We want the Dragonball Fighterz audience

>we want the Dragonball Fighterz audience

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i wish they would just make all their games crossplatform with all consoles + PC

Is this real? I'm guessing its not but honestly Rev2/AC+R are so good if they fuck me I wouldn't care. Rev3 will probably be great too whenever that is since 3 upgrades is usually the norm for Arksys games and I want Testament/Anji,


Whelp ill enjoy Rev2/the next upgrade well I can. As much as I think DBFZ is a solid game GGXrd/AC+R are even better. Hell Xrd took out the more complicated mechanics in AC and left the core ones. All the new Rev/Xrd mechanics are really tame like Blitz/YRC. Other mechanics are just barrier/alpha counter/other RCs/Burst. None of these are complicated imo.

will rev 3 be another dlc expansion or an entirely new game? i bought gg + xrd2 during this sale but an user told me to refund because a new game will come out this year


You don't want your game to be cut from EVO. You might get compared to Marvel and that's basically a death sentence for your game.

i wish they wouldn't constantly release new fighting games so i could just find one to focus on and get good at

>character gets hungry mid combos and stuns self unless you eat food
some of these meme mechanics go too far

The real question here is what systems they'd take out.
I guess you could take out guts and just do an even health bar, but what else could you remove without shitting all over the game?

Their next game is likely gonna be some other anime shit, as it has led to 10x the sales as their original series.

Just remove danger time please, thats all I ask.

>tfw I honestly wouldn't mind this because I'm so bad at fighting games and GG is too hard for me
I'm sorry bros

can someone please answer my question


Why the fuck are fighting game devs catering to casuals when the casuals are always the ones to abandon the games first?

And in exchange for that "meme" mechanic, Sin is known for Mr. Do 60%of your HP from one confirm. The calorie meter is fine.
One of the reasons I love GG are the little things that make each character unique

>They said DBFZ would save the FGC.
>Instead, it killed the FGC.

>they think the game sold because the gameplay and not because it's dragonball

How about remove some of the retarded stringent timing o. The input, and precision needed on inputs as it adds unnecessary difficulty to moves that would otherwise already put u in a strategic disadvantaged in a certain regard based on the moves input flow

ASW is going to fucking hell so fast
>DBFZ is just a simpler MvC3, a game that already wasn't very good
>BBCTB has fucking two attack buttons and is literally aiming for entry level weebs instead of fighting game players
>BBCF won't be at Evo because ASW paid to have CTB in
>now this

because without them your genre is a sinking ship

I hate fighters with tons of system mechanics since the feel stiff as all hell but I don't want dbz simplified system just keep it to dbz.

break the news for me doc
how many gauges we losing?

There's no real confirmation on a new game in the near future. Rev2 is getting a balance patch soon, so it's clear that they still have some plans for the game. While this interview says that we can expect a new game eventually, it will probably be 2 years from now.

Refund nigga

Cause people like to be able to access almost all the depth of a game without the need of needless hours in. The game when they could do other things. A competitive scene develops around this for those who find mastery in the more hidden mechanics/knowledge that a casual player otherwise would not know without hours of gameplay. And it is i. That you develop a sustainable long running esport. Like league or dota, tons of casuals who have access to most of the depth of the game, but the true professionals have mastery over the more hidden mechanics that a casual could not take advantage of.

We're getting rid of varying weights my man

>we want the more people playing our game audience

yeah no shit.

theres NO WAY Daisuke is gonna dumb down Xrd NEXT (or whatever its gonna be called). STOP TRYING TO CREATE FEARMONGERING YOU ASSHOLES!

If Arcsys actually forces daisuke to create a dumbed down system for Xrd its gonna be an alternate option, and also, you know Stylish mode exists, RIGHT?

however, on the other side, if Arcsys manages to find a system simple enough for noobs to enjoy and step up to the pros capable to use standard, without hurting said pros feefees, it might be a good thing, as it can create a standard that can allow for more quality liscenced fightan games like DBFZ

Precure fightan FUCKING PLEASE!?

this fucking blows desu
i really like the aesthetic of gg but thanks to dbfz the game is fucking DEAD and its unlikely that the playerbase will ever return.

if they dont release a new game, with blazblue cross tag coming out later this year, no amount of balance patches is gonna keep this games playerbase afloat.

>Simplifying GG
>Removing half the shit Xrd introduced

I'd be all for them going back to XX's base-systems. Is there really a need for Danger Time, et. al. introduced in Xrd?

