ArcSys confirmed FINISHED

ArcSys confirmed FINISHED

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Good, fuck ram training mode forever

Tbh as a fan if Guilty Gear, it's always been really complicated.

>being this casual

Xrd was already dumbed down from AC+

He better mean removing the 10-second-ToD that happens when two moves connect in Rev3. I'm worried otherwise.


AKA: DBFZ did better than all our other games, so we're copying that system.

Not inherently bad. Auto combos make the scrubs feel cool, meanwhile do very little at mid-high levels of play.

>do very little

I got all the way to sayain with nothing but auto combos and modified auto combos in the beta. Granted my neutral game usually on point and people where obviously worse back then, but theres more to the game than doing long combo strings.

>they somehow make Sol even more mash friendly
I'll be impressed meanwhile the idea of Zato-1 not having an execution barrier is a tad scary

People are definitely overreacting. I think what he means is they'll get rid of some of the overly complex shit that you find in the advanced tutorials like blitz cancels.


>but theres more to the game than doing long combo strings.
This. See Leffen v Sonic Fox.

How simple can they go. We talking BBTAG levels?

These desu. After the jump from AC+ to Xrd I can't even be bothered to worry about a possible dumbed down Xrd version. I'm sure no matter what Team Red does, some people will still complain that the entry barrier is high.

DBZF is a tag fighter my man. The execution is bound to be easier. Even more when you consider that they had to go easy on that game since the Dragon Ball IP attracts a lot of casuals.
Also, Guilty Gear already has autocombos. It's called choosing 'Stylish Mode' in char select

>BBCTB already is only like 3 buttons
>now Xrd


I dont mind having easy/simple modes where you can just mash and do fancy shit but dont change the core game so drastically for casuals

>dont change the core game so drastically for casuals
What do you think Xrd is you dumb shit secondary?

Reminder that Daisuke won't let the game reach DBGZ/BBCT levels of garbage. This is the same guy that still insists Smash Bros. isn't a fighting game.

Well hes right

>implying I dont already know that

Even if it was more dumbed down and flashy than previous iterations it was still one of the most indepth and complicated 2d fighting games of the generation.

It continuing down the path of getting more dumbed down isn't a good thing

So he insists on being correct?

Oh I don't think any rational person will debate it, but it goes to show that he's a purist and won't let bad shit happen to GG.

nothing wrong with this. barely used systems there just to be there. no harm in pruning them to focus game play a bit

DBFZ killed Arcsys.
Thanks guys, seriously, thanks. Thank you for not showing interest in a game that they crafted from bottom up with meaningful elements that all had a purpose, all had a reason to learn and master, and instead show interest to a game with fucking autocombos just because it had "Dragon Ball" attached to it.

Thank you so much.

That's fine. BBCF is in a good spot, AC+R is in a good spot and Xrd Rev2.1 is coming out which has some pretty fucking questionable balance changes but might still turn out for the better. Even if their new games go really simple and alienate others they've been made good games that you can still play.

Why do you people think autocombos are the sole thing that makes a game casual? P4A had them and casuals would get their asses rammed in that game from all of the bullshit it had.

I fucking hate companies. They are so retarded.

>DBFZ is a hit! It must be because of that new system we developed with the autocombos!
>We should do more of this! Yeah, our long time players might hate to see the influx of "scrubs" and will alienate them out of online within 2 weeks through repeated stompings, but It will be worth the extra income!


Holy fucking God almighty on high. You are just going to piss off veterans with this shit, and you won't (WON'T) bring in new people by making it """"""""""more accessible""""""""""


A fucking neutral jump baffles autocomboing newfags, but it's easier to be mad at that than the fact that most people don't care for GG's style or characters.

The real point of spiral downfall was removing Bridget. Ever since then it's gotten worse and worse.

Because they're crap players that like to make believe they're pros or something.

>Get into Rev 2
>Adore the game but it's fucking dead and I rarely ever get to play
>"Well at least I'll get to catch the launch train on ArcSys' next GG game"
>This happens
Meme all you want guys but I seriously might just play SF and Tekken exclusively and forever at this point

Shame. They lost -4 customers.

