Super Lesbian Animal RPG

The Demo is out!

Y'all should totally check out this game. It's so nice to play something that isn't full of violence and cis straight while males everywhere.

I'm definitely gonna buy this when it comes out to support trans devs!

i'm enjoying it, it's visually pleasing, the colors are vibrant and the character designs are good, the dialogue ranges from boring to funny and is overall decent, and the music is so fucking good. not a big fan of rpgs but at least it's better than blue omen. hopefully they won't start shoving sjw shit down players' throats

No sex scenes = no buy.

so this is the power of pc gaming...


Yiff in hell.

But Hell isn't real. Trust me, I would know.

That shit is gay

>Yiff in hell
>But we are already in Sup Forums
As I though, there's a contradiction in your post!

They are actually transbians
So basically dudes who fuck each other while wearing girl clothes

That's kind of funny though.


Is this porn?
If it isn't I don't give half a shit

that's exactly what Sup Forums wants though, any time two girls bump pussies together everyone loses their minds here

What's so infuriating ?

>lesbian RPG
>Plan B

All right.

Yeah it ruled and I'm really hype for it actually


Jesus, THIS guy. Even if he wasn't a massive SJW, he'd still be a total piece of shit with a huge attitude problem.

Oh, by the way, years ago, this game was called "Lesbian Horse Adventure".

doing god's work

Post screenshots. I'm intrigued.

Is this that game with the wolf that was being shilled?

Don't two of the characters have dicks though? How can they be lesbians if they're not female?

Let's just ignore the terminology and appreciate the female penises.

No. That is a different game about lesbian animals.