitching about Discord
Experts suggest they'll all move on to bitching about the next platform that tries to make IRC better. More at 11

>Using any chat service other than Discord, WhatsAPP or Slack

What did faggots mean by this?

>tfw dont know enough english to understand voice chat
Feels bad man.


you can just be a resource gatherer then

I assure you cactus are interesting.

Every time I’ve attempted to use Discord, it’s been full of teenagers discussing typical stupid teenage shit. Either use a proper accessible platform that isn’t designed only for underage kids to act like kids or fuck off.

stop joining discords full of teenagers then

I need a mature chat client for mature people such as myself. Did I mention that I'm mature?
Here, let me post on a chinese cartoon image board.

If cacti werent so easy to take off, they would make a cool spike trap.


wha-what's that on the right?

ignore it

>when you've been playing for the past 45 days straight and you're still level 14

fucking damnit sorry wrong thread

>join the discord
>play vidya with you autists for a night or 2
>2 weeks and no 4craft

Game starts in 2 HOURS

Yeah, Sup Forums moved to playing Cards Against Humanity while we wait.

Seems like a glass wall.


do i need any mods or any shit like that?

no just pure vanilla bussy

who should I play for? Sup Forums already has a lot of people

Sup Forums we need to win this

cute birb

what if I join a board and I hate them?

can I switch?

can I sabotage?

How does all that sort of thing work

you could probably just defect to /asf/. They're a neutral mercenary faction

Why the fuck is my name not on the right hand side of the screen

fuck Sup Forums join /mlp/

How much longer until the server's up? One hour?

>Sup Forums the biggest island
You fags know Sup Forums is on track to surpass Sup Forums in posts in a couple years, maybe less


How do i connect to the server?
I haven't played minecrap since the very first Technic Pack and the fledgling FTB challenge maps (back when it was just a challenge and not an autism filled "brand" of packs) and I just spent the last 2 hours retreiving my username and pw.

Literally going to fail.

Select Multiplayer on the start screen and put in server ID:

was thinking about joining /tg/ but do they side with mlp?

thanks lad

woot lets go boys


>4craft again
>Still no formal win condition, like collecting flags from other faction bases
Oh I can't wait to see how /tg/ is going to """'''''''''''''"""""""""""win"""'''''''''''''""""""""""" this time by just sticking themselves inside a hole, flooding the surface in lava and being the last to care about this at all.
Might as well play Calvinball.


>first day problems.

more like first 3 minute problems

>thread instantly dead

And history repeats itself! Once again, 4craft has nothing to do with Sup Forums.
Rejoice Sup Forums, for the autist have left. For now. Most will be back soon, posting console war theads.
But the worst will only be back the next year when they begin a new one, and they'll tell many lies about how fun it was to "raid" the "whatever board" island, in ways that come nowhere to fitting reality.






How do i join Sup Forums fuck

WTF is going on this discord is too spammy to even see anything


Server crashed after 3 minutes
people are just spamming now
Admin is afk i think.

See ya next year. it was fun while it lasted

welp, I guess that's all folks