FGC blown the fuck out. Who would've thought that reducing the complexity of inputs would vastly increase the playerbase? It's almost as if the FGC just wasn't big enough to keep them afloat and they needed to actually get rid of anachronistic inputs.

I haven’t seen the balance changes. What’s specifically is wrong with them?

The tag system, lack of character variation and retarded dashes and teleports is the problem.


Fucking cry about it. Smash removed the inputs and it's the most popular fighting game on the market. And the only response the FGC has when they refuse to see the writing on the wall is "It's not a REAL fighter".

Well, "real" fighters are dying off now. Thank God.


Yeah... because streetfighter 5 did so well...

The power... of corporate focus groups.... wow...

well questionable was a little much, just I-no looks completely retarded now, Faust got shit just because, Raven got oki nerfed but not losing excitement being hit is really fucking good for him, Jam's damage output is really crazy now and Chipp got touched but nothing happened.

it looks like they changed rev2 just because and not really for the better which was the problem people had with rev2 in general in the scene.

user, I really hope your not implying that every fighters final form is Smash. Because if you are, you might actually make me cry. Literall Nightmare fuel please say your just joking

To be fair the dashes and teleports are pretty punishable

DBFZ did spectacularly. Not to mention Mortal Kombat and Smash sell way more than "traditional fighters".

Stop discriminating against me because I'm stupid. I want to play games too

Sounds like the average arcsys balance patch

I really wonder what could be simplified in Xrd that would still let it feel like GG. Everything serves a good function right now, except danger time. Maybe change defence modifiers to raw health and reduce/remove guts ratings? Remove hellfire?

Not that user but the only flaw I can see with the patch is that Johnny is once again the best character in the game by a country mile. Everyone got buffs and fun stuff for the most part, and chipp got nerfed though hes not dead at all like chipp players would have you believe.

joe joe arcsys game when

Maybe not exactly like Smash, but expect inputs to be reduced drastically, for combos to be shortened, and for characters to have drastically reduced difficulty with maybe 2 - 3 retaining complexity.

Or they'll turn into Tekken/Soul Caliber.

With the exact same 2H, every time.

Chippe got a pretty heavy nerf I thought. His main corner combo off a wall cling mixup doesn't work at all any more and at least the new versions I've seen either do way less damage or lose the corner. He's still got some of the nuttiest tools in the game so I won't believe he's not good without really strong evidence, but it was a painful nerf.

The biggest WTF shit is fucking Answer nerfs and Johnny buffs.
Answer's changes I can at least see the reasoning behind. His gimmicks are bad and his normals are good, and they want people to use his gimmicks more so they're nerfing his normals and buffing the damage his gimmicks do, but his main problem has always been that he can't consistently use his gimmicks and they aren't fixing that so he's probably just getting shit on.
Buffing Johnny, even just small buffs, makes absolutely no sense though.

Otherwise I like most of the changes in theory.

It's almost like there's already games that fill all these niches you're describing and diluting the gameplay of more hardcore games will only alienate their core audience.

They can't be punished on block. Vanish is plus on block for some retarded reason.

The hardcore audience obviously doesn't buy enough games to bother pandering to, then.

It's because you can cancel the landing recovery into a normal. So if you block Vanish on the ground they're plus frames if they press a button, but if you block it in the air it's negative. Still not punishable on block but they can't press a button either.

That's fine by me so long as it's done for the sake of making the game better and not to appeal to a wider audience at the cost of the game's quality. GG isn't good because it has a lot of systems and the amount of systems in the game doesn't correlate to its quality.

Just make it so shoulder buttons can have combos mapped to them. Combos gatekeep potential players and need to go.

>but it's fucking dead and I rarely ever get to play
It's not though.

What happened to fgcucks bragging about how deep and complex their games are?

That's fgcucks, the companies that make those games are full of casuals ready to appease the shareholders in any way.


>Holy fucking God almighty on high. You are just going to piss off veterans with this shit, and you won't (WON'T) bring in new people by making it """"""""""more accessible""""""""""
As somebody who quit playing GG within an hour, I would definitely (DEFINITELY) come back if they scrap complex combos and dumb it down. I want a pretty to look at fighter that's basically an anime, not pretentious gate keeping in the form of combos that take months to learn.