Precure fighting game by Arcsys when?

thats why im asking too.

tho i can accept one made by EXAMU at least.

this years is Precure's 15th anniversary, with enormous focus on the original series, not doing a game that is not a crappy puzzle would be downright RETARDED!

reversals with a fucking modern standard window, not sf2 tier window, for once.

>b-b-b-ut guilty gear always nerf defensive options because it's a game of offense and oki and invincible reversals are too strong!

Right, but balancing ressourceless invicible reserval by gating them behind a shitty reversal window is fucking dumb. Just make invincible reversal cost tension exactly like how wakeup blitz work. Blitz can cost more because it covers everything including safe jumps.

Because casuals are the bigger market, and make them more money, simple as that. Of course if you don't do things right, not even casuals will want to play your game, like what happened to SFV and MvCI.

I don't think many people are going to drop GG for BBXTAG, they just don't seem like they're going to have the same draws at all.
GG is alive enough to be playable at least, and is probably going to stay at around this level until the next game comes out. It might even bump up a little when the hype around DBFZ dries up a bit.

I might be weird, but I actually like Danger Time. Sure it's random and often bullshit, but it's always exciting.
I'd be in favor of removing the RNG though. Maybe instead of having a random chance on any clash that increases the more you clash, have an invisible bar that fills the more clashes happen and slowly drains over time, and if it fills all the way Danger Time happens.
It would be a bit more predictable, so you could get a feel for how many clashes it takes to trigger, but still catch people off guard because clashes are inherently unpredictable and you can't see the exact value.

This will sound like I'm damage controlling but you shouldn't worry too much about the impression you get from the player base here in the west (Steam/Ps4 and such). Whether the game lives or dies it completely depends on Japan. Arcade releases and numbers are what matters to Japan. And given the fact that GG had the 2nd highest ammount of entries at EVO japan this year, it's clear that the game is doing fine.

i checked japan as well, literally every room is completely empty. i haven't tried ranked but at the very least the casual scene of the game is certified dead

gg is barely alive now my dude
>always less entrants than dead games like mahvel

user. I never said Japanese Lobbies inside the game. I said Arcades as in Arcade Centers. Those things may have died post-90's in the US/EU, but in Japan, the arcades are what dictates and shows how a fighting game is doing.

Why does every assume they're going to dumb down GG? It's most likely the next game they make, like DBFZ.

They better not call it guilty gear then.

The core audience is old now. The new audience didn't grow up playing the oldschool games and they're generally not accustomed to taking anything seriously. We now live in an era where no one even knows what virtua fighter is and the only SF games people have played are 4 and 5.

If the games are going to exist at all, they almost have to cater to casuals these days. Devs might go bankrupt catering to the tiny (and ever-shrinking) pool of OG hardcore FG players.

They should just buy the next most popular anime license, and make the next best fighting game ever. Rinse. Repeat. How is that hard?

Everyone plays in player lobbies
If you are on consoles, you can find people in Japan on ranked/world lobbies.
But in general world lobbies are complete shit, so a lot of people who just want to grind matches online stick to player matches.

Guts has been in pretty much every fighting game since SF2, it's just one of those under the hood things that doesn't get discussed often.

Good. Maybe now people will start giving a shit about their games.

the fuck is guts?

Holy shit based Daisuke

That image always makes me chuckle

>ASW is going to fucking hell so fast
Is literally dominating this year. Okay user...

It's the so-called "Magic Pixel" phenomenon. As your health gets lower, your defense rises and you take less damage from attacks. The specifics vary from game to game, and sometimes character to character.

*blocks ur path*

yikes. Time to quit the genre.

berserk main character

>Robo Ky
>overheats during the battle and hurs himself
Meme mechanics have existed for years in GG.

As far as I know only GG actually has less damage the lower your health gets. Magic pixels are just from the whole health bar not actually shown. GG combos actually do less damage. Has pretty much the same effect though.

I hope they don't drop danger time. It's fucking fun.

>Dumb down your game immensely for Xrd
>Want to dumb it down even further

I picked a good time to exit the genre I guess

I suppose I could always go play the old stuff on fightcade

It definitely does lower your damage in older Capcom games, at any rate. In most of those, each pixel of lifebar directly translates to one point of health in the game's data (with 144 usually being 1 full bar), so there's no discrepancy between the lifebar's visuals and the internal numbers or anything. Vampire Savior actually gave each character their own guts threshold and rate, wouldn't be surprised if some other Capcom fighters did too.