Warcraft 3 Remastered or Warcraft 4 announcement is imminent
Warcraft 3 Remastered or Warcraft 4 announcement is imminent
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>Warcraft 4
not a fucking chance
It's probably a Warcraft 3 remaster with modern Battle.net integration. Worst case scenario, it's the mobile RTS Blizzard is working on.
>implying people want warcraft IIII
fuck nu blizz
I can imagine a WC4, but it won't be this huge retconning time rewind like I see so many people insisting on, it'll be Horde vs. Alliance vs. Burning Legion or some such (Sorry folks, modern RTS never get more than three factions on start now)
>warcraft ////
no thx. shit's already hearthstone tier.
Honestly just dismiss everything in WoW as non canon and the campaign has a chance.
But blizzard are too pussy to do that and they'd probably try to make arthas gay or something to pander to some vocal minority
I think a mobile RTS with actual production values behind it sounds kinda neat desu
It's just a HotS event you losers lmao
Seeing as SC remastered still has problems I hope Blizzard stay the fuck away from WC3.
>mobile RTS
What's the point of remastering Warcraft III? It runs completely fine on modern hardware and up to 4K resolution. Sure it looks a little dated, but who cares?
>Warcraft 3 Remastered
Fuck off with that shit.
WCIIII or nothing.
they wont reveal something as big as warcraft 4 outside of blizzcon
any other speculation is wrong
They're trying to recapture audiences that they've left in the dust for over 15 years.
After SC2 and D3 having terrible long term playerbases compared to games people are still playing that are over 20 years old, they're going the remaster route as there is too much investment in creating sequels that don't really sell well long term.
They already lost the diablo franchise, and barely savlaged Starcraft with SC1 remastered.
neo blizzard will just ruin warcraft \\\\
just let dead franchises lie
Stop plucking at my heart strings, user. I'd kill for a bot purging and a revitalised userbase.
Has no one in this thread ever seen a roman numeral
Both will suck, why bother?
>warcraft remaster
yeah cause starcraft remaster worked out so well huh
Is it true that all the old employees left?
Everyone that didn't leave from WC3 and SC2 now work on HotS.
explains a lot desu
I swear they should upgrade samwise from lead art director to lead project director
He's the only one left there that gets it.
the mobile rts is just going to be an app for their new warfront system in BFA
i bet you'll feel pretty silly when you google it and find out romans themselves sometimes wrote it that way
>illiterate plebs in charge of proper numerals
lmfaoing my ass off right now
he is still there? glory to the brave
Yeah he's still in charge of the art in Heroes.
The day he leaves Blizzard or dies will truly be the darkest of days.
gib wc3 custom maps pls
Terminus Arena, muh nigga.
I just want Diablo 2 HD for Gods sake
It's stretched out as fuck even on 1080p, you idiot.
>The return of the motherfucking custom games scene
I'm ready. Also ready for disappointment though.
If Blizzard does a WC3 HD and manages to not fuck up the custom games it'll be my GOTY, fuck new releases, LOAP and Hero Line Wars is back in my life
>RTS in 2018
They are gonna fuck the editor and made it just like the SC2 one.
>Samwise put in charge of a small budget Warcraft 4, with WoW and Warcraft 4 being split timelines
I'd cum
Yes. It's E-motherfucking-sports
I was under the impression that the editor was amazing, but the browser was shit, making it so only 10-15 games were ever populated
>twitch meme
>denouncing an entire genre of video game
I want you to die. Now. If I had a Death Note and could read your name I would write it down and spend the next 30 minutes elaborating on the most excruciating death imaginable. Fuck off.
I mean, please, actually do correct me if I'm wrong. But I remember reading that it was way more versatile and capable of more and more refined things than the WC3 one.
SC2 editor is amazing actually.
Yes that was even one of the big selling points they showed in teasers.
as long as they dont use that retarded custom map system of SC2, it will become a hit.
Reignites interest in the game thus resulting in Custom Games with actual people and not just bots
Blizz has already said that the WC3 remaster is coming, along with D2. This isn't rumor or speculation - it's straight from them.
All they need to do; is when looking for custom games is to let us do a proper search instead of needing an exact match.
how about D3 ? .. i never playing any of diablo games and was considering buying it today
does it have any kinda of a story ? or is it just farm sim for gear
You are too late
>those digits
D3 is a fine game, it gets shit because it had a bad launch.
It's discounted all the time so worth the buy.
They might've fixed a few things but the story is still a shit.
They already said war3 remastered is coming but only after they patch up the original. Balance patches, maps, real widescreen support instead of stretched shit, and anti maphack.
Isn't that the guy from the "Mind Rot" ability?
It's going to be Warcraft V-I and you know it