As long as its simple combos that aren't very optimal like the auto combos that's fine. But honestly that's already a thing, its called modded controllers.

The Answer changes were secretly buffs. His slight damage nerfs across the board were meant to be compensatory because he has new looping setplay routes using the changes to cling-stomp, and because 6K launches lower so he has longer, more consistent versions of his 6K x 214P routes.

You do relize even if you gotten your auto combos your still going to get your ass wrecked right? Like seeA skilled player could completely dominate someone using only single hits.

Havent played since they released dizzy. Did she get buffed this upcoming patch as well? also fuck raven

>story mode will bring in the casuals
>dumbing down the game will bring in the casuals
>companies still thinking casuals give a fuck beyond week 1 hype
Clockwork every time and yet all they keep doing is pushing away the audience they used to have.

>Is too stupid to learn basic combos
>Thinks he won't get destroyed in neutral and give up immediately.

If you're too stupid to learn combos, then you're definitely too stupid to learn neutral, which is way more important.



Most "hardcore" players don't care for 1f links and pretzel inputs and shit either.

Competitive players feel good about winning and doing well. Not pulling off some retardedly difficult combo 600 times in a row.

lmao destroyed

Sorry your "community" was too small to make a meaningful sales impact on any game that isn't attached to a huge name like DB or DC comics

>Adore the game but it's fucking dead
you haven't played an actual dead fighting game have you? GG is a bit lower compared to other FG but its still way better off than pretty much every other anime fighter

>also fuck raven

If you haven't already seen it:

You can dictate the genre when your community actually pays money. Currently they just take and demand more catering.

I play a dead game every fucking day you little bitch.

The hallmark of a failure is having nothing to say but "xd bait". It implies you're either too stupid to think someone would disagree, or you are so narcissistic you believe everyone shares your opinions.

UNI[st] does it best

then why the fuck are you calling GG dead dumb faggot?

I don't a low skill floor as long as the skill ceiling is still high.

>M-MUH SFIV 1f links and 8+ hit combos
I'm not disagreeing with you but this is the thought process behind people now

I don't really care about some FGChilds belief that if they don't cater to him bad things will happen

Injustice and MK drive the industry more than SF

actually dont even reply to my post I wont even look at it

>When they shouted #METOO in EVO Japan when Fausts move landed

Lost my shit

That just means Dragonball FighterZ sequel.

What the fuck?

ESL please go

The FGC doesn't actually buy games in large enough numbers. It's a small community and games require millions of sales to be viable these days. The FGC demands devs balance and design games in ways that is detrimental to actual sales but is what the FGC wants. Meanwhile, the FGC isn't a large market and it also wants money in the form of sponsorships, tournament support with prize support etc

I’m not. I’m just some other dude who plays vanguard princess.

>dissing Sako's magic

Nigger please

>Fighting game tournaments
>Pro Teams
>Arcade sticks/entire companies made specifically for peripherals

No money... yeah..

Judging by the success of DBFZ, YOU'LL be the one leaving soon :)

Huh, that's good to hear
I can't imagine adding a gatling from 5k to 6k and changing 6k's distance a bit is enough to fix his consistency issues, but I'm definitely no expert
Do you have any videos by any chance? I'd love to see some of this stuff in action, particularly the Under the Bus tracking.

God I wish japan didn't love twitter so much, I fucking hate trying to look for stuff on it.

Good. YRC is cancer and danger time is kusoge time.

The next dragon Ball anime should have more 18 and krillin focus I Wana see krillin try and protect 18 and marron one more time.

this is retarded, guilty gear's systems are what separates it from other anime fighters

Was the dark ages really a thing everywhere or was it just a burgerland thing? Im a burger as well but i was still able to see a decent amount of people play shit like soul calibur, KoF, Tekken and other shit that wasnt CvS or SF

>wtf they are making people play tennis with rackets instead of sticks holy shit casualized trash dropped

this is how you sound you fucking imbecile