You guys think MHW will be on the Switch sometime in the future
You guys think MHW will be on the Switch sometime in the future
No it won't and I literally don't care.
Hopefully some kind of port or edition of the game makes it on the Switch
- S E E T H I N G -
Wouldn't mind if it came to Switch, but I'd much rather have it on PC.
No, but I do think Monster Hunter Portable World will be on Switch. It'd be a similar with the same monsters and all that, but obviously not the exact same game.
I don't expect it on the Switch and don't really care as I don't have a Switch yet and don't like MH all that much. Not to mention it looks like it's a bit too much for the Switch to handle graphically so I never expected it to come to the Switch.
I do suspect the Switch will have its own MH game at some point though because the 3DS versions did quite well.
Specifically MHW no, but there will be a MH on the Switch.
Fucking pathetic
No I don't think so. MHW wasn't designed to be played on a handheld.
Capcom could still make the classic -style MH games on Switch if they wanted and I bet they would sell like hotcakes.
As much as I'd love it on the Switch it just wouldn't work without some massive scaling down. I do want a new portable MonHun though. I hate that I can't do anything while I'm not home. They should've made a companion app for phones where I can do some gathering or have some kind of cat mini-game so I can get materials while I'm out at work.
I'm sure it will have a sequel eventually.
Jesus, it runs bad enough on console and you want to run it on the same APU as the google pixel?
Seems Like Someone Is A Tad Or Should I Say A Bit Butt Frustrated.
What the fuck is monster hunter? Is it one of those korean grinding games?
The switch was a mistake.
you were a mistake, user. Now fade into obscurity.
Ah snap got me good.
MHW wont be on the Switch. But a Monster Hunter game will come to the Switch eventually, maybe in late 2019. Besides, Capcom wouldn't dare abandon an entire playerbase after years of support, right?
Portable console games is pretty dope. Even if they are 360/PS3 era ports that shit is pretty mind blowing.
The Switch couldn't even run a wrestling game without shitting the bed.
Lazy ports doesn't mean it's impossible to run it without enough tweaking.
The Switch is the worst thing that ever happened to Sup Forums. It never should have been made.
I'd be down for more of the classic style MH games after playing 120 hours of MHW and getting extremely bored of the end game.
Agreed switch needs less ports.
That's how you get stuff like Reflex Edition because you end up having to throw the whole damn thing out just to get it working.
>an entire playerbase
The Switch isn't the 3DS you dumb shit.
This is capcom, they abandoned the vita and Sony for a decade, what makes you think they won't do the same to Nintendo?
Nah man it's handheld.
No one gives a fuck, retard
>"we're looking at how we can support the Switch with our games, and that also includes Monster Hunter."
And you faggots said Capcom didn't think bringing any new MH to the Switch was necessary. Get fucked.
Imagine Phantasy Star Online except instead of a sequence of enemy respawning rooms your drops are tied to one boss creature
that was basically the only goal of monster hunter's creation
In Japan where XX is a thing, nobody gives two shits about it anywhere else.
I've never played a Monster Hunter game and didn't even hear about it before World. If I did care about this game I'd wait for the PC version.
I do not understand the appeal of Monster Hunter being portable when it is not at all geared towards short bursts of play. I could not play 4U on 3DS and I have no interest in playing World on Switch.
I'd be delighted if Switch got a standard MH in Stories' artsyle. Would look good and keep a good framerate
I've already played MHW on PS4, I'd rather a new MH game tailored to the Switch instead.
>we're looking at how
The layman translation of that is
>is it financially viable to make new content for a smaller fraction of the market
>if it's not will that fraction be satisfied by old content repackaged
Local multiplayer with friends
Having MH game portable makes it easier to get together with friends and play it locally literally anywhere you want.
I don't fucking care, what i want is Monster Hunter stories 2
If it did I'd buy it again, but I'm content with playing it on my PS4 Pro. I genuinely don't care one way or the other.
>B-But muh le epic console wars!!!
You guys seriously need to stop adding fuel to the fire. It's pathetic.
Which doesn't happen at all if you aren't a 10 year old in a Japan
More like
>Trying to explain to [X Game] fans that not every game will come to the [Y Console]
Stop pretending it's not universal
Speak for yourself.
I have few friends that also play MH and playing with them locally is the best way to enjoy these games.
The Japanese spend a majority of their waking time commuting via rail. Because of this, you have a large section of the population looking for a timesink for their idle hands. Being a large section of the population, and being concentrated on trains, it makes a natural environment for ad hoc multiplayer games to thrive, and the timesink aspect means those games will be grindan games.
Unfortunately, this section of the market has been losing ground over many years to smartphone mobile games, with Monster Hunter the only franchise seeming to be relatively unscathed due to its size. It's not a new occurrence, so Capcom presumably saw which way the wind was blowing and refocused to a larger audience.
Except for most systems there isn't a logically sound reason, whereas the switch immediately runs into the issue of being too weak.
Fuck the switch and that game
Will Cuphead ever be on android or ios?
World is going to be the basis for Monster Hunter going forward. Switch isn't going to get World as I expect their next Monhun title to be a larger emphasis on local play and maybe bring back styles. Of course, there's no way Capcom is going to forget about the Switch and their wedding dresses.
It's still universal. Don't act like Sony, Microsoft, or PC fans haven't done the exact same thing of "WHY CAN'T [GAME] COME TO OUR PLATFORM". It's just fucking silly and highly immature. I'm not saying it makes it any better, but come on.
