Remember when this was good back in 2013?

remember when this was good back in 2013?

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mods do something

It really wasn't, stop thinking it was.

It's better than ever

just nazis gaslighting the last 3 years because they've lose their FREEZE PEACH on private property, during an event operated by a private company, in a privately owned hotel

It's worse and more homogenized than it used to be but it's never been really good. Reading depressing ass donation comments over runs just brings everyone down. Makes it hard to have a good time when people keep talking about how dead their grandparents are. Even when the comments are superficial shit about saving/killing animals it still interrupts the actual interesting parts of the events so I can't say much was lost. Just watch individual runners if you're interested in the speedrun. It's 8/10 times the better option.


This has nothing to do with """"nazis"""", but has everything to do with normalization and promotion of degenerate lifestyles and extreme untreated mental illness and using it as a stage prop to show how 'progressive' its liberal leadership thinks they're being.

>degenerate lifestyles

Letting trans people have their best possible medical outcome is bad?

Please don't argue the medical outcomes of hormone therapy unless you have at least a MD

>mental illness
>"""""cure""""" it by cutting off your penis

>posts picture of nazi murderer sociopath
opinion disregarded

>speed running

Speed running is a cancer and I am the chemo. So long as I draw breath I will hunt down every remotely notable speedrunner. I want kids to know when you speedrun, there are serious consequences. You'd be better off speedrunning your suicide than speedrunning a game when I'm around.

This isn't a joke. This isn't videogames. Speedrunning is ruining the world. Speed running is the epitome of our fast-food disposable culture. They're just speedrunning us all to an early grave and culture collapse.


back to Sup Forums please. this is a video games board

>m-muh e-celebs
Sasuga nu-Sup Forums

Show me a single mentally healthy tranny your a doctor so you should be able to get their medical records right?

stop trying to fit in, newshit.

how does it feel knowing the only person you consider a friend only replies if you pay him money. At least you still have your girlfriend. she's also from the internet.

Sorry you were born in the 90's you never had a shot at mental health


>n-no you
sad. Perhaps with years of therapy...

Did AGDQ 2018 even have any good runs?

No cringe or tranny shit, just actual interesting/fun speedruns with good commentary. The only one I fully watched was the OoT 100%

still projecting.

your actually projecting your projection onto me. I don't even have a twitch account. can you say the same in all honesty?

I wasn't born in the 90's can you say the same in all honesty?
I stopped masturbating to internet pornography in the early 2000's can you say the same in all honesty?
I have never watched a speedrun. Can you say the same in all honesty?

Perhaps with years of therapy you can approach normalcy.


Super Mario Sunshine was pretty good. The runner and couch were great. Also the SA2B race was entertaining and so was the Punch Out/Super Punch Out run. Both games beaten with one controller.

Remember when Sup Forums was good back in 2007?


wah they had one trans person it's not the same anymore!!!!


Reminder that NASA is literally saving the speedrunning scene
>No donation bullshit
>Lax rules
>Reminiscent of older GDQs
>Literally run by /srg/ oldbois
Reminder to watch NASA3 this June

It's a full blown scam. Hey, guys, we managed to raise over a ONE MILLION DOLLARS in 24 hours!
How much you raise over the last week?
Uh like... but MILLION DOLLARS! 24 HOURS!

Ever since they removed actual autists, like kirbymastah or blueglass from running, it went downhill

This will always be my favourite

I remember that it wasn't any good minus a few great runs. That's how it is and has been every year. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to push something on you.
Dram World 2 was my favorite, but I like Kaizo Mario hacks so I'm biased.
Titenic was a treat.
Someone else mentioned that SA2B race and I'll back that up. The singing is terrible and they're pretty bad at reading the lines, but the other 95% is fantastic.
Zone of the Enders 2 run was solid if you like the game, but it's probably pretty boring otherwise.
Megaman 1-3 relay race was intense.