Windows phones only
"Difficult" is Japanese business-speak for "no".
Monster Hunter World won't be but the next one will regardless of what shitposters say.
>You guys think MHW will be on the Switch
Why do Switchfags keep whining that MHW isn't coming to their console? Its not happening, stop being so desperate. Its embarrassing.
I do
I agree
Don't just restate your premise, I read it the first time. If you aren't going to contribute to a discussion don't waste a post.
Oh fuck off.
>B-But muh le epic console war!!!
Yeah. They are getting localized XX
Because their fucking retarded and fail to acknowledge that its grossly underpowered hardware, especially in portable mode.
That actually looks not too bad
I already have it for PS4, just give me XX on Switch. I just want a portable MH on a current gen handheld.
Xeno has to be the most disappointing final boss I can probably think of. He has literally every hallmark of terrible, boring, boss fights.
>simple moveset with big avoidable wind-ups
>annoying to hit weak points that are constantly moving (like that aweful giant skeleton from DS3)
>long annoying "cant touch me" phase where you just have to dodge until it's over
>boring "floor is now lava" mechanic
>only real damage from the fight comes from the floor, even then it's not much
>huge damage sponge, even though the fight is easy mechanically it still takes forever because of this
>awkward hitboxes where you can get clipped for damage standing away from his limbs
>he spams roar
>he spams lasers, which are just free damage anyway
I didn't think a zorahs cliche levels could be topped but there it is
It doesn't even run at 100% on PS4, how the fuck could it possibly work on the Switch?
Don't just be a faggot. Ignoring what the person replying to you says and being retarded isn't 'discussion'.
I game on a high end pc and this isn't too bad. Portable mode has to have compromises obviously
>Monster Hunter World: G
>its a downloadable expansion for for the console versions and pc
>part 2 to the story
>exploring more of the new world
>tons of new maps
>xeno survives and ages
>fatalis in the game
>has turf wars with him
Don't count on it. You'll get a slightly downgraded Switch/PS4/PC multiplat by the Freedom/Portable team instead. They tend to do their own thing.
Who only has the switch as their gaming console? It's on the other two systems and coming to pc ... No excuse not to play it unless your fucking dumb or something
Compared to Shagaru Magala, he's a bit of a pushover isn't he?
jesus christ you understand.
Got down to 1 minute left, thirty seconds and I finally beat him. It isn't the damage to me, it's the damage I do to him.
I'd be fine if this all happened, but I want huge flails and pilebunker tonfas too.
Why is the handler such a fucking waste of life?
Because she has a freckled potato for a face.
Is it true that I can get Ryu costume without having sfv save file on ps4 now?
After playing many games with 60fps on this actually kinda hurts my eyes but I can see other people being used to this and being fine with low fps... I was one of those people. But that slow aiming though, highly disgusting... Analog aiming in fps is a mistake.
Because she runs into monster lairs like a retard and does absolutely nothing in World's dumbass story. A bulletin board does her job better than her.
What the fuck was that stupid gem that the seeker gives you after beating Xeno? I don't see it anywhere and have no idea what it even does.
Its because you're denying that theres a multitude of reasons for a game to not be on a console besides hardware.
For a low price of $60 on top of the base MH World Goym!
God I hope not. This abortion needs to be strangled in its crib, but I fear it's too late for that.
>Only 5 maps
>Few and boring monsters
>Online is the worst it's ever been
>Worst giant monster fight and that's saying something when you have to compete with Lao Shan Lung
I mostly solo'd my way through this game and every time I quit I'm just frustrated that it's not better. It looks gorgeous and the core gameplay is still there but everything else is dog shit.
They can make a pocket edition like the one with Final Fantasy XV
1. The Vita flopped
2. Monster Hunter is never going to go exclusive to anyone again after World's success, and it literally makes no sense to give it to Xbox where like 5 people will buy it and not Nintendo, where they've proven they bought it constantly
No, and neither is the next one either, World has set the bar for later titles and the Switch is too weak to reach it.
>World has set the bar for later titles and the Switch is too weak to reach it.
They themselves said it could run it but it would be "difficult"
if MvCI proves anything it's that Capcom is willing to lower the bar.
As a switch owner I don't want to see a janky port released
I also don't want to triple dip
That doesn't explain the 12 million sold outside japan
That's a soft response for saying "no"
More like that's a soft response for saying "unoptimized shitty port incoming"
The decoration? It boosts attack if I recall correctly. You need gear that's higher ranked to equip it though. You can check the item box and go to the fourth tab of the materials section. It's right there and should be the only one unless you made more decorations.
If that's what they get there'll probably be backlash
I cant run on the Switch.
The Switch can barely even handle a fucking wrestling videogame.
Oh please, Switch owners eat up shitty unoptimized ports
Capcom's fucking resident Evil collection sold more on the Switch than the PS4 and X1 and it ran like ass
does consolewarring all the time bring you people joy?
>I cant run on the Switch
But can the Switch run on you?
>tfw she did it before when we were doing another quest
>start dangerous quest to go deeper into rotten vale
>going somewhere haven't been before
>can clearly tell something is going to appear
>suddenly she decides to tag along
>worried for handler, but can't make her stay behind
>what do you know, it's odoragon
Even worse is that it makes you run away but then makes you come back again. Also the odoragon managed to teleport to the top layer even though it appeared in the bottom layer.